Chapter 927 All her decency

   As the words fell, there was a burst of force from the back of the neck.

   is the same heat as on the back of the right hand.

   After filming on the set, Tang Li **** her hair. The short T in the morning had been replaced by a V-neck cardigan with thick suspenders. In addition to showing her white arms, she also had a thin neck.

   On a summer night, no matter how dry the man's palm is, the skin on the back of her neck is still warm, making her cheeks fly with red clouds.

  Tang Li didn't turn his head anymore, just looked at the old man opposite: "It's your turn."

   "..." The old man glanced behind her, pursed his lips slightly, and moved a horse on the chessboard.

  Tang Li knows nothing about chess.

   But she now has a helper and is not afraid at all.

   Seeing that there were the most pawns on the board, Tang Li chose a **** at random to cross the river.

   The corner of the old man's eyes twitched, he grabbed his own pawn, and directly ate the intruding soldier, worthy of falling on the edge of the Chuhe Han world.

  Tang Li: "..."

   was about to move rescue soldiers, but he was rejected by the old man first: "If I were you, this step would be three to one."

   Before she could answer, the old man had already rushed out: "Get up quickly and let the person behind you accompany me."


  Your uncle is still your uncle after all, turning your face is like spreading pancakes.

When    got up, Tang Li changed the position of an elephant.

   The old man blew his beard and stared at her when he saw that she wanted to play tricks before she gave way.

  Tang Li stepped aside and saw that Song Boyan had taken his seat. Although he had already figured it out just now, he really saw it with his own eyes, and emotionally, there were still wisps of joy.

   "When you play chess, I'm afraid you will encounter a stinky chess basket!"

   Hearing the old man's sigh, Song Boyan also looked at Tang Li with a smile.

  Rao has thick skin, and Tang Li's ears are a little hot.

  In the pavilion, the street lights are dim.

   When the old man who went to the toilet came back, the chessboard had entered the white-hot stage.

   The uncle, who was originally playing chess, caught a glimpse of his patient. One leaned forward and swept all the red and black chess pieces into the chess bowl.

   Seeing that he was about to run away, Tang Li grabbed the other side of the chessboard: "It's a shame, right?"

  "..." The old man glared at her: "What a shame, don't you know that the elderly go to bed early?"

  Although Tang Li doesn't understand chess, she can look at the number of pieces on both sides and see who surrounded whom.

   This old man obviously knew that he was going to lose, and began to play carefully.

   "Besides, don't you also find your own man to help you." The old man loses even if he loses: "In the evening, partner to bully my old man!"

   - his own man.

The title    made Tang Li relax.

  The old man saw the situation and put the chessboard under his arm, and slipped away.

   "I've never seen such a rogue old man." Tang Li couldn't catch up, so he entered the pavilion again.

  Song Boyan was still sitting on the stone bench, looking at her dotingly: "Such an adult, he still cares about an old man in his seventies or eighties."

   "It was he who first called me a stinky chess basket."

   Tang Li returned to the stone table and couldn't help but defend himself.

   Just then, Ji Ming appeared outside the gazebo.

   Seeing that Song Boyan stood up on his knees, as if he was planning to leave, Tang Li didn't ask, but Ji Ming said first: "The general internal medicine department has prohibited family members from visiting. Congressman Li learned that you are here, and also cleared out the idle people."

  Tang Li was a little stunned.

   Even though she had reported the safety of her father yesterday, Song Boyan came to the hospital in person.

  Some people are not her concern.

   However, Song Boyan's visit undoubtedly fulfilled her decency.

   (end of this chapter)

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