After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 899: Mr. Song's straight male aesthetic

   Chapter 899 Mr. Song's straight male aesthetic

   Knowing that it was for the groom, Song Jingtian pouted.

   But he didn't go away, watching Tang Li cut the tomatoes and tearing the cabbage into pieces, he said sourly: "It's also a good thing that the ingredients here are relatively complete, so you can be blind."

  Tang Li rummaged through the vegetable basket and found the beans she wanted.

  Invite a chef who just got free to help fry the beans, while he opened the lid of the tea-brewing bowl, took out the tea leaves with chopsticks and put them in a small clay pot.

  Song Jingtian took the opportunity to stretch out his hand, twist a piece of tea and put it in his mouth.

  The tea leaves are slightly bitter and slightly sour.

   Seeing Tang Li adding chili peppers and salt to the tea leaves, he asked curiously, "What is this for?"

  Tang Li borrowed a dozen small pebbles, pressed them tightly on the tea leaves, and replied, "This is called pickled tea, and it is used as a condiment for blessed rice."

   In fact, pickled tea should be made by rubbing fresh leaves. She is just cramming.

   When Tang Li covered the mouth of the jar, Song Jingtian had already started to eat the second slice of tomatoes.

   When Tang Li found out, he was going to get the third film.

   looked at each other, and the little guy made a concession first, let go of the remaining tomato slices, and turned to get the cabbage leaves.

   The little chubby hand just touched the vegetable leaf and was beaten.

   To Tang Li's warning eyes, Song Jingtian obediently retracted his hand.

  Tang Li is not reluctant to give up a few leaves, but because he is afraid that children will have weak stomachs and have diarrhea after eating lettuce leaves, especially in today's day, he doesn't want to have extra branches.

   After the chef fried the beans, Tang Li put the ingredients other than pickled tea into a deep dish.

   Then, put the jars in the refrigerator freezer.

   "Why didn't you do it?" Song Jingtian kept chasing after her and asking.

   "Let the tea leaves marinate for a few hours."

  Tang Li closed the refrigerator door, "If you make it now, the tea leaves won't taste good."

   Just then, Ji Ming appeared at the kitchen door.

  Jiming held a custom high-grade paper box on his left hand. After greeting Xiao Minglan, he explained, "Miss Tang's clothes are torn, so Mr. ordered a new one. The store just delivered it."

  Tang Li did not change his clothes in Tan Palace.

  Because the relationship has not been disclosed, it is not good to live here for a long time.

   In order to avoid some unnecessary troubles, Tang Li never left women's clothes in the guest room.

  Ji Mingyi said that Xiao Minglan realized that there was something wrong with Tang Li's shirt and did not let people continue to stay in the kitchen.

   Knowing that there is a family banquet tonight, Tang Liben was thinking about dressing.

   Even if the people at the same table are acquaintances, but on such an important day, if she dresses inappropriately, it is disrespectful to everyone.

  Tang Li carried the cardboard box back to the guest room and guessed it was a skirt. Before opening the box cover, she deliberately closed the door first, then went back to the bed, holding the edge of the box cover with both hands and slowly opened it.

   When she saw the style of the skirt: "..."

   When Song Boyan came to the guest room, Tang Li was still in the bathroom.

   He didn't rush and sat down beside the bed.

   Before Tang Li came out, the phone that was tuned to vibrate rang first.

  The call was from Bai Yiqian.

  Because the bed was next to the shower room, and the sound of running water was a little loud, Song Boyan got up and went to the other side to answer.

   In the bathroom, Tang Li heard movement outside.

  It took a long time to come out.

  Although I have changed my skirt, I still feel a little awkward.

   A few strands of hair that were not completely dried were tucked behind the ears, revealing a small white face, with a dress with high waist and doll sleeves, which can be said to be full of youth.

   "Then let's do this first." Song Boyan hung up the phone, then turned around and looked at Tang Li seriously.

   Immediately, he smiled and said, "The style is just right for you."

   Good night today!



   (end of this chapter)

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