Chapter 847

  What happened to the Li family, Tang Li soon found out from his mother Wu.

   This evening, Li Wenyan is going to record an interview.

The location of    was set at Li's house.

  Tang Li has already guessed the topic of the interview, which is likely to create an atmosphere of a happy big family and increase popularity for Li Wenyan's parliamentary election. Once she appears in Li's house, Li Wenyan's face will be swollen.

  Tang Li has no interest in this interview, and he is too lazy to disrupt it.

  Tang Li is still filming in the crew, but the Li family is another scene.

Mrs. Li instructed the servants to rearrange the potted plants, wiped and wiped the doors and windows of the house, and then went upstairs to change clothes. As for Ouyang Qian and Li Yuaner, they also carefully dressed up. Li Wenyan was in a suit and leather shoes. Look, there is still a bit of awe-inspiring righteousness.

  After dinner, the program team also arrived at Li's house.

  The interview was conducted in the study room.

Li Wenyan sat on the sofa with his legs folded, and answered the host's question with ease. When asked about the abduction and trafficking case, he did not shy away from talking about it, nor did he defend Li Shengxia. His open attitude won the show. The goodwill of the group staff.

   Waiting for the interview with family members, Ouyang Qian sat down beside Li Wenyan.

   In front of the camera, it is the affectionate love of the couple.

   Li Wenyan held Ouyang Qian's hand the whole time and didn't let go.

When the host mentioned the marital status, Ouyang Qian smiled and looked at Li Wenyan: "We are classmates, we fell in love with each other at first sight, we got married after graduation, we have also supported each other over the years, and marrying him is what I have done in my life. The most correct choice, and it also makes me a little woman when I get home."

"Marrying you is also the luck of my life." Li Wenyan clenched Ouyang Qian's hand, and the camera gave a close-up: "Bearing children for me, running this family for me, I have always wanted to talk to you. It's hard work, and today I finally have this opportunity."

  Towards the end of the interview, the host suddenly asked: "I heard that Senator Lai was a police officer. He cracked a major drug arrest case in southern Yunnan and killed the drug lord Tang Shen, is it inconvenient to talk about your thoughts?"

   Hearing this, Li Wenyan's facial muscles twitched.

   This question is an improvisation by the host, not planned.

   The host asked this question to make this interview a highlight.

Seeing that Li Wenyan didn't answer, before getting into embarrassment, the host made a round of himself: "As an anti-drug hero, Senator Li has always been low-key, never showing off his achievements, and he is also a model for us to learn from. Any advice?"

   "..." Li Wenyan lowered his face.

   In front of the camera, he still said: "Drugs do not harm a single person, but a family, and even a society. It is imperative to crack down on drug dealers!"

   At night, when the show crew left, Li Wenyan took off his suit and threw it beside the sofa.

The name   Tang Shen is like a nightmare following him for 20 years!

   Not long after, Ouyang Qian brought a glass of water.

  Li Wenyan took it and threw it away.

   "I didn't say it just now, it's edited after you've watched it before it can be broadcast." Ouyang Qian took back the water glass and did not forget to comfort her husband: "If you're really dissatisfied, it's okay not to broadcast it."

   As soon as he finished speaking, Li Wenyan's cell phone rang.

   After he unlocked it, he saw that it was a message from Jiang Yining.

   - Ask him if he can't make it through tonight.

   In recent days, Li Wenyan has spent the night at home.

   may be because there are too many things, and the demand is not strong in that respect.

   At this moment, Ouyang Qian was next to him again. He didn't reply to the message, he just locked the phone.

   (end of this chapter)

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