Chapter 965

   Downstairs, watching the police officer go out, Li Wenyan's face sank instantly.

  There are also two broken blood-stained tiles on the coffee table.

   was brought into the house by one of the officers.

  Li Wenyan remembers the pattern, this is the porridge bowl in the master bedroom.

   Thanks to Ouyang Qian's quick response, she saw something in the police's hands at the entrance of the stairs, she immediately turned back upstairs, and put a Band-Aid on her right ring finger.

  Li Wenyan wanted to find out who called the police, but the two police officers said they were not sure, they only said they were enthusiastic people-the other party heard someone in the Li family quarreling, and later saw the blood-stained porcelain piece, and immediately picked it up and sent it to the police station.

   In other words, it means that some dog is meddling with the rat!

   Remembering who had swept away the broken bowl just now, Li Wenyan couldn't help but cast his cold eyes towards Mother Wu who was cleaning the coffee table in the living room.

   As soon as he turned his head, he met Mother Wu's irresistible look of contempt.

  Li Wenyan: "..."

   "If the congressman has feet, please move them."

  Li Wenyan didn't expect that an aunt in the family would dare to be angry with him. Before he could reprimand him, Ouyang Qian said first: "Aunt Wu, help me squeeze a glass of juice."

   When Wu's mother left, Li Wenyan looked at Ouyang Qian on the sofa: "Such a person who doesn't know the basics, you recruited him to be an aunt, who is to blame when something goes wrong?"

   These words are raising teachers to ask guilt.

  Ouyang Qian smiled coldly: "You can raise women at home, what if I change a servant?"

  Li Wenyan didn't think she had this attitude.

   Over the past 30 years, Ouyang Qian has always been gentle and careless in front of him.

   However, since his last miscarriage, he has been mean day after day.

   Seeing Ouyang Qian turning over the old accounts again, Li Wenyan was too lazy to break up with her, and only pointed to the kitchen: "Today she can send out the blood-stained porcelain pieces, and one day in the future, she can also take away other things in the house."

   "That's what the congressman said."

   was caught off guard, and a bark sounded behind him.

  Li Wenyan turned back following the sound——

   Mother Wu held a glass of orange juice with a look of disapproval: "I won't throw the broken bowls and plates in the trash can outside, maybe they stick it up and reuse it, and you don't think it's too shabby, Senator."

   After saying that, he pushed him away with his elbow and entered the living room.

Handing the orange juice to Ouyang Qian, Mother Wu looked over again: "There are some things I have to say today, the wife has worked so hard to manage the house for you, the congressman, if you don't appreciate it, even if you don't appreciate it, it's still up to the women outside to harass her. , I'm still fighting with her today, how can there be a man?"

  Li Wenyan is used to being flattered, and where has he been ridiculed by servants, "When will it be your turn to speak in this family?!"

   "Okay Aunt Wu." Ouyang Qian said.

   Mother Wu closed her mouth.

   One last glance at Li Wenyan, and he was extremely disgusted.

   is like looking at a puddle of vomit on the side of the road.

   Li Wenyan had blue veins looming on his forehead, and he could see that Ouyang Qian was defending the servant. However, he still remembered the business. After all, he did not surrender his identity to argue with the slave, and turned back upstairs.

  Whether the old case will be retried depends on the attitude of the past two days.

   Now that Tang Li has returned home, it is natural for Song Boyan to contact him.

   In front of the master bedroom door, the maid is using a broom to clean up the dust and tile residue that the vacuum cleaner can't handle.

  Because those **** tiles attracted the police, see the trash now, Li Wenyan instinctively took another look, and the servant just turned around with the dustpan: "Member."

   The next second, Li Wenyan saw the yellow spot in the dustpan.

  Tang Li put on headphones in the room and was about to recite his lines when a roar came from outside.

   (end of this chapter)

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