Chapter 974

"It's a box picked up by a citizen." Jiang Yuan added: "I chased it near Hongyang Street and heard the owner of the small supermarket say that a box of antiques was found in the National Mall. When I rushed over, the place was already crowded and the police arrived. There are also TV reporters at the scene.”

   After hearing this, Li Wenyan could no longer sit still.

  An antique falls into the hands of the police, which is equivalent to hitting a dog with meat buns!

   As for those reporters, they are flies that came smelling of shit!

  Even if the police release the lost and found information later, who would dare to claim it at such a time of crisis? !

   He is not Shou Xing Gong, and he doesn't think he has a long life.

  Jiang Yuan also knew that he had messed up his errand: "But don't worry, Senator, I didn't put the bank's relevant bills and vouchers in the suitcase."

   This news finally gave Li Wenyan a little comfort.

   However, thinking of Tang Li's text message to Song Boyan, Li Wenyan couldn't relax, and his temples kept jumping.

  ——Do you blame Tang Li?

   She was doing things exactly as she was told.

   told Song Boyan that there are antiques in Li's house, and it was also with his permission.

  Li Wenyan had already dispelled his doubts about Tang Li.

   If it was an antique stolen by Tang Li, the suitcase would not appear on the National Mall.

   Now that I think about it, I can only blame Jiang Yuan for the bad luck.

   It is estimated that the suitcase is too open, and it will be targeted by the thugs who are not doing their jobs properly.

   The other party should be trying to get some money to spend, but he didn't expect that the suitcase was full of antiques, and he was afraid of causing trouble, so he simply threw the box on the National Mall where people came and went.

   Li Wenyan sorted out the logic before and after, and wished to kick the idiot to death.

   Pick a place where you can't throw it, pick such a good spot!

   "Member, what's next?" Jiang Yuan asked on the other end of the phone.

……what to do.

   He wants to know now too!

  Li Wenyan held the corner of the table with his left hand, trying to calm himself down.

  The matter has come to an end, the box of antiques will definitely not be back, Song Boyan has to explain it.

  Since the antiques can’t be handed in, they have to change their rhetoric.

   It was a long and dreamy night, so he instructed Jiang Yuan: "You come to the house immediately, I have some things for you to do."

   hung up the phone, Li Wenyan stood in front of the desk with a calm expression.

   Now I can only tell Song Boyan that Ouyang Qian has sold antiques a few years ago, so he is willing to convert it into an equivalent amount to compensate the state.

  If you don’t do this, it will be difficult to get past this.

   As for that one hundred million...

   The real estate he and Ouyang Qian bought over the years can also sell for 70 to 80 million yuan.

  Ouyang Qian, as the chairman of Tianyi, although there is not much liquidity on hand, it is not difficult to find a way to raise tens of millions.

  Thinking like this, Li Wenyan was no longer in such a bad mood.

  100 million is not a disaster for the Li family today.

   Jiang Yuan came very quickly.

   "You are waiting in the study." Li Wenyan got up and went to the master bedroom to find his wife.

   As a result, only the servants are cleaning the master bedroom.

   Li Wenyan asked, "Where's your wife?"

   "The wife just went out with Miss Yuan'er."

   Those real estate certificates, Li Wenyan knows where to keep them, it doesn't matter if Ouyang Qian is at home or not.

   He went into the cloakroom and opened a wardrobe, which contained a half-person-height safe.

  Put your right thumb on the fingerprint sensor, wait for the safe door to open, three seconds later, a mechanical female voice rang: "Your fingerprint was not recognized, please try again."

   "..." Li Wenyan took his thumb away and put it on again.

  Three seconds later——

   "Your fingerprint was not recognized, please try again."

  Try again.

   "Your fingerprint is out of specification and the safe is locked."

  Li Wenyan: "..."

   (end of this chapter)

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