Chapter 891 Ouyang Qian miscarried

   After receiving the stamped marriage certificate, the curvature of Tang Li's lips was no longer under control.

   However, when Song Boyan looked over, she pursed her lips again, trying to make herself look more serious, but she stretched out her right hand and took the marriage certificate in front of Song Boyan.

   "I'll keep it for you." As he said that, he and himself took another copy and put it in the bag.

  Song Boyan just looked at her with a doting smile, but did not stop her childishness.

  As the staff left, Tang Li pondered for a while, and was about to say some wedding speeches when the phone rang first, and it was from Mother Wu.

   As soon as the call was connected, Mother Wu's hurried voice, which was deliberately lowered, came: "Little Li, you and Hanhan's classmate came to the house again, and they had a conflict with your stepmother, and there was blood on the spot!"

   see blood.

  Tang Li subconsciously thought that Jiang Yining had asked her about her pregnancy before.

  Because Song Boyan was right next to him, Tang Li couldn't say the word miscarriage directly, so he asked a different question: "Yining has an accident?"

   Song Boyan heard the words, looked up at her, but didn't ask much.

   is a gesture of complete trust and connivance.

   "It's not her, it's your stepmother!"

   Mother Wu's answer made Tang Li stunned for a moment, then looked back at Song Boyan, she held the phone and turned sideways: "What's going on?"

   Described in the words of Wu's mother, it is nothing more than a drama of a small three forcing the palace.

   Jiang Yining came to the door and said that he was pregnant with Li Wenyan's child, Ouyang Qian was naturally furious, and the new hatred added to the old hatred. Regardless of the obstruction of Mrs. Li and Li Yuaner, she tore with Jiang Yining on the spot.

   After a while, Ouyang Qian fell to the ground.

  The bottom of the skirt immediately saw red.

  No one thought that Ouyang Qian was actually pregnant.

   Even Ouyang Qian didn't expect it.

   Jiang Yining was dumbfounded when she saw Ouyang Qian lying in a pool of blood.

   When Li Wenyan heard the news and returned home, Ouyang Qian was also carried into the ambulance and learned that his son might be gone.

   "Second Miss accompanied him to the hospital in an ambulance, and the congressman also asked the driver to drive him to the hospital. I guessed that his stomach might not be able to be protected."

   After all, it is a life, and there is a hint of sigh in Wu's words.

   Tang Li just ended the call with Wu's mother when Li Wenyan's phone came in.

   The first sentence he said was to ask Tang Li to go to the hospital immediately.

   "Your aunt fell and was seriously injured. Yuan'er is not someone who can take care of things. If you have time, come over quickly."

   Tang Li could sense Li Wenyan's calm anger.

  I want to come to Li's house, the scene is extremely ugly.

   Let her go to the hospital now, I am afraid that Li Wenyan and Ouyang Qian are on opposite sides.

   Otherwise, she would not have been asked to be a helper.

  Once she refused, Li Wenyan estimated that he would lose his temper.

   Knowing that Tang Li was planning to go to the hospital, Song Boyan put down the coffee cup in his hand, and without deliberately holding back, he picked up the landline phone and asked Ji Ming to send an ordinary car to her.

   It was the wedding day, but he still had to go out to work.

   Even if Song Boyan didn't say anything, Tang Li first felt sorry for himself.

   Before going out, she hugged the small backpack with two marriage certificates in her arms, turned around again, looked at Song Boyan and said, "I'll take a look, and I plan to come back for dinner."

After    finished speaking, I realized that this statement seemed strange.

   Before the little face blushed, Tang Li stepped forward and hugged Song Boyan: "Hug and go."

   (end of this chapter)

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