If it was a general illusion, Qianyu felt that she was not that afraid.

But Kakashi's illusion was enhanced by the Sharingan, and she really had no way to deal with it.

What was even more infuriating was that she could only scold Kakashi for being unethical, because for her at the moment, illusion was really a not-so-small shortcoming.

Now that Kakashi pointed it out to her, Qianyu had to thank him!

But the problem was that Qianyu was ready to have a big fight today and earn some impression points, but was played by Kakashi by skipping class like this.

Thank you?

Qianyu, who was caught by the clone, glanced at the clone.

The clone nodded in understanding after receiving Qianyu's eyes.

The next second, the two of them burst out chakra at the same time, running the enhancement effect of the wind sword technique to the extreme, and launched a strong attack on Kakashi from the left and right!

I admit that your illusion, Kakashi, has something, but your illusion can only solve one person, can it solve two people at the same time?

Qianyu boasted that with her master-level ancient swordsmanship and special agility, plus the characteristics of the sword circle, even Kakashi would have to suffer a bit under the double swords.

But Qianyu also forgot one thing.

That is Kakashi's nickname, but fifty-fifty!

Although Qianyu is now attacking with her main body and clone, isn't she still one person?

So how about the master-level swordsmanship? How about the sword circle? How about the double swords?

Facing the two Qianyu's violent attacks, Kakashi held a kunai in each hand, and moved around in a small circle, and actually took all the attacks one by one, with ease!

Seeing Kakashi's resolute defense, Qianyu had no choice but to struggle to maintain the offensive.

For a while, the core circle of the battle was filled with swords like rain, the clanging sound of metal clashing continued, and the sparks produced by the friction between iron and iron also burst from time to time.

The most terrifying thing is that even though the fight was so intense, Chiyu and Kakashi were still speeding up.

Naruto and Sasuke, who were watching the fight, were surprised to find that they could not see Chiyu and Kakashi's movements clearly, as if their eyes suddenly had astigmatism.

Watching such an intense fight, Naruto even forgot that he was still in the soil, and only muttered to himself in amazement: "Chiyu, is she so powerful?"

"Tsk!" Sasuke clenched his fists fiercely.

Naruto's muttering was also his inner voice.

He could never have imagined that Chiyu, who was only above average in the ninja school, was so strong in actual combat that she could fight on par with the unserious jonin!

He had thought that Chiyu was only a little bit smart!

So after Chiyu made a bet with him to decide the leadership, he didn't care too much, because he was very rational, and Chiyu was smart, so he just listened to her, and it was nothing.

But now it seems that Chiyu is not only smarter than him, she is also many times stronger than him!

Speaking of this, Sasuke suddenly remembered some past events. It was when Chiyu was caught skipping classes many years ago.

The reason for being caught was also very simple, that is, Chiyu's shadow clone chakra was not enough, and it was blown up in a physical training.

That time Iruka was very angry, and Chiyu did not have this situation again until yesterday.

Now it seems that it is not that Chiyu restrained herself after being caught once, but that she became careful after being caught once, so she has not been exposed!

In other words, when he was still playing house in the ninja school, Chiyu relied on the shadow clone to take the class, and he didn't know how long he had been training!

"How ridiculous!" Sasuke clenched his teeth.

It's ridiculous that Chiyu is so powerful but unknown in the class, only maintaining her own pace to train herself, and he only has this little strength, but he began to be proud and complacent!

He had always thought of himself as a bitter avenger who would live for revenge.

"So what have I been doing all these years!" Sasuke roared in his heart.

At this moment, the self-condemnation and disgust turned into a poisonous snake, constantly gnawing at his heart.

Naruto was staring at the battle ahead at this moment, and didn't notice this side at all.

Seeing that Sasuke would take a few months less detours and arrive at the situation when he would fight with Naruto on the rooftop in advance.

Chiyu's voice suddenly came.

"Sasuke, what are you doing there? Don't you want to graduate? Come and help!"

"Yeah!" Sasuke woke up from the internal friction.

He glanced at the battle situation.

Kakashi's strength has not improved much since the appearance of the Sharingan, so Chiyu and her clone have formed a perfectly balanced balance with Kakashi.

At this moment, as long as there is a little more power, the balance may tilt!

Yes, he is indeed not as good as Qianyu, because Qianyu may be as talented as him, but she works harder than him.power.

But now he just needs to be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Could it be that he, Uchiha Sasuke, can't even be a straw?

Of course not!

Sasuke's eyes became firm.

After a simple assessment of the situation, he took out his shuriken and prepared to provide the most convenient and best ninja tool support.

Then Sasuke fired several shurikens, which also effectively stuck in Kakashi's most uncomfortable place, successfully interfering with him.

Seeing this, Sasuke was refreshed: "I can do it!"

Kakashi had a headache: "You can do it!"

He didn't understand, isn't this a battle for the bell?

Why did Naruto and Chiba Sasuke come to him one by one from the beginning to the end? You guys come to grab the bell!

Could it be that he was too late this morning and really offended these people?

Kakashi rarely began to reflect.

Through the live broadcast camera, Kakashi's inner thoughts were also exposed to the audience, and everyone laughed.

"Hahaha, you guys are here to grab the bells, it really makes me laugh to death!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect that Chiyu's advance arrangements would be messed up by the honest man Kakashi."

"I'm crying, he's so gentle, he even doubts himself and doesn't doubt Chiyu!"

"Indeed, Chiyu is too bad. But why do I love my Chiyu wife's little calculations so much?"

"I love it too, especially Chiyu wearing an oiran kimono in Kakashi's illusion just now, shashasha~~"

"Love +1, but Chiyu wife is good in everything, but I think the habit of wearing cloth shoes should be changed. My suggestion is to wear sneakers while changing stockings!"

"Fuck, porridge!"

"It's in accordance with the porridge etiquette!"

"I can hear your calculations in the M87 Nebula!"

"It's hard to hold back."


For the Ark player in front, the barrage expressed their opinions one after another.

After all, it is fun to talk about beautiful girls having smelly feet, but the XP of having a hobby of smelly feet is bound to be a niche.

But at this time, another barrage popped up.

"Who said cloth shoes don't cover feet?"

"Think about it, Qianyu is a ninja, with such a lot of exercise, maybe Qianyu's feet are really smelly?"

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