Chapter 844

  Ouyang Qian struggled, but Li Wenyan did not let go.

  Li Wenyan teased with words: "I'm an old couple, and they still make trouble with me like this, so that people outside know that they will be seen as a joke for nothing."

   "You know now that people will see jokes, why didn't you think of it when you were doing that slut?"

   Ouyang Qian smiled coldly, unable to swallow her breath!

Li Wenyan explained: "You have to take it seriously when you are on the scene. If you don't make a fuss that day, I won't be able to come down. If I really don't care about your feelings, I won't let people move out that day. I kept making a fuss, and I didn't come back to live."

   "What about Xia Xia?" Ouyang Qian asked.

   When she mentioned her daughter, her eyes were wet: "You sent Xia Xia to the nursing home, and you only thought about your position as a member of parliament. When did you think about it for us?"

  Li Wenyan endured the impatience in his heart, and said in a good voice: "I sent Xia Xia there, isn't it a kind of protection?"

  Ouyang Qian didn't buy it.

Li Wenyan continued: "If she doesn't go to the sanatorium, the abduction and trafficking case will not go away. The police send people to watch every day. You also say that Xia Xia is pretending. Over time, it will inevitably reveal flaws. In the nursing home, at least Xia Xia doesn't have to pretend to be crazy every day."

   Hearing this, Ouyang Qian's complexion improved.

  Li Wenyan: "The matter of Yuan'er has not been settled yet. You are making trouble with me like this, for the sake of divorce, what does the Song family think?"

  Ouyang Qian couldn't bear all kinds of teasing like Li Wenyan.

   In the past two days, my mother-in-law has not less enlightened her.

   There are not many men like Li Wenyan who don't steal food outside. It's not a serious matter of life or death. As long as people know how to come back, it means that his heart is at home.

   In addition to her age, it is normal to not satisfy Li Wenyan.

   As my mother-in-law said, she doesn't have to take it to heart, as long as she takes that little **** as Li Wenyan's tool.

   As for divorce, it is just an angry talk.

Even if she resents Li Wenyan in her heart, she has more concerns behind her. She doesn't think about herself, but also her two daughters. Now that Xia Xia has an accident, Yuan'er is still young. Marry, her daughter's status in the Li family will not be any better than Tang Li's.

  Ouyang Qian thought so, no longer rejecting Li Wenyan, half pushing him to the ground, letting Li Wenyan be pressed on the bed, at least on the surface, the couple was reconciled as before.

   However, something has changed after all.

  Wang Yangming had left the capital beforehand, but Gao Wenlan stayed for several days. When Tang Li was filming, she would also take time to accompany each other.

   Referring to Tang Li's biological father, Gao Wenlan used four words to describe Li Wenyan: "The mind is not right."

   Although Tang Li recognized the godfather and godmother, he still liked to call Gao Wenlan and Wang Yangming "teacher" and "professor", not because of alienation, but with an unusual intimacy.

   During this period, Gao Wenlan visited Tan Palace.

   After Gao Wenlan came back, she went to the crew to find Tang Li, pulled him to a corner, and asked mysteriously, "Are you and Bai Yan going to get married?"

   Hearing this, Tang Li raised his eyes to look at Gao Wenlan.

  Gao Wenlan explained: "I see that Bo Yan's mother has this meaning inside and outside the words."

   "The old lady did mention it before." Tang Li did not hide from Gao Wenlan and said truthfully: "The specifics are hard to say now."

   (end of this chapter)

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