Chapter 833

  Ouyang Qian captured the unfinished meaning of her words: "But what?"

   The servants at home were all recruited by Ouyang Qian.

   Now that Ouyang Qian asks this question, it is natural for the servant to hide it.

   The servant held a rag in both hands, a little nervous, but he still told the truth: "I was doing laundry just now, and that Miss Yi gave me the dirty clothes, and I found a man's socks inside."

   "Where are the socks?!" Ouyang Qian asked her.

   "I washed it and left to dry."

  Ouyang Qian got up and went directly to the terrace on the second floor.

   She quickly found the socks in the servant's mouth.

   Li Wenyan's clothes, from the inside out, were bought by Ouyang Qian herself all the year round. She could tell at a glance whether it was Li Wenyan's socks.

   Holding her socks, Ouyang Qian trembled even more.

   "There's another thing."

The servant hesitated for a while, then continued: "A few days ago, Miss Tang called her home to find a member. I took the handset upstairs and heard a woman's voice in the bathroom in the corridor. I knocked on the door of the study, but the member didn't answer. Come out of that bathroom."

  Ouyang Qian slowly closed her eyes.

   Her heart was like being slashed into flesh by a sharp blade.

   "Maybe I heard it wrong." Seeing that Ouyang Qian was in a wrong mood, the servant's words changed: "That Miss Yi has just come to the house, and the councilor and she are not familiar..."

An explanation like    is as far-fetched as it is supposed to be.

  Ouyang Qian clutched the men's socks, passed the servant, and went back to the guest room.

  Looking at the furnishings inside, it's all that little bitch's stuff!

Ouyang Qian was so uncomfortable that she almost suffocated, her chest felt like a huge boulder was pressing on her chest. She raised her hand and swept over the cosmetics on the table. on the ground!

After    fell, Ouyang Qian fell to the side of the bed.

  Li Yuan'er ran over to follow the sound, found her mother returning home, and asked aloud, "Mom, are you back?"

   After the words fell, he also noticed Ouyang Qian's strangeness.

   Li Yuan'er has been living in her grandfather's house recently. I don't know who has lived in this guest room. Seeing the skirt on the floor, she couldn't help but ask, "Whose clothes are these?"

  Ouyang Qian didn't answer, got up and went out of the guest room.

   She went downstairs, picked up her handbag, and left the villa again.

  I was about to drive to the Capitol by myself, intending to catch someone who was stolen and seized. At the gate, a car slowly stopped.

  ——It is Li Wenyan's car.

   The rear door was opened and a young girl stepped out.

   It was Li Wenyan who asked the driver to send Jiang Yining back first.

  Jiang Yining changed into a colorful suspender skirt, a summer style from Chanel, paired with silver high-heeled shoes, which complemented her graceful figure. When she got out of the car, she was full of shopping bags in both hands.

   After closing the car door, she did not forget to bend over to say goodbye to Lao Liang.

   This scene made Ouyang Qian's eyes red.

   She strode forward.

   Jiang Yining hasn't reacted yet, the shopping bag has been taken away!

  Ouyang Qian opened the bag and took out the invoice from the inside. Sure enough, it was signed by Li Wenyan.

   She turned pale and squeezed the invoice in her hand.

   Looking at Jiang Yining again, that look seems to eat her up!

Jiang Yining is not stupid. She sensed something and had a bad feeling. She was thinking about whether to go first or to defend herself. Her hair was pulled so hard that she cried out in pain. She couldn't help bending down and could only follow Ouyang Qian. go ahead.

  Ouyang Qian grabbed her head and slammed into the wall to the side: "Skinless bitch! Let you seduce other people's husbands! Let you sleep with other people's husbands!"

   (end of this chapter)

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