Chapter 864 Don't like roses?

  Because he had saved him, he would be so tolerant of himself after they met again.

  Tang Li recalled the days when he and his mother lived in a village by the Mi Suo River.

   In fact, a large part of the reason she saved that person was because she lacked friends. Seeing someone in the river was like finding a novel toy.

   She was 12 years old and didn't really understand what danger was.

   That's why she dared to hide someone and give him food under the nose of the drug dealer.

   learned that Song Boyan graduated from the military academy and met him at the shooting range in southern Yunnan. He was told that his comrades in arms had been killed during the mission, and he never thought about that.

   At that time, she was still a child running around the mountains.

   As for Song Boyan, he is already an adult man in his twenties.

   Tang Li suddenly understood that this was the reason why he didn't accept him before. Even so, he still cared about himself instead of trying to alienate her.

  In my last life, I said goodbye by the Mi Suo River. Until Song Boyan passed away, I never saw him again.

   The last time we met was from a distance outside Tan Palace.

   Aware of this, she has regrets in her heart.

  If she always remembered him, when she came to the capital, would it be a different situation?

   However, many things do not exist if.

   If the previous life is not the result, there will be no present self.

  Tang Li found out that she and Song Boyan had such a relationship. Her mood was like riding up and down on a roller coaster, but in the end she returned to the original peace.

   She raised her hand and touched the ring hanging around her neck.

   At least in this life she won't miss it again.

   Song Boyan left Tan Palace at about four in the afternoon.

   When traveling in private, Song Boyan rarely pays attention to pomp and circumstance, and he is returning to Yunqi Villa, but for safety's sake, in addition to Ji Ming, he still brings a few bodyguards.

   On the way, Song Boyan asked the driver to stop the car when he saw a flower shop on the side of the road.

  Jiming was instructed to get out of the car to buy a bouquet of flowers.

   Ji Ming in the passenger seat was a little fortunate, at least he didn't go down to buy flowers by himself.

   Not long after, Ji Ming came back with a bunch of red roses.

   He opened the back seat door, put the flower beside Song Boyan, and told the gentleman, "The shop owner said that the meaning of 36 roses is mine and belongs to you only."

   Song Boyan looked at the delicate rose, and after listening to Ji Ming's explanation, he laughed a little, and then remembered that he went to Li's house last night, and there was no other preparation except the ring.

   If it is a marriage proposal, it would be too hasty.


  At his age, coupled with the busy business, to prepare a romantic proposal, the ceremony is more than sincerity, and it is inevitable that he is overwhelmed.

  I didn't bother about women before, but now when I meet Tang Li, my shortcomings are exposed.

   In the evening, Tang Li heard the car whistle.

   She was following along in the kitchen making pasta.

   Even if Song Boyan does not live in the villa, and the servants and chefs are still there, Tang Li will still cook, but compared to a real chef, her cooking skills are simply not enough.

   So, with an attitude of humility to ask for advice, she learned from the chef to prepare today's dinner.

   When she came out of the kitchen, she found a bunch of red roses on the dining table.

  Song Boyan took off his suit in the living room and stepped into the dining room, where he happened to see Tang Li holding a rose and bowing his head to smell the fragrance of flowers.

   The girl seemed curious.

   Immediately, she pursed her lips.

  Song Boyan's mouth held a smile: "Don't like roses?"

   (end of this chapter)

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