Chapter 977

   After a while, three people appeared at the entrance of the cafe.

  Ouyang Qian shook hands with lawyer Zeng to say goodbye and left first with her daughter.

   Lawyer Zeng, as a migrant worker, waited for the boss's car to drive away before taking out the car keys and walking in the other direction.

   In addition to the briefcase, he also carried a portfolio.

  Ouyang Qian and her daughter walked empty-handed.

   So, those documents should be in the portfolio.

   Realizing this, Tang Li quickly crossed the road after he stopped hiding the car.

  Because there was no vacant parking space in front of the cafe, Zeng Fan parked his car outside the McDonald's in front. As he was about to walk in front of his car, a figure ran out of an oblique corner and collided with him.

   Zeng Fan was looking at his phone, not guarding, not to mention the pain in his shoulder, his portfolio and briefcase also fell to the ground.

   The other side stunned and kicked the portfolio far away.

   Before he had a seizure, the other party had already apologized.

   is a young girl.

   "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" The girl bowed. Although she was wearing a mask and a peaked cap, it was not difficult to see her beautiful face: "I was in a hurry to catch the bus on the Yangpu South Line, and I didn't pay attention to the people outside the mall."

  A beautiful person always makes people angry.

  Zeng Fan maintained his demeanor: "Be careful next time, if you bump into an old man, you will suffer!"

After   , he bent down to pick up the briefcase.

   As for the girl, I picked up the portfolio for him.

   When he backed the car out of the parking space, the girl still stood on the side and bowed in apology.

  Tang Li watched the car turn the intersection, and then put away the physical embarrassment. She did not expect that the portfolio contained a duplicate equity gift agreement.

  Although I only read the beginning, the words 'Tianyi Group' were imprinted in Tang Li's mind.

  Li Yuaner signed the agreement at the end, so the equity should be given to her.

   As for who the donor is.

   As far as she knows, Ouyang Qian owns 56% of Tianyi's equity.

Although Li Wenyan's incident has been quite a big deal in the past two days, as long as Tianyi Group does not operate illegally, it will not be too affected. Even if Li Wenyan is ruined in the future, Ouyang Qian can continue to be her chairman of Tianyi. The assets under her name were transferred to Li Yuaner.


   A guess came to Tang Li's mind.

   Thinking that Ouyang Qian is very likely to transfer the joint property of the husband and wife, Tang Li lightly curled his lips, if Li Wenyan knew that Ouyang Qian planned to let him go out of the house, I wonder if he would be mad?

   A black car slowly stopped beside her.

   The rear window was lowered, and Song Jingtian's face was lying on the edge of the window.

   "When you said that you came here to work, you just touched porcelain?"


  The little guy said, turned his head and asked the driver: "Agent He, how do you generally treat Pengci?"

   "If you collide with someone, you can usually do it with a shoulder-to-shoulder fall." The driver's answer came: "If you hit porcelain on the car, unless you receive an order, just run over it."

  Tang Li: "..."

   The next second, Song Jingtian opened the car door.

   He held the tiger whip and moved inwards, while urging Tang Li: "Get in the car, I'll give you a ride."

  Waiting for Tang Li to get in the car, Song Jingtian handed her a paper bag: "The fried rice cakes I bought for you, coated with sweet sauce."

   "Why are you so generous all of a sudden?" Tang Li was not used to it.

   Rice cakes are strung with bamboo skewers.

  Tang Li took the fried rice cake out of the paper bag and found something strange: "This sweet sauce is so thinly spread." The surface of the rice cake, which was originally crispy, was now soft.

  Song Jingtian curled his lips: "Eating a rice cake and picking and choosing, you have more things to do."

  Tang Li also asked casually, not really disgusting.

   After all, the rice cake didn't cost her any money.

   After taking two bites, Tang Li always felt strange, turned his head to ask Song Jingtian, but got the tiger's whip in his eyes.

  The corgi raised its head slightly, and there seemed to be a little sauce on the dog's mouth.

   "..." Tang Li looked at the fried rice cake in his hand, looked at Song Jingtian again, and asked silently.

   The little guy received her gaze, stretched out his chubby hand with a guilty conscience, and covered the mouth of the tiger whip.

Good night!



   (end of this chapter)

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