Chapter 906 Now you have a wife too

   There is a TV in the guest room.

  Tang Li turned on the set-top box, and in the exaggerated laughter of the variety show, he packed his things in one hand and recited the lines with the script in the other.

   About a quarter of an hour later, the doorbell rang.

   Putting down the essence of the vial in her hand, she ran to open the door.

  Song Boyan saw the tin foil on her face. Rao is a character who is used to seeing wind and rain. He was obviously stunned, and then showed a two-point smile: "What kind of weird shape is this."

   "Put a mask on." Tang Li had already changed his skirt.

  The excitement of dinner dissipated, and she noticed the smell of alcohol on Song Boyan's body.

  Tang Li knew that Song Boyan didn't drink much.

  Tonight, it seems like I had two drinks.

   After applying a mask, Tang Li also changed his residence with Song Boyan.

   Song Boyan's master bedroom in Yunqi Villa, Tang Li has long been familiar with, but the sleeping bedroom in Tan Palace has not been visited seriously.

   Today, visiting and living is a one-step process.

   At the entrance of the bedroom, there is an American style table.

   On the square table, a bowl of red eggs looks out of place.

When Song Boyan was taking a shower, Tang Li went to the kitchen again. The internal affairs staff of the Tan Palace usually change every ten years when the president leaves office. They also sign a non-disclosure agreement during their tenure. Violators can be sentenced to a maximum of fifteen years in prison. , she was less worried when she went in and out of the Tan Palace.

   Late at night, there is only one maid in the kitchen.

   Tang Li saw that she was about to cook hangover soup, guessed it was for Song Boyan, so he took over.

   On the kitchen table, there are already washed ingredients.

  When the soup was cooking, Tang Li took out the 'Fu Rice' from the refrigerator.

   After Song Boyan had finished taking a shower, Tang Li also came back from the kitchen and saw that the door of the bathroom was pushed open. He first brought the bowl of hangover soup to Song Boyan's hand.

   Hangover soup is just the right amount of warmth to start with.

  —apparently cooled on purpose.

  Song Boyan took the small bowl and covered Tang Li's hand as well, and lightly tapped the back of her hand with his fingertips, "So considerate."

   was praised, Tang Lixiao blushed.

   but shy and irrelevant.

   Like a naughty class scoundrel, one day the class teacher suddenly praised him for his serious study.

   In the hangover soup, there are a few mung bean sprouts floating.

   Watching Song Boyan start drinking the soup, Tang Li also sat down beside him, a little bored, his fingers lightly digging on the sofa, he couldn't help asking: "Is it delicious?"

   The hangover soup with salt and pepper as ingredients is delicious.

  Song Boyan raised his head and brought the spoon to Tang Li's mouth.

  Tang Li slightly opened his lips and pursed a little.

  …It’s really hard to drink.

   However, she did not show her true thoughts on her face, and only commented against her heart: "The taste is okay."

  Song Boyan smiled slowly, the soup bowl that was about to bottom was placed on the coffee table, and also noticed the small plate of bibimbap, "Are you ready for supper?"

   "Eat?" Tang Li pushed the plate over.

   There was hangover soup to pad his stomach first, Song Boyan put down the spoon before he took a few bites.

Tang Li was about to clean up the dishes, but he heard Song Boyan say: "In the Ministry of Finance, when I was busy with work, I needed to work overtime. Insulation box, and Ji Ming asked later, only to find out that it was his wife who gave him the meal."

   Tang Li could hear the feeling in the man's words.

   Under the soft light, he kissed Song Boyan on the cheek, and then said, "It doesn't matter, now you have a wife."

   No matter the future is good or bad, I will be by your side.

  —she added silently in her heart.

   Looking at the girl's serious appearance, Song Boyan smiled: "Don't you think I'm old?"

  Tang Li leaned over, wrapped his arms around Song Boyan's shoulders, and gently pressed the corner of his mouth: "I lied to you in the afternoon, but I'm not old at all."

  The girl's soft voice is like the most beautiful love words.

  Song Boyan pressed the back of Tang Li's head and deepened the kiss.

   (end of this chapter)

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