Chapter 918 Infertility? !


  Li Wenyan and Mrs. Li looked at each other.

   Even if they didn't understand, the doctor's tone had already told them that this is probably not a good thing!

   The first to panic was Mrs. Li.

   Li Wenyan is her only son.

   She has always regarded this son as more important than life.

  The doctor was questioned by the old lady and explained patiently: "Immunosuppressants are drugs that inhibit the immune response of the human body. They can inhibit the proliferation and function of cells related to the immune response, and then reduce the antibody immune response."

   What the **** is this? !

   Mrs. Li was still at a loss.

  The doctor had to give an example: "For diseases like dermatophytosis and rheumatoid arthritis, we will use immunosuppressants. Including membranous glomerulonephritis."

When    mentioned nephritis, the doctor looked at Li Wenyan again.

   This look is too targeted.

   Not to mention Li Wenyan, even Mrs. Li understood it.

   Nephritis, doesn't it mean that the kidneys are not good!

  A man's kidney is not good, which is equivalent to a problem with sexual function.

   "It's impossible!" Mrs. Li denies: "My son is only this age, how could there be such a problem!"

   If her son is really kidney-deficiency, what will happen to that female college student?

   Can’t you just spend money to buy something pleasing to the eye? !

   Besides, her daughter-in-law only had a miscarriage.

Doctor    didn't argue, and only asked Li Wenyan, the client: "If I'm not wrong, Mr. Li should be dizzy from time to time, right?"

   Li Wenyan's eyes twitched fiercely.

   "If there is a problem with kidney function, it is still recommended to seek medical treatment in time, and take drugs randomly, which is very likely to backfire."

   "..." Li Wenyan had blue veins protruding on his forehead.

   Go **** your kidney function problem!

   For more than fifty years, both of his kidneys have been healthy.

   Not to mention, he never took this drug!

   I just thought that I had been dizzy recently, so I didn't refute the doctor's words.

   Instead, Mrs. Lai quit first!

   "My son has always been healthy, and there are several children in the family. He usually has a headache and a fever, and he rarely takes cold medicine. How can he take Nashilaozi immunosuppressant?!"

   Seeing that the patient and his family had the same attitude, the doctor handed over a few blood test sheets: "Mr. Li's white blood cells and platelets are already lower than normal, which is a frequent side effect of excessive use of immunosuppressive drugs."

   Mrs. Li snatched the list, but she looked lonely.

   - She didn't bring reading glasses!

   hurriedly turned around and told his son to read the blood test sheet by himself.

  When Li Wenyan saw the obviously abnormal values ​​on the blood test sheet, especially when he heard the doctor's words, "This drug will also affect male fertility", his temples jumped more and more.

   At this moment, all his discomforts seemed to have found the source.

   Knowing that her son might be infertile, Mrs. Lai’s mind buzzed, and she was flustered on the spot.

   When the doctor closed the door and went out, she immediately asked her son for confirmation: "Wen Yan, tell me honestly, is your it real..."

   The word "kidney deficiency" can't be said after all.

   It's not that she is worried about her son's face, it's just that she can't accept this fact!

  ——Is the Li family really going to end? !

   Seeing that Li Wenyan didn't answer, he just looked at the blood test sheet with a gloomy face, what else did he not understand?

   Thinking of Ouyang Qian's aborted child, Mrs. Li's eyes turned black, and she fell down on the hospital bed!

Good night!



   (end of this chapter)

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