After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 862: father kindness daughter filial piety

   Chapter 862 Father's kindness and daughter's filial piety

   The abnormality of Li Wenyan's body was more or less noticed by Jiang Yining.

   Not long ago, her affair with Li Wenyan was still vivid in my eyes, but within a few days, Li Wenyan became incompetent in bed.

  Although Jiang Yining likes Li Wenyan's status, she is still young. If Li Wenyan can't stand up, even if she stays by Li Wenyan's side, she can't imagine her future life.

   Li Wenyan's face was extremely stiff.

   Now, his dignity as a man has been greatly affected!

   He didn't stop at the apartment any longer.

   Walking to the underground parking lot, Li Wenyan kicked the car with both feet in a row, like an irritated lion. Thinking of his troubled body, some emotions could not be released!

   This kind of thing, he can't just go to the hospital.

   If it is exposed, how will he go out to meet people in the future?

  Li Wenyan has lived beautifully for half his life, never would he have thought that at his high-spirited age, his body would suffer such a sudden change!

   An impotent man is equivalent to trash!

   Li Wenyan called his assistant.

   However, when he heard Jiang Yuan's voice, he put out the idea of ​​looking for a private doctor.

   At least I can't find it recently.

   It was early morning when I returned to Li's house.

  Li Wenyan did not go back to the master bedroom, but slept directly in the study.

   In the middle of the night, Tang Li's phone vibrated.

   was called by Jiang Yining.

  Tang Li didn't answer, turned his phone to silent, and left it on the bedside table.

   The next morning, Tang Li went downstairs and Li Wenyan was having breakfast.

   Even if Li Wenyan greeted her, Tang Li still felt that he was not in a good mood. Thinking of the medicine Ouyang Qian used in private, she probably guessed what was going on.

  Tang Li didn't know when Ouyang Qian started to "feed" Li Wenyan with tripterygium glycosides tablets.

   But she guessed—

  It is estimated that after learning that Li Wenyan and Jiang Yining had an affair.

   In this way, there are ten days.

Thinking of Tang Li's marriage, Li Wenyan temporarily suppressed the irritability in his heart, and said cheerfully: "Yesterday, the Song family only asked someone to talk about the kiss, and what happens next depends on your Excellency. As for your dowry, don't worry, the family will all know. help you arrange."

   "Then I'll thank Dad first." Tang Li smiled.

   Hearing this, Li Wenyan's brows loosened: "Since they are father and daughter, why should they see the outside world?"

   Before she finished speaking, Li Yuaner stepped into the restaurant.

   She heard what Li Wenyan said.

   For a while, he clenched his hands on his side.

   Maybe it was because she hadn't slept well, Li Yuaner's complexion was slightly worse.

As usual, Li Wenyan must have found that he would take good care of his little daughter, but today, he only focused on talking to Tang Li: "After filming the scene at hand, stop for now, and it will be inconvenient for you to show your face when the marriage is settled. , and also keep a distance from other male artists."

   "Okay." Tang Li smiled lightly: "I listen to Dad."

   When Ouyang Qian went downstairs, Tang Ligang helped Li Wenyan serve a bowl of porridge.

   As for Li Yuaner, she was sitting aside like a transparent person.

   Ouyang Qian is no stranger to filial piety to a father and a daughter, but now the filial daughter has changed!

   When Ouyang Qian sat down at the table, Tang Li also finished eating.

   Watching Tang Li get up, Ouyang Qian's mood was surging, Xia Xia was not at home, and when she encountered a problem, she lacked someone to discuss with.

   Just like now, I can only be compared by my own daughter.

  Ouyang Qian resented Li Wenyan even more!

   The dark waves in the Li family were turbulent, but Tang Li ignored it.

   She left Li's house, went to pick up the birthday cake, and then went to Yunqi Villa.

   This was her agreement with Song Boyan last night.

  I was waiting for him at the villa, and he would come over in the afternoon when he was done.

I have to say sorry to everyone, the update is late, and the number of words is too small. I have three broken wisdom teeth. Because it is a personal matter, I didn't tell you. The birthday is moved to tomorrow to write. After all, it is the first time for Mr. Song and Tang Xiaoli. I don't want to treat it casually. Please forgive me.



   (end of this chapter)

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