Chapter 923 The Not-So-Smart Yazi

   Speaking of sparkling water, Li Wenyan's eyelids jumped more and more.

  Jiang Yining didn't expect that Tang Li, who was still running on her just now, would actually speak for her, her eyes were red, and she took the opportunity to defend herself: "I have never given any medicine to a congressman, and I don't know about Lei Gong Duo vine tablets."

   "Tripterygium wilfordii polyglycosides tablets." Tang Li corrected.

   "Yes," Jiang Yining nodded hurriedly: "That tripterygium glycosides tablet."

  The peel of the apple fell in circle after circle.

   When only the pulp remained, Tang Li turned the tip of the knife, and the apple peel just fell into the trash can.

When    looked up, he met Li Wenyansen's cold gaze.

   In the past life, Li Wenyan looked at him like this, Tang Li should have been frightened and lived a new life, and he was able to calm down under this kind of gaze.

   When she no longer regards Li Wenyan as her father, those scruples will no longer exist.

  Tang Li just placed the peeled apples on the fruit plate, and Li Wenyan's inadvertent answer also rang in her ear: "You remember such a complicated medicine name clearly."

   As soon as he heard this, he knew that he was on the suspect list.

  Tang Li put down the fruit knife and replied, "When I was in southern Yunnan, a neighbor was suffering from chronic nephritis. Because the family was poor, he was reluctant to go to the hospital. Her wife often picked mountain begonias and came back to make wine."

   said, and took out the phone in his trouser pocket.

   After unlocking and opening the album, he handed it to Li Wenyan: "It's this kind of flower."

   That is a childhood photo of Tang Li.

  Behind the seven- or eight-year-old girl, there was a large flaming red mountain and begonia.

   The edge of the photo is mottled, obviously some years old.

Li Wenyan's eyes stayed on the lower left corner of the photo, where stood a fat girl with her hands in her pockets. The standing posture of some people in society was much whiter than that of Tang Li in the same frame, "The sun in southern Yunnan is so poisonous, it's not worth it. People get tan."

   Tang Li heard that Li Wenyan was still doubting himself.

  So, she reached out and swiped the phone screen.

   Another photo appeared in Li Wenyan's line of sight.

   is an artistic photo of the fat girl.

   "She is the daughter of the uncle who has kidney disease." Tang Li said, "I accidentally knocked on the head when I was a child, some... So, the family seldom let her out."

  If you don’t get the sun, you won’t get dark.

   Li Wenyan went to see the photos again.

  The fat girl wears flowers and big wings, her eyebrows are a little red, and her eyelids are drooping. She is really not very smart.

   This ancient art photo was taken ten years ago.

  At the bottom right of the photo, there is a blurred date stamp.

   Suspicion is as serious as Li Wenyan, so naturally he did not miss this small detail.

"Later, a retired Chinese medicine practitioner moved to our place. When he saw his neighbor's aunt Picking Mountain and Begonia, he asked her about her husband's condition. He told his neighbor's aunt that Tripterygium wilfordii polyglycosides can cure chronic nephritis, and only a dozen yuan. a bottle.

   After that, my neighbor aunt often asked my mother to bring medicine to her husband from the hospital. "

  While taking back the phone, Tang Li added, "I still remember my mother's advice to this day that taking tripterygium glycosides by mistake will cause abnormal liver function and even kidney failure, so she never allows me to touch the medicine bottle."

  Tang Li 'mother' one after another, but Li Wenyan didn't have the heart to care.

   His focus is all on 'kidney failure'!

After a long time, Li Wenyan instructed Jiang Yuan: "Take the people out first."

   When Jiang Yining left the ward, Li Wenyan looked at Tang Li again, "Since it's not Yining, who do you think is most suspicious?"

   "No matter who it is, it's not me after all."

   When the eyes were facing each other, Tang Li remained frank: "My marriage with Your Excellency still has many unstable factors. If something happens to you, father, it will do me all harm and nothing."

   Yu Sui: When I made a picture, I put myself in it and praised me if I was a clever little ghost!



   (end of this chapter)

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