Fifteen kunai were inserted along Iruka's waist, shoulders, neck, and head, forming a perfect human figure. One of the kunai pierced Iruka's thigh, penetrating deep into the flesh, causing blood to flow!

Then, Mizuki's voice came from afar:"It's really hard for you to find this place, Iruka!"

"So that's what's going on!" Hearing Mizuki's voice, Iruka finally understood.

Why would Naruto steal the Book of Seals for no reason? Obviously, this was all arranged by Mizuki!

But it was too late for Iruka to understand now.

After crippling Iruka, Mizuki no longer paid attention to him, but looked at Chiyu and asked the question that Iruka hadn't had time to ask just now:"Phoenix Temple Chiyu, why are you here?"

And with Mizuki's question, the live camera also came to Chiyu.

Chiyu replied with a smile:"It's just a coincidence. My training has reached a critical stage today, so I practiced for a while longer, and I happened to meet Naruto."

"So that's it!" Shuimu nodded, his expression relaxed a lot:"Then Qianyu classmate, can you give me the scroll in your hand? What happened today has nothing to do with you."

"certainly……"Qianyu stretched out her voice, smiling, and waited until Mizuki showed a hint of joy, and Iruka's heart was hanging, before she uttered the second half of the sentence:"No!"

"call——"Iruka breathed a sigh of relief.

Mizuki snorted angrily:"Fenghuangji Chiba, you don't think that you, a newly graduated Genin, can stop me, do you?"

"Why not?" Qianyu tilted her head cutely, holding the long sword at her waist with her right hand:"Three against one, the advantage is on me!"

Since she came here to fish in troubled waters today, she was of course fully prepared. She was not afraid of Mizuki in a one-on-one fight, not to mention Iruka and Naruto.

So Qianyu really wanted to test her sword on Mizuki in this battle.

But Iruka didn't want to.

Seeing that Qianyu seemed to want to stay, Iruka reluctantly pulled out the kunai on his thigh and hurriedly said:

"No matter what, Mizuki is still a Chunin, you can't beat him, and the Book of Sealing must not fall into Mizuki's hands!"

"Chiyu, take Naruto away quickly!"

"Naruto, did you hear me? Leave with Chiba!"Iruka was very anxious.

"But……"Naruto obviously hasn't figured it out yet:"One of you wants me to come, and the other wants me to leave, what the hell is going on?"

"Don't you understand yet, Naruto?"

Qianyu sighed:"The so-called make-up exam is just a cover. Shuimu's real goal is the seal book in my hand now. You are just a pawn used by him!"

"What!"Naruto's pupils shrank, and he looked at Mizuki on the tree and asked,"Is that so?"

"That's right!" Shuimu said proudly,"Naruto, you should thank me. At least I only see you as a chess piece and a tool, not a monster or a nine-tailed demon fox!"

"What do you mean!" Naruto's expression changed drastically when he heard the key words!

And Iruka also realized what Mizuki was going to say, and quickly said:"Asshole, Mizuki, shut up!"

""Hahaha!" Enjoying Iruka's eagerness, Mizuki laughed and said,"At this point, is there any need to hide it?"

"Let me tell you, Naruto, you are actually the nine-tailed demon fox who killed Iruka and Chiba's parents and destroyed the village twelve years ago!"

"It’s just that this matter is usually subject to a gag order and is not allowed to be discussed!"

"Naruto, aren't you weird? Why do you attract disgust? Why didn't anyone play with you since you were a kid? Why didn't anyone recognize you?"

"There are reasons for all this, so enjoy it!"

"Bastard!" Under Mizuki's verbal attack, Naruto recalled the past days, his chakra went out of control, tears kept dripping, and he was completely defeated!

He could never have imagined that the truth of the matter was like this!

"Very good!"A hint of joy appeared in Shuimu's eyes.

Naruto was out of control and couldn't help himself. Iruka was half crippled. Next, he just needed to kill Chiyu!

Thinking of this, Shuimu reached out to touch the big shuriken behind him.

But at this moment, a silent kunai suddenly attacked!

It happened that Shuimu had put all his heart and soul on Naruto and Iruka before. At this moment, he was a little slow to react in a hurry. He could only turn his head hurriedly when the time came!


The sharp kunai sank into the tree trunk.

In midair, a few strands of silver hair slowly floated down!

A blood mark slowly appeared on Shuimu's cheek!

""Little devil, you are looking for death!"

Feeling the slight sting on his face, Shuimu turned his head furiously.

But then he found that under the cover of the kunai, Qianyu was already wrapped in a gust of wind, holding a long sword, and jumped in front of him!


A sword light as pure as the moonlight bloomed in the dim forest!

The next second, Shuimu flew out, his uncontrolled body drew a perfect parabola in the air, and landed in a bush in front of Qianyu, his life or death unknown!

At this time, Qianyu's pleasant voice came faintly:

"Is Naruto a demon fox? I'm his classmate, but I don't know? He is a little bit stupid, but he is still a good person. You may not agree, but I do."

"It's Mizuki you, not only you're plotting, but you're also talking too much, you deserve to be a rubbish Chunin after all these years!"

Hearing this, everyone suddenly realized that Chiyu's sudden move was obviously because she couldn't stand Mizuki's verbal attacks on Naruto.

"Chiyu……"After understanding this, Naruto was stunned and deeply moved.

Iruka was the same. However

, his expression was relieved but also revealed pain in his balls.

After all, he was still a Chunin for so many years, not only Mizuki, but also him...

But no one cared about Iruka's pain at this time. In the live broadcast, dense barrages filled the screen.

"What a sharp knife, what an awesome person!"

"She really made me cry!"

"So gentle, worthy of being my Qianyu wife!"

"She is so beautiful, cool and gentle. This is true love!"

"Not only is she as graceful as a startled swan and as elegant as a flying dragon, she is also beautiful, kind-hearted, and has white hair and red eyes. How can there be such a fairy sister in this world!"

"Yes, the sword just now was not cut into Shuimu, it was clearly cut into my heart!"

Originally, Qianyu's sword just now was amazing, and coupled with this heart for her companions, Qianyu once again left a deep impression in everyone's heart after her previous appearance.

As the barrage said, who can refuse the white-haired and red-eyed girl who is beautiful and kind?

On Qianyu's personal panel, a large amount of impression value harvest came again, and the impression value of only more than 100 instantly soared to four digits, and it was still rising.

Seeing this, Qianyu, who was standing on the big tree where Shuimu stood before, with her back to everyone, showed a little bit of imperceptible joy on her face. She interrupted Shuimu's words and stopped him from attacking Naruto. Of course, she meant to do so, but more to grab the camera and gain impression value.

Now it seems that this effect is very good. She has a natural advantage in attracting people's attention with her natural beauty.

In this case, let's keep up the good work!

Qianyu looked at a big tree next to her:"Hey, come out if you are not dead. You don't think I will be confused by your substitute in the bushes, right?"

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