Chapter 968

   In the past few decades, the couple has not had a quarrel.

   Every time Li Wenyan coaxed a couple of good words, Ouyang Qian stopped taking Qiao, the kind of state in which the front foot quarrels and the back foot is reconciled, full of the unique atmosphere of husband and wife getting along.

  However, today is different.

Ouyang Qian felt hypocritical when she heard this kind of submissiveness. Not only was she not appeased, she also broke away from Li Wenyan's hand and never gave in in her words: "Li Wenyan, my father is retired, but don't forget, you Kneeling in front of my father and saying!"

   Li Wenyan certainly remembered the first time he went to Ouyang's house.

  Ouyang Qian married him, it was a low marriage.

   He has been in love with Ouyang Qian for six or seven years, and has never been to Ouyang's house.

   At that time, he had just graduated from the police academy. Because his father passed away early, he could only rely on himself to run the administrative unit, but Ouyang Zhen was the Minister of Defense. The gap between the two can be imagined.

   Probably his mother also noticed Ouyang Zhen's attitude and urged him to come to discuss marriage as soon as he graduated.

  If Ouyang Qian hadn't knelt with him and let him be a nun if she didn't marry him, I'm afraid he would beg for three days and three nights, and Ouyang Zhen wouldn't have let go.

  Because it was Ouyang Qian who insisted on marrying him, three years ago, Ouyang Zhen learned that he had a daughter outside, and he didn't even get a scolding phone call.

   But now Ouyang Qian's words reminded him of his inferior self.

   "If it wasn't for my father back then, when you killed Tang Shen, do you think the top would pick it up and put it down gently?!"

   This small birth made Ouyang Qian see clearly.

  ——It is her repeated forbearance that Li Wenyan can always live in the comfort zone.

   Over time, Li Wenyan not only no longer appreciates her kindness, but takes everything for granted!

Thinking of the illegitimate daughter who contradicted her in the study, Ouyang Qian became increasingly disrespectful to this man who repeatedly betrayed her: "You got into trouble in southern Yunnan, your superior called my father, and he gave you The instruction was to capture Tang Shen alive, but you made your own decisions and seriously violated discipline. It was I who went to my father every day to get your first-class merit, not a punishment that would prevent you from being promoted any further!"

   These words undoubtedly hit Li Wenyan's taboo.

Ouyang Qian continued: "You were able to sit in the senator's seat back then, wasn't it because those old fritters were selling my father's face? Li Wenyan, if you have any conscience, you shouldn't forget, who gave everything you are today of!"

   "I'm sorry for you." Li Wenyan took a long time to answer.

   said, hugging Ouyang Qian again: "In these years, I have been obsessed with my mind for the future. You are right to scold me, and also make me sober."

  Ouyang Qian sneered: "Do you think I still believe your nonsense?!"

"That Jiang Yining is the trouble I caused by drinking too much. I'm afraid that you will be angry when you know it, and she will hold her back step by step." Li Wenyan continued to soothe: "I have dealt with it these days, and I will not do it again in the future. Someone who is irrelevant makes you angry."

   This assurance did not make Ouyang Qian look better.

   With a sneer, she once again shook off Li Wenyan's hand and pushed the door of the cloakroom.

   Hearing the loud noise of the sliding door hitting the door frame, the gentle disguise on Li Wenyan's face disappeared, replaced by an expressionless gloom.

   went back to the study and kicked the lamp next to him.

   The tiger's mouth was pinched around his waist with both hands, and Li Wenyan's anger was pressing into his heart.

  Ouyang Qian's words not only trampled his dignity under his feet, but also forced him to wag his tail and beg for mercy to the Ouyang family like a dog!

   An update today.

   Tomorrow is the second to third watch, good night everyone!



   (end of this chapter)

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