Chapter 837

  Li Wenyan grabbed the pillow and threw it aside!

   Ouyang Qian's accusation only brought Li Wenyan's increasingly gloomy face.

   Li Wenyan came back from the councilor's office, Ouyang Qian broke into Yi Ning's car, and then discovered his relationship with Yi Ning, making a lot of trouble at home. As a man, this is the most annoying thing!

   "I have followed you for 30 years and have followed you with no complaints and no regrets, but what are you doing to me now?" Ouyang Qian cried and complained: "You keep a woman at home and let her humiliate me wantonly!"

   Yuaner had already told her about the identity of that little bitch.

  Ouyang Qian's mean words made Li Wenyan's face even more ugly.

   "It's not good to find someone, you can find someone as good as you can. She was lying on the bed of an old man not long ago, and she crawled on your bed in a blink of an eye."

   "Enough?" Li Wenyan looked at her coldly.

  Ouyang Qian felt chilled when she saw his attitude, and couldn't help sneering: "Do you think my words are ugly? You can do it yourself, are you afraid I will say it? Li Wenyan, don't you look at how old you are?!"

   After the words fell, Li Wenyan slapped him!

  Ouyang Qian looked at him sarcastically: "If I tell the truth, I will make you angry? If you are not a congressman, see if she is willing to sleep with an old man like you!"

   Li Wenyan pointed at her: "In the future, you can take care of my affairs!"

   "Don't forget, I'm your wife!"

   "Teach your daughter like that, take care of yourself first!"

   Ouyang Qian's eyes were red: "I paid so much for you, you treat me like this, Li Wenyan, you will not end well!"

   "If you don't want to live on, you can get a divorce."

   Li Wenyan looked down at her from the bedside, his eyes extremely cold.

   "..." Ouyang Qian's lips moved slightly.

   Li Wenyan said coldly: "If you don't want to get a divorce, then leave my business alone."

   "Li Wenyan, you are not human!"

  Ouyang Qian rushed over, Li Wenyan was hurt by her scratching, and threw him directly on the bedside: "Isn't crazy enough!"

Speaking, Li Wenyan pointed to the bathroom, and his words were full of disgust: "Go look in the mirror first, see what you look like, and still think you are eighteen? For so many years, Ouyang Qian, I have been good enough to you, don't be dissatisfied!"

  Ouyang Qian was lying on the bed, hearing this, her expression was stunned.

  It turns out that this is called being nice to her.

   Somehow, she thought of Tang Yin.

  How could she forget, if Li Wenyan was a devoted person, there would be no Tang Yin between them.

   Li Wenyan's eyes have always been only himself.

   "If you still want to keep this family alive, you'd better turn a blind eye to me." Li Wenyan's words came from above her head, cold to the bone: "This congressman's wife, you don't want to do it, some people are lining up!"

After    finished speaking, Li Wenyan slammed out the door.

  Ouyang Qian finally couldn't bear it anymore and broke down.

  I managed this family with all my heart, and in the end, I got something.

   She was fifty, not thirty.

   If you get divorced, you will only lose more.

   How could she be willing to hand over the position of the congressman's wife?

   She has been with Li Wenyan for decades, not that little bitch!

  Ouyang Qian clenched the sheets and burst into tears.

   Around 10 am, we will continue to update~



   (end of this chapter)

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