With her own keen perception of wind, she outlined the shape of the invisible wind blade in Maki's hand. After coming to this world, Qianyu felt the strongest sense of crisis.

She had a hunch that even if her physique could be amplified to the level of Shadow or even higher with the blessing of Hao Shui Jian, she would be in trouble if she was really hit by Maki's wind blade.

It was just a simple confrontation. He started with a B-level earth escape·earth spear, and then an A-level unprinted wind escape·wind blade. Maki's strength can be seen!

Only such a Maki is worthy of Qianyu's careful concealment of his own information before the fight, while saving consumption.

Facing an unprecedented strong enemy, Qianyu's ruby-like eyes were filled with unprecedented fiery fighting spirit at this moment!

Qianyu smiled: "I admit that I am not as good as you in wind escape. But no matter how sharp your wind blade is, what can it do if there is no one to swing it?"

As he spoke, the extreme cold that made people's heart stop burst out from the ice sword that Qianyu slashed on Maki's right shoulder.

The cold air that could freeze boiling water instantly began to pour into Maki's body from his wound!

Maki relied on earth escape and earth spear to make his body as hard as diamond, and his physical resistance was fully stretched. Even Qianyu couldn't cut it.

But as a ninja, facing the information known in advance, how could he not prepare?

With advance and sufficient preparation, even Shikamaru could kill Feidan, let alone Qianyu!

Under Qianyu's icy breath, Maki, who was just full of confident smiles, immediately had crystal frost on his eyelashes, and his face turned from healthy bronze to dark blue.

As for the wind blade, it froze on Maki's finger after it came out!

Seeing this, Qianyu showed a satisfied smile: "You are shivering, Maki!"

"Is it because of the extreme cold, or the fear of impending death?"

Listening to Qianyu's words, Maki's one eye turned, and then his lips moved, as if he wanted to speak.

But what came out of his mouth was not a sound, but a mouthful of deep purple poisonous mist!

The smelly poisonous mist quickly covered Qianyu's face.

But facing this situation where most people would subconsciously dodge, Qianyu did not dodge.

She just subconsciously exploded the wind around her, and the poisonous mist that had just sprayed towards her was blown back, and covered Maki's face instead.

Maki's trump card failed.

However, what he wanted was actually to buy a moment of time.

At the same time that the poisonous mist was blown back by Qianyu, the wind blade on the fingertips of Maki's right hand was deliberately detonated by him!

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh--"

Starting from the fingertips of Maki's right hand, the wind blade exploded into countless wind blades. The raging wind blades swept between the two people, cutting Maki himself into pieces while also cutting off Qianyu's ice sword, and successfully forcing Qianyu back!

Then Maki threw a smoke bomb at his feet, and hid himself in the fog with a bang.

Seeing Maki's operation, Qianyu sneered disdainfully: "Hiding in the smoke can't stop my pursuit!"

Qianyu quickly formed a seal:

"Wind Style: Thousand Faces Wind!"

"Swish, swish, swish, swish--"

Thousands of wind blades rushed into the dark smoke. Under the hunting of the Thousand Faces Wind, the special smoke was like being gnawed by a group of crows, and was instantly torn into small pieces of smoke without a shape.

But after the wind in front cut off the smoke bomb, Qianyu was surprised to find that there was no figure of Maki in the smoke bomb, leaving only a pool of sand stained red with blood.

"Escaped?" Qianyu subconsciously judged, but she immediately shook her head: "No, that's not right, he buried himself in the sand!"

"Tsk!" Qianyu pouted unhappily.

I didn't expect that this small desert created by Gaara would become Maki's advantage.

According to the last shocking shock to Maki, he was severely invaded by the cold air, and it might be a bit difficult for him to move normally, so he should be hiding somewhere underground to heal his wounds.

But now she didn't know how deep the sand under her feet was hit by Gaara, and Qianyu didn't have the ability of the White Eyes, so it would be difficult to find Maki for a while.

"So this is the real old elite jonin, he has already succeeded, but he can still escape!"

Qianyu was really amazed at Maki's performance.

But the stronger he was, the less Qianyu could give him a chance to breathe.


"Ice Release·One-horned White Whale!"

Accompanied by a huge amount of chakra output!

"Woo woo woo woo woo woo--"

A long whale song appeared on the land!

"Boom boom boom..."

Then, as the small desert trembled violently, a giant ice-blue whale with spiral horns on its head rushed out of the sand like it was rushing out of the sea, all the way up!Then, after the huge body was lifted up nearly 30 meters, the hundreds of tons of body finally fell heavily!

This is Qianyu's response!

Since Qianyu can't find Maki, why don't she plow the whole area?

Simple, rough, but effective!

But Qianyu's wild behavior made Maki suffer.

Looking at this scene, Maki, who hid himself in the sand and observed the outside world with a ninjutsu similar to the Eye of Sand, was shocked: "Damn, using such a ninjutsu in such a place, is she crazy!"

But whether Qianyu is crazy or not, if Maki doesn't want to hide in the sand and be beaten into a meat pie by the white whale, then he'd better move now.

Fortunately, during that period of time, the cold air in Maki's body had been expelled almost, and he could move normally.

So Maki hurriedly ended his secret method of healing in the sand with a sand bath, and hurriedly began to float up!

At the same time, Qianyu's white whale officially landed on the sand.


With the place where the white whale fell as the center, the sand began to fluctuate like water, forming sand waves comparable to those of Gaara at that time, and the huge sand waves squeezed in all directions!

Under such movement, the foundation of the venue, which had already been damaged by Gaara's actions, was hit again, and violent shaking came, and all parties in the venue were affected for a while!

Akai, who had just knocked away a sound ninja, looked at his gay friend and complained: "Kakashi, you still have the nerve to say that I'm messing around, isn't it more messy when you teach me?"

"Ah this..." Kakashi was speechless, because he was really the one who taught the white whale, but he didn't expect Chiyu to use those ice escapes from the Snow Country so well.

And above, the higher the building is, the easier it is to vibrate, and Orochimaru and the third generation will feel it even more obviously.

Looking at the creaking Four Purple Flame Formation, Orochimaru showed a rare expression of surprise and solemnity:

"Such a big commotion? What is Chiyu doing? Don't ruin the venue, I'm not close enough to the teacher yet!"

"You mean Chiyu?" The third generation heard the unexpected name from Orochimaru.

Orochimaru knew Chiyu and he was not surprised. What surprised him was that Orochimaru looked very familiar with Chiyu.

"Yes, Chiyu!"

Looking at the third generation, Orochimaru's snake eyes turned, and I don't know what he thought of, and the familiar smirk of the third generation rose on his face: "You should have seen her too, after all, she is such an excellent child!"

"I have to say, although I am a little bored with Konoha, it is really a cradle of geniuses, and some good seedlings can come out from time to time!"

"But teacher, geniuses, are attracted to each other!" Orochimaru covered his face and laughed softly.

"What do you mean!" The third generation had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Orochimaru, it's not enough for you to covet Sasuke, do you also want Chiyu? I won't let you succeed!"

The third generation clenched the Ruyi Vajra Rod and said angrily: "And that child is not the kind of person you are!"

"Haha, teacher, why are you so angry?"

Orochimaru's smile was full of malice: "You are an old and blind gardener, and you can't take care of the seedlings. What's wrong with me taking care of them for you?"

"Also, what kind of person am I?"

"Teacher, don't judge a true genius with your narrow cognition!"

Orochimaru said something that shocked the third generation: "In fact, I have already met that child once, and we get along well!"

"Don't you think her wind escape looks familiar when you look at her?"

"Yeah!" The third generation was struck by lightning, because when Orochimaru said this, he really had a little such feeling.

Because he happened to have seen the battle between Chiyu and Maruboshi Kosuke with a crystal ball before.

But a genius like Qianyu is actually related to Orochimaru!

The third generation was shocked for a moment, and so were the audience who saw this.

But how could the third generation know that Orochimaru said this just to brag about his teacher.

Of course, there was also a little intention to buy time.

While the third generation was distracted, Orochimaru quickly sent several inquiry messages to the outside world, and at the same time, the first and second generations surrounded the third generation again.

After a while, looking at the returned information, Orochimaru thought with his eyes, issued several instructions, and another undercurrent surged.

However, these arrangements obviously have nothing to do with the present.

Below, after a while of the white whale falling down, Maki, who was hit by the sand waves and in a mess, finally crawled out of the sand.

At this time, he was no longer as comfortable as at the beginning, and his ninja vest was cut by his wind blade.Not only was he rotten, but he was also covered in sand.

Looking at Qianyu, Maki sighed, "You are such a lunatic!"

"Mad?" Qianyu was very casual: "Genius and lunatic are two sides of the same coin. You think I am a lunatic, but doesn't that mean I am a genius?"

"Hmph, you sharp-tongued brat! I won't argue with you!"

Maki stopped the meaningless verbal confrontation and calmed himself down to think about how to deal with Qianyu.

Unlike Moonlight Gale, the pure swordsman who was completely defeated by him, Qianyu not only has achievements in hand-to-hand combat, but also has a very good escape technique, and also has an ice escape blood limit.

However, Qianyu's ice escape just now obviously consumed a lot of chakra...

Maki had an idea.

"Wind escape·net!"

A pure white wind net intertwined and netted Qianyu!

Since the opponent consumes a lot of chakra, then everyone is better than escape techniques.

No matter how talented Qianyu is, she is still young. Maki is still confident in the accumulation of escape techniques and the amount of chakra.

After the net, Maki followed with a few wind escape techniques to ensure that Qianyu could not escape.

However, when Maki cast the wind escape technique, the wind and thunder around Qianyu vibrated, but it was covered with a layer of obvious white light!

The next second, under the effect of the swift escape technique, Qianyu turned into a residual image, and a white light instantly passed through Maki's wind escape technique, and then came to his back with the thousand-year kill technique, and stabbed Maki's lower back with a kunai silently!

Backstab, kidney shot!

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