Chapter 859 Proposal

  Song Boyan wanted to be alone with Tang Li, and he was a little surprised to hear the Li family.

   But immediately, the Lai family accepted the proposal.

   After all, the other party is Song Boyan.

   Don't say that Song Boyan just wanted to chat with Tang Li alone, even if Song Boyan wanted to take Tang Li away, they couldn't say anything to refuse.

   So, Li Wenyan got up immediately: "Then let's go upstairs first."

  Ouyang Qian understood and stood up with Madam Li.

   "Don't be so troublesome." Song Boyan said, "It won't take long for me and Ali to go outside and talk a few words."

  The Li family naturally has no opinion.

   Especially Li Wenyan, turned around and told Tang Li: "Then you can accompany Your Excellency to chat for a while."

   His tone sounded kind, but his eyes were not.

   Afraid that Tang Li would talk nonsense when he was alone and refuse this good marriage, Li Wenyan gave her a silent warning when he looked at her.

   Across the sofa, Song Boyan has already got up.

  Jiming stayed in the living room, only Tang Li went out.

  Outside the villa, after walking for a while, Song Boyan stopped, put his hands on his back, and looked at Tang Li not far behind him: "You don't know me when you get home?"

   "..." Tang Li could not argue.

   She turned her head, glanced at the villa, then looked at Song Boyan and said, "I don't know you now, I'm thinking of you."

   Hearing this, Song Boyan just laughed.

  Tang Li took two steps forward, but did not dare to get too close: "Did you really find someone to come to Li's house to say kiss?"

  Some things, she couldn't help but testify.

  Song Boyan asked her back: "You didn't say hello in advance, were you scared?"

   "Yeah." Tang Li nodded: "I thought I was here to kiss Li Yuaner, but Li Wenyan suddenly came to the crew and told me that it was the Song family who asked me to kiss me."

   Said, she raised her eyes to look again: "Although I really want to marry you, but this is very unexpected and makes me defenseless."

   Including now, he appeared at Li's house at night.

   "You don't have to deal with business tonight?" Tang Li asked.

  Song Boyan laughed in his heart, and also showed this emotion on his face: "If you delay for one night, if you can complete the personal affairs, the delay will be delayed."

  Tang Li pursed his lips, feeling a little warm on his cheeks.

   Then, she said again: "Then discuss it with me before you do it."

   This sentence did not return a response.

In just a few seconds, Song Boyan walked towards her with his hands behind his back. Tang Li's sight was quickly occupied by a man's shirt. When Song Boyan stood in front of her, Tang Li looked up, only to hear his steady voice: "Don't discuss in advance. , so you're not ready to agree?"

   "...that's not what I meant."

  Song Boyan asked again: "What does that mean?"

  Tang Li is speechless.

  In the past, their relationship was often dominated by her, but now it has suddenly changed. She is a little incapable of coping, so she can only say to him: "It's very hot outside, and there are mosquitoes biting me."

  Song Boyan suddenly asked: "Don't want to get married now?"


   "Or... think I'm getting old and getting bored after getting along for a while?"

  Tang Li denied: "How is it possible!"

   said, afraid that he would not believe it, Tang Li explained: "I just have some premarital phobias, you can check it online, many girls will do this."

The voice of    fell, and her left hand was held.

   The ring finger suddenly froze.

Before Tang Li could look down, her left hand was wrapped by a man's big hand, and the dry warmth also rubbed the metal ring around her ring finger, realizing what it was, a man's sigh on top of her head: "Old age, For things like a marriage proposal, I'm afraid the little girl will refuse."

   (end of this chapter)

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