After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 880: If it is good luck, what is he?

   Chapter 880 If it is a good match, what is he?

  Song Boyan invited the old lady of the Bai family to go to the Li family to say kiss, but this matter was leaked in the circle of politicians after all.

   Even if he is chasing the wind, he is still talked about by people.

  Song Boyan is single so far. If he is interested in marrying the daughter of a congressman, this behavior will also be elevated to a political level.

  Han Jifeng learned the news at noon.

   At that time, he was sitting in the living room of the chairman of the Yuzhou Provincial Senate.

  The news that Song Boyan intends to marry the Li family was also revealed by the speaker: "Your Excellency is thirty-two this year, it is time to get married, but—"

He paused for a few seconds, and then said: "Congressman Li Wenyan Li's two daughters, whether they are older or younger, have had troubles before. Especially the older one has been sent to a mental sanatorium, as for the younger one. Well, I heard from my wife that she used to be a little star, and she is only 19 years old, if you really want to marry the daughter of the Li family, it can only be this little one."

  Han Jifeng listened and poured water for Speaker Xu for a while.

  Others don't know the inside story, but he does.

   It is impossible for Song Boyan to marry Li Shengxia, let alone Li Yuaner. What he wants is Tang Li.

   Thinking like this, Han Jifeng tightened his hand holding the kettle.

   After the trial of the abduction and trafficking case, he changed his number and came to the place to participate in the election of a member of parliament. It was not that he avoided Li Shengxia.

  When the layers of disguise are torn apart, the truth is far uglier than he thought.

  The various things in the dream and everything that happened in reality told him why Tang Li hated the Li family so much. As for Li Shengxia, before the abduction case, he always thought that Li Shengxia was just using a bit of a woman's scheming for love.

   The news of Li Shengxia's disfigurement and madness came out, so Han Jifeng stopped visiting.

   He didn't believe that Li Shengxia would go crazy. After all, her city was not inferior to those men who were involved in politics.

   is crazy now, but to escape the punishment of the law.

  Han Jifeng originally planned to wait for the end of the election for other members.

  But now, Song Boyan wants to marry Tang Li.

  If he remembered correctly, Tang Li's birthday was very recently.

  Tang Li passed this birthday and turned 20 years old, which is the legal age for marriage.

   Leaving Xu's house, Han Jifeng's mind was the last time he saw Song Boyan in Tan Palace.

   Song Boyan's words echoed in his ears countless times in the past.

  The domineering of men is innate.

  Song Boyan seemed to be easy-going, and when it was time to declare sovereignty, he was unambiguous.

   Don't be aggressive, but he reminds himself in disguise that Tang Li belongs to Song Boyan.

  Han Jifeng didn't know what he was thinking. When he recovered, he found that he told the driver to go to the airport.

   Along the way, the image of the golf course in his dream and Song Boyan sitting by the roadside with Tang Li lingered in his mind.

  If they are really a good match, why let yourself dream about those?

   At nine o'clock in the evening, Tang Li finished filming the last scene and was about to go to the dressing room. When he turned around, he saw the silhouette of the man standing by the road with his hands in his pockets.

   Tang Li and Han Jifeng have lived for many years in the previous life, and naturally they are also familiar with his voice and figure.

  Why did Han Jifeng appear here at night? Tang Li was not curious, nor did he want to study it. When Yu Sui came over, she took Yu Sui directly to the nanny car.

   Sitting in the car, Tang Li was about to remove his makeup, but the door was suddenly pulled open.

  Tang Li turned his head and found that it was Han Jifeng.

  Han Jifeng was still pressing the car door with his left hand. The next moment, he reached out and pulled Tang Li's wrist.

   (end of this chapter)

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