Chapter 841

   "No, I can't go there." Li Shengxia hugged his arm, anxious: "I want to see Dad, I want to see Dad now!"

   said, she grabbed Ouyang Qian's wrist: "Mom, call Dad immediately and ask him to come to the hospital, I have something to discuss with him!"

  Ouyang Qian quarreled with Li Wenyan yesterday, but the couple did not reconcile.

   But for her daughter, she still made the call.

   However, no one answered the phone.

  Thinking of what Tang Li said, Li Shengxia became more and more uneasy.

  If Li Wenyan really intends to send her away tomorrow, I am afraid many things have already been arranged, it is not that she will not go if she wants to.

   She can sober up, but what awaits her is the scourge of prison.

Ouyang Qian couldn't make a phone call, so she could only comfort her daughter: "Just stay for a while, even if your dad doesn't care, I will say hello to the nursing home and ask them to arrange a separate room for you, so that no one else disturbs you, it's still like living here. Same."

   Li Shengxia should not come down.

  She pretending to be crazy is not the same thing as going to a mental hospital.

   She pretended to be able to recover at any time. When she goes there, the doctor will decide how her condition is. If she wants to leave, it will not be as easy as saying it!

   Li Wenyan didn't answer the phone. Li Shengxia thought of something and looked at Ouyang Qian: "Mom, call Jifeng, Jifeng may have a solution!"

   As a result, after dialing, it was found to be an empty number.

  Han Jifeng changed his phone number!

   "Impossible." Li Shengxia's eyes flickered: "It was clear that I could get through a few days ago, why is it now an empty account?"

  I took my mother's mobile phone and called myself, but I was reminded that it was an "empty number".

   That evening, Li Wenyan participated in a live interview.

   When Ouyang Qian found out, the interview was already halfway through.

During the interview, Li Wenyan made a public apology for the abduction and trafficking case, and told the public that Li Shengxia's spirit had a problem half a year ago. In the past two months, his condition became more and more serious. As a father, he decided to send his daughter to a sanatorium. .

   After watching the live broadcast, Li Shengxia knew that there was no room for change.

   For the sake of his future, Li Wenyan sacrificed her!

  Ouyang Qian assured: "When the limelight passes, Mom will send someone to pick you up. When that time comes, you will go abroad and nothing will happen."

   She won't have anything, as long as the Li family stays upright!

  What if the Li family disappeared?

  Li Shengxia closed his eyes and dared not make such an assumption.

   Even if she was reluctant to accept the fact, Li Wenyan appeared in the hospital the next morning.

   Accompanying him were two reporters with cameras.

  The reporter saw Li Shengxia and took pictures immediately.

  Ouyang Qian witnessed this scene, looked at her husband next to her, and gritted her teeth: "Li Wenyan, you are not as good as a beast!"

   At the door of the ward, there are still criminal policemen who have not withdrawn.

   Li Shengxia's eyes moved slightly, but he didn't wake up after all.

   In less than half a day, the news that the mastermind of the abduction case suffered from mental illness, like wings, quickly spread on the Internet.

   Tang Li only thought it was funny when he saw the photo of Li Wenyan's father and daughter.

   One really dared to pretend, the other really dared to shoot.

   Li Shengxia was sent to the sanatorium, and Li Yuaner was the most excited.

   She didn't understand how things could turn out like this.

  At home, the eldest sister has always been the smartest.

  Li Shengxia stepped into the sanatorium and was very quiet from beginning to end.

   Before leaving, Ouyang Qian held her daughter's hand and promised, "I have already said hello to the dean, and it won't be long before my mother will come and pick you up."

   (end of this chapter)

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