Chapter 941 Someone else knows

   When Li Wenyan was pushed into the debridement room to suture the wound, Tang Li also read the blog post and flipped through the comments under the topic #德不match#.

   Like last night, the comments of netizens were polarized.

   There is even a marketing account to vote on the forum——

  【What do you think of the revelations about Mr. Li Wenyan on the Internet in the past two days? 】

  The accompanying picture is a photo of Li Wenyan when he was young.

  A. Outright defamation!

  B. The truth may be late, but it will never be absent!

  C, Mr. Li's flared pants are really sexy!

  Option C has 35,000 likes.

   "These beasts!" Yu Sui leaned against the seat, full of righteous indignation: "Before the national event, he was only staring at a pair of flared pants from twenty years ago!"

  When Tang Li swiped that vote, the system prompted——

  Your friend [like a duck to water] liked and voted for option C 25 seconds ago.

  Tang Li: "..."

   Just then, an incoming call popped up on the phone.

  The call was from Gao Wenlan.

  Tang Li just picked it up when Gao Wenlan's question came right at the head: "Li Wenyan, that bastard, didn't I ask you for anything?"

   "What's the matter?" Tang Li was puzzled.

Gao Wenlan breathed a sigh of relief, and then scolded: "He is shameless, thinking that everyone is as wicked and wicked as him! Early in the morning, when your uncle Ren just arrived at the office, he called him to ask him about the crime!" The tone softened: "Your uncle Ren saw that blog post on the Internet and was not very worried about you. He called me specially and asked me to ask you."

   Before Tang Li could answer, she said to herself, "Of course, even without your Uncle Ren, I must have come to care about you when I see the hot search."

  Tang Li smiled and cooperated with the rainbow fart: "Godmother loves me the most."

  Gao Wenlan hummed: "It's good that you know."

   "However," Gao Wenlan suddenly turned around: "Your uncle Ren also asked me to ask you, did you write that article?"

  The inside story of Li Wenyan's accidental death of Tang Shen is almost unknown.

  Although Ren Zhengxiong had reported doubts to his superiors, he had no choice but to say it without evidence. In order to avoid trouble, the conversation was not recorded.

   After that, Ren Zhengxiong rarely mentioned that case.

   Over the years, he has only told Tang Li the truth. Later, after Tang Li and the Wang family recognized their relationship, he told Gao Wenlan and his wife.

   Got a negative answer from Tang Li, Gao Wenlan hung up the phone abruptly.

   "..." Tang Li.

   This time the hot search was not withdrawn until noon.

   The situation even worsened.

  Reposts in major forums, and short video platforms also have millions of clicks.

  Almost the whole internet, the topic of #德不match# is followed by a dark red 'hot' word.

   Three people can still become tigers, not to mention millions of netizens.

   Waiting for Tang Li to play, Li Wenyan's attorney issued a statement.

   - Emphasize that the indictment is already being drawn up, and will not condone this kind of rumor-making behavior, and those netizens who have forwarded 500 comments will also be held legally responsible!

   For a while, chickens and dogs jumped on the Internet.

  Tang Li turned to the unmoving article again, no wonder Ren Zhengxiong would suspect her, and revealing the truth of the case in this way obviously did not intend to leave room for Li Wenyan to maneuver.

   This small essay, even if the evidence is insufficient, will inevitably affect Li Wenyan's election for the Senate.


   In addition to Ren Zhengxiong, there is another person who may know the ins and outs of the year.

  ——I can make Li Wenyan not become a member of parliament.

   At this moment, what Han Jifeng said reappeared in Tang Li's mind.

Good night.



   (end of this chapter)

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