Chapter 839

  Tang Li saw the reply of this stinky fart and typed: "When I didn't ask. [Smiles]"

   Then, Song Jingtian sent her a string of [bombs].

   Tang Li was about to break up with him when he received a message from Gao Wenlan.

In the    message, Gao Wenlan told Tang Li that the couple decided to come to the capital in two days and let her inform Li Wenyan.

   The next day, before Tang Li went to find Li Wenyan, Li Wenyan called her first.

  Tang Li had no drama in the afternoon, so he went to the councillor's office.

   Even though there was a commotion at home yesterday, Li Wenyan didn't seem to be affected, but Tang Li could understand that a person of himself would naturally not take into account the feelings of others, even if Ouyang Qian was his bedside person for 30 years.

  Looking at Li Wenyan's complexion again, I'm afraid he had a good time last night.

   Waiting for Tang Li to sit down, Li Wenyan didn't beat around the bush and asked her directly about her marriage.

   Now, the Li family is burdened by the trafficking case, Li Wenyan is in urgent need of other help, and Gao Wenlan's brother may be able to help him in the Congress for a week or two.

   "Even if Dad doesn't look for me, I will tell you that Teacher Gao and the others plan to come to Li's house the day after tomorrow."

   "Are you sure?" Li Wenyan asked.

  Tang Li nodded and smiled: "100% sure."

   Hearing the words, Li Wenyan's brows stretched: "It's good to be sure, this matter is settled, we can move around later."

   Thinking of the trouble Ouyang Qian's mother and daughter brought to him, Li Wenyan looked at Tang Li, more and more pleasing to the eye, and couldn't help but say two more words: "I have already contacted the nursing home, and I will send your elder sister there tomorrow."

   Tang Li asked, "Auntie also agrees?"

   "Doesn't it matter whether she agrees or not?"

   Li Wenyan couldn't help sneering: "She raised her daughter like this. If she continues to be cocked, she doesn't know what it will be like!"

   said, he looked at Tang Li again, his expression slowed down: "I wanted to give you an explanation, but unfortunately your eldest sister is now unconscious, and there is no other way but to send her to a sanatorium."

"I understand." Tang Li nodded and said, "Even if my eldest sister and I are unhappy, and she has become like this now, I shouldn't care about her anymore, let her go to a nursing home, as long as she actively cooperates with the treatment, there should be a recovery. That day."

   Tang Li's submissive attitude satisfied Li Wenyan.

   However, thinking of Jiang Yining's identity, Li Wenyan said again: "About your classmate, you have nothing to say to me?"

  Tang Li was silent for a few seconds, then said: "Actually, her name is not Yi Ning, her full name is Jiang Yining."

"anything else?"

   Li Wenyan looked straight at her.

Tang Lihe confessed: "When I wanted to hire a life assistant, she took the initiative to come to the door. I went back to Li's house and was followed by her. She guessed my relationship with the Li's family. Let her be an assistant, and she's going to publicize my privacy, so—"

   "So, you let her move into Li's house and even help her cover."

   Li Wenyan said the second half of the sentence for her.

  Tang Li acquiesced to this.

  If Tang Li defended now, Li Wenyan would still doubt her intentions, but she recognized it like this, but it eliminated the suspicion in Li Wenyan's heart.

   "I came home last night and Yining has moved out."

   In Li's house, Tang Li is equivalent to an outsider.

   What happened at home, the servant would not tell her specifically.

  Li Wenyan only thought that she didn't know her relationship with Jiang Yining. At this moment, she didn't explain, but said: "Since your classmates are not very good, you don't need to contact them in the future, so that she won't continue to blackmail you."

   (end of this chapter)

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