After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 903: The meaning of maintenance is obvious

   Chapter 903 The meaning of maintenance is obvious

   Gentle movements, the same as usual.

   However, under the gaze of those eyes, Tang Li's nose was wiped clean, and his cheeks were also dizzy.

   "Cousin is pampering his wife as his daughter!"

   A sigh came from across the dining table.

  Tang Li looked sideways and found that it was the strange man.

Song Boyan put the towel on the tray, and his eyes showed warmth as he answered, "In this family, except for Sedum, she is the youngest now, and she is often arguing with me on weekdays. Be accommodating, I'm afraid you will run away from home for me."

   The tone of the joke, Song Boyan showed a low profile.

This feeling of    also told the rest of the audience that in this marriage, he was not the one who was absolutely dominant.

  —because even he has to follow this new wife.

The meaning of    maintenance is obvious.

  Tang Li naturally understood Song Boyan's deep meaning, so he didn't refute it stupidly, but just picked up the goblet beside his hand and took a sip.

The    glass reflected her small face, adding a bit of beauty.

  Song Boyan turned his head and saw Tang Li had a mouthful of water in his mouth, like a pufferfish's small expression, he raised his hand and wiped off the water marks on her lips for her, and then continued to talk with Fu Jinliang.

   For Tang Li, this meal was not as restrained as he imagined.

   Maybe it's also because no one has been paying attention to her.

   This is precisely the family atmosphere that Tang Li likes.

  ——There is harmony and ease everywhere, and you don’t have to rack your brains to please anyone.

   At this moment, a man reached under Tang Li's eyelids.

  Tang Li lifted his eyes subconsciously, and what he saw was the smiling handsome face of the man opposite.

   The other party took a hairy crab on the plate in front of Tang Li, and withdrew his right hand, but Tang Li's eyes stayed on the crab's shelling hand for two seconds.

   That should be considered a nice pair of hands.

   Fair, slender fingers, can be said to be flawless.

   With this contrast, Song Boyan's normal man's hands are more and more highlighted.

This is what   everything goes against.

   Tang Li lowered his head to drink the dessert, the right hand holding the spoon just scooped up a spoonful of pumpkin syrup, and the left hand on the side of the chair touched the other big hand.

  A slightly heavy object fell into Tang Li's palm.

   She lowered her eyelashes to see—

  Song Boyan took off the watch and gave it to her.

The   steel strap also carries the warmth of a man's wrist.

   When Song Boyan put his left wrist back on the edge of the dining table and didn't touch the tableware nearby, Tang Li retracted his gaze and slid his right hand under the table. He couldn't find a pocket to hold the steel watch, so he put it on his left wrist.

   Halfway through the dessert, Song Jingtian suddenly cried out in urgency.

  Tang Li saw that the others were chatting, so he simply stepped back from the chair to accompany him.

   Seeing this, Song Jingtian brought a bowl with bird eggs.

  As expected, after going to the toilet, the little guy is going to cook eggs to eat.

  Tang Li followed him to the garden, without helping him pick up firewood and dig a hole, strolled around by the street lights, and finally found the fallen bird nest under a red pine and cypress tree.

   A ladder was still leaning against a red pine and cypress tree.

  There are branches on the lawn, which must be the bird's nest that was removed by the gardeners when trimming.

  Song Jingtian pouted his butt, pinched a branch and dug a hole. He found Tang Li looking at a tree with a bowl in his hand, and went over curiously: "If you don't help, what are you doing?"

   "Stretch out your hand." Tang Li ordered.

  Song Jingtian raised his hand when the bowl was brought over.

  Tang Li took off his shoes, picked up the bird's nest and climbed the ladder.

   The little guy raised his head and watched her place the bird's nest at the intersection of the two thick branches. Noticing that Tang Li was about to come down, he put the bowl on the lawn and immediately ran to help.

   Who knows, one of them was inattentive and was tripped by a tree vine and turned his face to the ground.

   Tang Li on the tree: "..."

   I went to the hospital today and forgot to tell everyone.

   There is one more chapter, it should be late, you can watch it tomorrow!



   (end of this chapter)

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