Chapter 895

   As soon as I heard this, I knew that Yuan Qin had sold her.

   Moreover, it is still sold word for word.

   However, Song Boyan's questioning also indirectly admitted that Yuan Qin was his person.

   As soon as he entered the Tan Palace, Tang Li learned that Song Boyan was working, and was told by Ji Ming that there was no one else in the office at the moment, so he walked upstairs and came straight here.

  So, she was still wearing that torn shirt.

   But, before getting off the bus, Tang Li rolled up his shirt sleeves and wore it as a sunscreen jacket.

   Helpless Yuan Qin 'sold for glory', which made her cover up useless.

  Because Tang Li was silent, Song Boyan didn't pay attention to reviewing the documents anymore, raised his head, and watched Tang Li's behavior of hiding his left arm behind him intentionally or unintentionally, "Now I know it's hidden."

  "..." Tang Lichao got closer to the desk, but still didn't take out his left hand, he argued, "It wasn't an accident, it wasn't actually hurt."

   "No injuries, there are holes in the clothes."

  Tang Li pursed his lips slightly.

   - I feel like a little boy being lectured.

   Even Song Boyan's tone did not bring much sternness.

   But she still sensed something different.

   After getting the certificate, she is already Mrs. Song.

   If you are led and trained again, you will lose face, even if there are no outsiders here.

   "I," Tang Li stretched out his right index finger and pointed to the door: "Go upstairs first, dinner will be soon, and see if there is anything that needs my help."

As soon as the    voice fell, people planned to run away.

   Before he could turn around, his left wrist was pulled.

  Tang Li stood at the desk again.

  Song Boyan held the person with his left hand and raised his shirt cuff with his right. Tang Li saw him check his arm and explained, "It's a little bit swollen, maybe a little swollen."

   She didn't say that Li Yuaner used scissors to pierce it.

   is not to excuse Li Yuaner, but she just doesn't want to worry those who care.

   The next second, Song Boyan let go of her sleeves.

   "What is it that rubs against it and can poke such a big hole?"

   "It's the hook on the toilet door."

  Tang Li's actions of talking nonsense with his eyes open was obviously not profound enough.

  Song Boyan pulled the person closer again: "You didn't let Yuan Qin follow, so there was a conflict with the Li family?"

The tone of    was generous, but Tang Li could no longer hide it.

  I know something, even if I don't admit it, when Song Boyan gets the news that her cheap dad was stabbed, he can guess something.

Thinking like this, she simply nodded: "Because Jiang Yining is my classmate, Li Yuan'er is afraid that she has to do with my father, but fortunately, she tried to stab me with scissors, my father sees If you can't go down, you block a scissor for me."

  Song Boyan: "..."

  To talk about Tang Li's father, it's not that he never worked together.

   Wanting Li Wenyan to sacrifice himself to save people, I am afraid the sun will have to hit the west side.

   Here, Tang Li's mischief is naturally indispensable.

   "I originally planned to cook chicken soup for my dad tomorrow, but the doctor said that I might have hurt my intestines and I had to eat lightly."

   As soon as he finished speaking, Song Boyan pulled him to his lap.

   Tang Li was a little uncomfortable with this intimacy.

   After all, this is an office location.

   "If that's the case, I have to take a backup gift and send it to the hospital." Song Boyan said with his arms around her.

   "..." Tang Li.

  Don't want Song Boyan to swim in this muddy water, Tang Li took the initiative to wrap his neck around his neck, and his tone was flattering: "Actually, before my dad entered the operating room, he held my hand and explained it again and again, so I must never tell you."

   After reviewing the previous article of the day, Mr. Song also came and asked everyone to wait for a long time.



   (end of this chapter)

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