However, the danger of Zabuza and Haku is not over... That's right.

But it's hard to say who is more dangerous now.

Because the current situation is indeed a bit complicated.

In the eyes of Haku and Zabuza, Zabuza, as the main force, can no longer fight because he was hit by a full A-level water escape and several kunai. He has become a burden.

It is obviously impossible for Haku to face Kakashi and Chiba, who is equally matched with him. Of course, they are in danger now.

But in the eyes of Chiba and Kakashi, now that Kakashi has become a paper tiger and can only rely on Chiba, they are also in danger.

Because in this case, the victory or defeat between the two sides has become the victory or defeat between Haku and Chiba.

Whoever wins between the two of them will win.

So can Chiba beat Haku?

The answer is that if the trump card is not exposed, that is, if the door is not opened, it is highly likely that he will not win.

Because the original is the original, and reality is reality.

In the original work, Haku and Chiba would not lose even if they could not win, but now Haku has shown means beyond the original work, and the result is really unpredictable.

In this situation, both sides were silent for a while.

Fortunately, Kakashi is not without advantages.

Now neither Haku nor Zabuza knows that he can't fight anymore, so he can bluff people.

But the premise for this to work is not to force people into a corner, and the timing is very important.

At the same time, he needs a little cooperation! And this depends on Chiba.

So Kakashi threw a look at Chiba, and then, regardless of whether she understood or not, he persuaded her:

"Surrender! It's not too late to surrender now!"

"With Zabuza's strength, he will not be executed even if he is sent back to Kirigakure by Konoha later."

"As for you, girl, you can live in Konoha, and I think the Hokage will be happy to accept you."

After all, Haku is a descendant of the Snow Clan.

The value of a brand new blood race that can dye itself at will is enough to make a coward like the third generation stand up to Kirigakure.

But Bai just shook his head: "Give up, I will not give up Zabuza-san!"

What do you mean by sending him back and not dying? Just kidding. Bai is from Kirigakure and has a deep memory of the bloody madness of that place.

Those people don't care so much, they only want the beheading sword in Zabuza's hand!

"Also, I'm a man!" Bai emphasized.

"So cute, but it's a boy!" Kakashi was really surprised.

But boys... aren't they better!

Of course, this better is not better in that sense, but in value.

After all, there are differences between men and women. If Bai is a girl, she will have to be pregnant for ten months to give birth to a child. Even if she is a sow, she can't give birth to many.

But boys are different. As long as they are willing to be studs, a brand new Snow Clan will be established in 12 years. You must always believe in the quality of Konoha girls.

Now Kakashi really wants Bai to join Konoha.

However, Bai is unwilling to give up Zabuza, which is really troublesome.

Kakashi himself understands and supports this emotion.

But everyone is an enemy, and Kakashi has his own subordinates to protect.

So Kakashi put pressure on him: "But what if you don't surrender?"

"The fighting power you just burst out is indeed eye-catching, but it is not easy to burst out such continuous ninjutsu, right?"

"How much chakra do you have left now?"

A key question is placed in front of everyone.

Kakashi said earnestly: "Surrender, surrender, at least there is a future!"

"Brother, believe me, I am here because I see that you are so similar to my lovely subordinates, and I have compassion for you to say these words."

"I can promise in the name of Hatake Kakashi that if you surrender to Konoha, I will not embarrass you. As for the Mist Ninja, you can also negotiate by yourself."

This is Kakashi's most relaxed condition.

Because the so-called negotiation means that when Zabuza is handed over to the Kirigakure, Konoha will not imprison Zabuza's chakra, and he can escape again with his own ability.

As for surrendering now and releasing him after the mission is completed, this is the most unrealistic. What is Zabuza's reputation? Do you dare to release him before you understand him?

Even Zabuza himself knows this.

So Zabuza began to waver at this time.

He smiled bitterly, looked at Bai's somewhat thin back and advised:

"Bai, don't worry about me, just go! You are not me, you don't have blood on your hands, and the people of Konoha will not make things difficult for you."

"Don't join Konoha, and don't go back to Kirigakure. I have been like this in my life, but youYou are still young and have a future. You can go wherever you want in the future."

"I picked you up back then, and you have been my tool for so many years. We are even now."

"As for me, the worst that can happen is that I will fight my way out of Kirigakure again!"

However, Bai shook his head vigorously: "What are you talking about, Zabuzasang, how can I leave you alone?"

"What favor are you talking about? I can never repay Zabuzasang's favor!"

"I will not let you go back to Kirigakure! "

The tragedy of his own Snow Clan and Zabuza's words and deeds made Bai really regard the Mist Ninja as hell.

So even if there is a possibility of escape, Bai does not want Zabuza to return to the hands of the Mist Ninja.

And Bai feels that he is not completely without a chance, thanks to Chiyu, because after restraining the unconsciously radiating ice chakra in his body, he has become stronger.

However, Zabuza did not know that Bai had become stronger again. He was just moved, relieved and surprised: "Really, do you think so, Bai!"

"Okay, Bai, then do as you think!"

Bai, who was originally just a tool, can now make such a decision, and Zabuza chooses to support it.

After deciding to resist to the end, Bai also instantly took out a few ration pills and chewed and swallowed them, showing his determination.

At the same time, while the few people were talking, Sasuke and Naruto also crossed the stream, rushed over wet all over, and stood behind Kakashi and Chiyu.

"It seems that we have to continue fighting! "

Kakashi also touched the soldier pills with a headache. He really didn't want to eat this thing.

He was already weak, and he was still squeezing his body. The more he ate, the weaker he became.

Fortunately, at this time, Chiyu suddenly raised his hand.

"Wait a minute, I have another suggestion!"

"What?" Chiyu's speech made everyone look over.

Chiyu looked at Bai and said seriously: "If you don't want Zabuza to return to Kirigakure, then don't return. You stay, and we let Zabuza leave. He can go anywhere, how about it?"

"Huh! ! ?"

Listening to Chiyu's words, everyone was surprised.

Sasuke quickly objected: "That's not right, Chiyu, letting Zabuza leave is like letting a tiger go back to the mountain, isn't it?"

"Yes!" Naruto agreed: "How can we let Zabuza go!"

"Yes, yes!" Even the barrage began to agree at this time.

"Zabuza is such a strong person, how can we let him go? ”

“He is confused, Qianyu is definitely confused!”

“It’s bad, is Qianyu in love with the enemy boy?”

“No, that kind of thing should be at least fifty years after I die!”

“Hehe, you are confused again, the characters have their own lives. Warning once.”

“Indeed, let’s look at the black silk boy in the distance, family members.”

“Why is there such a plot again, I will OO you XX******”

When Qianyu was caught off guard and even hadn’t thought about it at all, the PDST self-green radar of the barrage was activated. It was originally just a topic about whether there would be problems in letting the tiger go back to the mountain, and then it instantly went off topic to them being backstabbed again.

With such public opinion, Qianyu, who traveled through time in 21 years, was really confused.

What’s going on? Didn’t the butcher die? Could it be that there is still such a game?

After she traveled through time, the people behind her experienced The question of what bad things had happened came to her mind again.

But Qianyu was destined to not understand these things, or even imagine them.

With her simple cognition, how could she understand the magical events such as Lady Lion, Sancao CP, and Lady Raymond experienced by the Blue Star players?

It can only be said that the barrage was really scared.

But in this situation, Qianyu had no choice for the time being, and could only continue as she thought.

Ignoring the opinions of Naruto and Sasuke, Qianyu looked at Kakashi: "Teacher Kakashi, what do you think?"

"I think..." Kakashi touched his chin.

Then, in the surprised eyes of Naruto and Sasuke, Kakashi actually nodded in agreement: "I think it's okay!"

"Hey, why! !?"

Naruto asked very loudly.

"Yes!" Sasuke also frowned, waiting for Kakashi's explanation nervously.

But Zabuza was louder than Naruto.

"Huh? Let Bai come in exchange for me! ! ? "

"What a joke! Just a tool!"

"I don't accept it! Kakashi, if you have the guts, kill me, don't humiliate and torture me like this!"

Zabuza was furious.

With his self-esteem, he really couldn't accept this. Zabuza was essentially a person who cherished his companions very much.

Then the angry Zabuza looked at Bai, wanting him to refuse directly.

However, after just looking at Bai, Zabuza understood.

Faced with Chiyu's proposal, Bai was moved."No!" Zabuza's face was grim: "Bai, I said no, I don't agree!"

"Remember, you are just my tool, tools must obey the master's orders, and cannot make decisions on your own!"

"!!!" Zabuza's unprecedentedly violent reaction shocked Naruto and others.

At the same time, it also attracted the attention of the barrage that was fighting.

"Such a big reaction?"

"Damn, BYD keeps calling Bai a tool. Did he forget that Bai was fighting for him not long ago?"

"Yeah, or let him die."

Naruto also asked incomprehension: "Hey, what are you talking about? That's your companion! How can a companion be a tool?"

But Zabuza ignored Naruto.

"Shut up, kid, it's none of your business!"

"Bai!" He still wanted to persuade Bai.

But at this time, Bai just condensed a water needle and flicked it lightly.


The water needle pierced Zabuza's neck and sealed his vocal cords without hurting him.

"Uh, uh uh uh uh!"

Zabuza instantly became a mute who couldn't even do Ababa Ababa. He could only stare at Bai unwillingly with a pair of red eyes.

Seeing Zabuza like this, Bai was also ashamed and bowed his head: "Gomenase, Zabuza-san, but I have to do this."

"Because, I want you to be alive!"

"The only thing that is alive is an extremely precious thing. Today, I have a particularly deep understanding of this matter."

After speaking, Bai straightened his back and looked at Qianyu seriously: "I agree to your request. I only have one question now."

"How can Zabuza-san go alone in this situation?"

"This is easy!"

Qianyu snapped his fingers: "Can't you use your clone to take care of him? It happens that the clone can take care of him before the chakra is exhausted."

"And you use the clone to divide your chakra, and it is convenient for us to control you, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone!"

"Then let's do it!" Bai nodded, made seals with both hands, and really exhausted all the chakra in his body and separated an ice clone.

Then the ice clone carried Zabuza on its back and slowly walked away.

Bai, whose chakra was exhausted, also softened and fell to the ground with a bang.

But for some reason, this bang had a little echo?

"Teacher Kakashi!"

Naruto shouted in panic.

Bai on the ground turned his head in confusion, only to find that Kakashi was lying on the ground almost at the same time as him.

But unlike him, he was still conscious, but his body was exhausted.

Kakashi fell asleep directly!

Seeing this, Bai understood everything in an instant: "So that's it, so that's it!"

With the discomfort and unwillingness of being calculated, he looked at Qianyu helplessly and complained: "Too cunning!"

"There's no way! In that situation, if you don't want to fight, don't you have to try to cheat?"

"And the facts show that our choice is right. You are really deceived. Accept the loss!"

Qianyu walked over with a smile and checked Kakashi's condition.

"Okay, it's no big deal, Kakashi just overdrawn his chakra." Chiyu said to Naruto.

"It's hard for him to hold on until now."

"Hey, Chiyu, did you know it a long time ago?" Naruto was shocked when he heard Chiyu's words.

"Yes!" Chiyu nodded: "You saw Kakashi deal with Zabuza smoothly, but in fact his consumption was not small at all!"

"So letting Zabuza go is also..." Sasuke reacted.

"Yes, there may be no choice to let Zabuza go, because if we don't let him go, he will fight us to the death!"

Qianyu pointed at Bai next to him: "Don't look at Bai's handsome face, we three may not be able to deal with him."

"Anyway, it's a good ending to be able to defeat him like this!"

"And you don't have to worry about Zabuza's comeback. Since Kakashi made the decision to let Zabuza go, it means he is not afraid of Zabuza coming again."

"How about it, Kakashi and I cooperated well, right!"

After talking about the layout, Qianyu put her hands on her hips, her little face raised proudly, and she looked so awesome.

"Indeed!" Naruto and Sasuke admired her.

It can only be said that Qianyu is worthy of being their recognized captain and think tank. Together with Kakashi, the liar, they can really turn black into white.

Thinking of this, Naruto and Sasuke even felt a little sympathy for Bai lying on the ground.

Poor kid, what good is it to have a lot of strength?

He was still tricked by Chiyu and Kakashi and lost all his pants.

At this time, after listening to Chiyu's revelation, the little square box was shocked.The broadcast room was also filled with comments about misunderstandings being resolved.

Qianyu happily discovered that she had gained quite a lot from the second half of the show.

Afterwards, the live broadcast was closed, and this episode slowly ended.

Team 7 brought Haku and Kakashi to find Dazna who was hiding, and went to Dazna's house together.

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