After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 921: Failed before the apprenticeship

   Chapter 921

   Jiang Yining was arrested from the apartment and brought to the hospital.

   As for those great Viagras, found on the shoe closet of the apartment.

  Jiang Yuan originally just followed Li Wenyan's instructions. After searching Li Wenyan's house and office, he routinely went to search Li Wenyan's golden house outside. Who knows, as soon as he entered the door, a personal loot came and got it!

   After listening to Jiang Yuan's report, Tang Li also looked at Jiang Yining: "You bought these?"

   "..." Jiang Yining had no way of defending.

   Even if she denies it, there is still Jiang Yuan as a witness.

   Compared with her, Li Wenyan obviously believed in Jiang Yuan more.

   But Jiang Yining also knew that this might be his last chance to explain, so he could not help grasping the quilt: "This is the first time I have bought it, and I have never bought it before. Member, trust me."

   "The first time you buy, you buy so much?"

  Tang Li asked quite casually, but Jiang Yining didn't dare to go back, and it fell into Li Wenyan's eyes, which became a manifestation of her guilty conscience.

   For Jiang Yining, Li Wenyan has the heart to strangle her!

  I was in the prime of my life with high spirits, but the result was that I was crippled before I was successful.

   Thinking of his miscarriage wife, he gritted his teeth even more.

   Now his body is in trouble, and he doesn't know if he can recover in the future. The one in Ouyang Qian's stomach may be the last child in his life!

  Tang Li observed Li Wenyan's change in expression and guessed that Ouyang Qian's Tripterygium wilfordii polyglycoside tablets played a role.

   As for Jiang Yining's Viagra, it just hit the muzzle.

  Li Wenyan believed that Jiang Yining had administered the medicine, indicating that Jiang Yuan did not find Tripterygium wilfordii polyglycosides at Li's house.

   And Jiang Yining is about to become a scapegoat.

   With Li Wenyan as a person, she will never let her go easily.

as predicted--

   As soon as Tang Li picked up the second box of Viagra, he heard Li Wenyan say: "Since you said no, then there is no."

The tone of    is calm, and he is completely different from just now.

Jiang Yining thought that Li Wenyan really believed in him, and the string in her mind finally loosened. Before she could express her sincerity, Li Wenyan added: "I have also thought a lot these past two days, you are so young and beautiful, and you belong to Ali. Classmates, you can't let you follow me so namelessly."

  Generally men say this, either to straighten their lover or to make a break.

   There is a mother who is a veteran in the Fengyue field, and Jiang Yining is more savvy than ordinary girls in this regard.

   Li Wenyan's attitude is definitely not to want to divorce and marry her.

   Then, it can only be the latter!

   Jiang Yining began to panic, "Member..."

   Finally caught a rich and powerful man who was not too old. After five years, maybe she could become a congressman's wife. With this ambition, she was not willing to break up at all.

   She already regretted going to Ouyang Qian yesterday to provoke her.

   "Member, I really know I'm wrong." Jiang Yining's tears came, "I won't go to Li's house in the future, nor will I appear in front of your wife again, don't want me..."

Li Wenyan raised her hand and wiped away her tears: "You are still young, you should have a better future, I asked Jiang Yuan to apply to a university in Los Angeles for you, I will be responsible for your living expenses, and I will also pay you there. You rent the house, and you won't have any worries."

   This arrangement is undoubtedly generous.

   Jiang Yining also felt shaken in his heart.

   Once she goes abroad to be gilded, she will be a returnee when she comes back.

   No matter how bad it is, marrying a foreigner is better than being a mistress.

   Jiang Yining bit his lip lightly, and was about to say, 'I can't bear to be a member of parliament', when Tang Li said first: "These Viagras are expiring commodities, you should have bought them cheaply, right?"

   Jiang Yining: "..."

  Li Wenyan: "..."

Good night!



   (end of this chapter)

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