After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 992: Your Excellency is also a Yankee

   Chapter 992 Your Excellency is also a face control

   "Are you okay?!" A shout came from the opposite side.

  Li Yuaner's chiffon skirt was soaked through the neckline, her bangs were on her forehead, her eyelashes were full of water droplets, and she had a big rosy face.

   raised her hand to wipe off the water stains on her face, and then she could see the situation on the opposite side.

   is the family behind washing cars by the roadside.

The middle-aged man was wearing flip-flops and holding a water spray gun. His body was standard at his age - big pants. As for the work-shaped vest, he couldn't fit his big belly for a long time. The stock has a greasy smell.

   Thinking that Song Boyan had left, Li Yuaner's eyes were red with anger, and she grabbed the small potted plant by her feet and smashed it.

   Stone pottery fell beside the car and shattered into pieces.

   "Why are you unreasonable little girl?!"

  The man was almost hit by a potted plant and got angry.

"I'm unreasonable?" Li Yuan'er laughed angrily, "Don't think I don't know what you're thinking, a driver who is greedy for 30 yuan of car wash money, and wants to pretend to be the boss to make fun of young girls, why don't you turn your back on it? Look at yourself in the mirror!"


  Tang Li went upstairs and was about to take a shower when there was a knock on the door.

   The knock on the door was a little hurried.

  The person here is Wu's mother.

   Seeing Tang Li holding a change of clothes, Mother Wu covered her mouth with her hand and whispered, "Miss Yuan'er and Judge Gong had a fight at the back door."

   "Judge Gong?" Tang Li didn't know who he was.

   Mother Wu worked in the Li family for a period of time, and she has figured out the relationship between the surrounding neighbors.

   "It's the new neighbor who moved in. Mr. Li, who used to live in the back, sold the villa. Yesterday, the aunt came to say hello, saying that one of the husband and wife is a judge of the High Court, and the other is a leader of the Industry and Commerce Bureau."

  Although Li Yuaner is more than arrogant on weekdays, but being able to compete with her parents' neighbors also refreshes Tang Li's understanding of her.

   "Before I came up, I heard Miss Yuan'er attack Judge Gong with the amount of hair." Mother Wu said again.

  Tang Li asked: "She knows that the other party is a judge?"

   "I don't know visually."

  Tang Li: "..."

   Therefore, Li Yuaner is the real warrior.

   Mother Wu wanted to speak again, but there was a noise from the stairs. Afraid of running into Li Yuaner head-on, she simply walked downstairs at the other end of the corridor.

  Li Yuaner saw Tang Li when she went up to the second floor.

   His eyes met for a moment, and he realized that Tang Li wanted to close the door and go back to the room.

   This attitude is rife with contempt.

  Li Yuaner felt that her dignity was being challenged, especially when she was still in a mess. Thinking of all the things in the restaurant, she finally couldn't hold back her voice: "If Your Excellency knows your relationship with Han Jifeng, I don't believe he would still marry you!"

  Tang Li stopped and looked at her, a little bit at ease—

   "Tell me what kind of shameful relationship I have with Han Jifeng."

  Li Yuan'er opened her mouth, but Tang Li took the lead: "It was your sister Li Shengxia who fell in love with Han Jifeng in college; it was you who asked Han Jifeng to make up lessons during the winter and summer vacations, and it seemed that I had nothing to do with it."

   "..." Li Yuan'er.

  Tang Li likes Han Jifeng, which she accidentally noticed.

  Actually, Tang Li didn't break the rules.

  Li Yuan'er didn't remember how she got back to the bedroom. Sitting in front of the dresser, all she could think about was Song Boyan's pet eyes when she looked at Tang Li.

  Why Tang Li?

  Why did Song Boyan fall in love with this illegitimate daughter?

  Tang Li doesn't deserve to be the first lady at all.

   Because Li Wenyan was poisoned by drinking fake wine, Li Yuaner didn't eat much for dinner.

   When a servant came to deliver supper, Li Yuaner recognized that it was Aunt Wu who was recruited by her mother.

"I don't understand." Li Yuan'er squeezed the spoon, as if she was in a dead end, her eyes were slightly red: "I just don't understand, how could your Excellency like Tang Li, she wants a family background or a degree, and starts from scratch. To the foot is useless."

   "That's not what it says."

   Li Yuan'er heard the words and turned to look at the aunt beside her.

   Aunt Wu wrapped her hands in her apron and continued, "Miss Tang, she has a face."

  Li Yuan'er: "..."

   "As far as Miss Tang looks, she can participate in the selection of flowers in Pingxiang in our hometown." Aunt Wu is still sighing: "Winning the championship is also a sure thing."

  Li Yuan'er was not at all curious about whether Tang Li could be a hometown flower.

   However, Aunt Wu's "good face" still deeply stabbed her.

   She did not believe that Your Excellency was such a superficial person.

  You are in a high position and so courageous, how could you be fooled by beauty? !

   Tan Palace.

  Song Jingtian put on a pajama suit, and the cartoon pattern of the corgi complemented the tiger whip lying on the bed at the end of the bed. As for the feet, there were a pair of pink cotton mop with long ears.

   The bedroom door was already locked.

   He walked back and forth on the rug in front of the bed with his hands behind his back.

  Whenever the slippers fall to the ground, the sole of the foot touches a piece of softness.

  Although Hunk shouldn't like pink, he still couldn't control how many times he remembered (control himself)!

   On the tablet on the bed, a message sounded.

  Song Jingtian took the tablet and saw that it was Tang Li's sister's information. The other party didn't scold him this time, but only asked him what his eldest brother liked Tang Li.

   Li Yuaner sent Song Jingtian another message, but she wanted a clear answer.

   Your Excellency will be with Tang Li. If you are not deceived and deceived by Tang Li, then Your Excellency has the reason to fall into Tang Li's hands, so it is necessary to make false accusations with her.

   At this moment, Li Yuaner had a sudden realization.

   In fact, she should have thought of this long ago!

  Otherwise, Your Excellency has always been low-key, how could you embrace Tang Li in public?

   But none of them noticed your difficulties.

  If Your Excellency was really coerced by Tang Li, she would never allow Tang Li's calculations to succeed!

   Just clenched the phone tightly, and the dark screen lit up.

  Li Yuan'er immediately opened Wechat, and there was one more sentence in the chat box: "Of course it's Tang Li's unparalleled beauty."


  Tang Li didn't know that Li Yuan'er was crying bitterly in the room because of her "beauty". When she came down early the next morning, she found that Jiang Yuan was already waiting for her in the living room.

   "The member has to stay in the hospital for two days for observation, but he has something important to discuss with the lady, so let me come and pick up the lady."

   Li Wenyan's important thing, to put it bluntly, is the 100 million.

   (end of this chapter)

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