But in the previous battle, Iruka could see that Chiyu's strength lies in her sword.

With a sword, she is a genius who can fight Mizuki. Without a sword, she is just an ordinary student with average grades in the ninja school. Chiyu's sword was destroyed because of him. If

Chiyu gets into trouble during the mission because of not having a sword, Iruka feels that he will never forgive himself.


"Qianyu, let me give you a knife!"

""Eh, hey, is it true?"

The sudden surprise filled Qianyu's beautiful eyes.

Iruka's guess was right, Qianyu's current sword was the legacy left by her cheap father.

For her who was so poor that she almost had to give up the surname Bukawa, a new sword was simply a timely help and she could not refuse it at all!

Iruka smiled heartily:"Of course, can the teacher lie to you?"

""Let's go, the ninja tool shop should be open now!"

After saying that, Iruka took the lead and walked in front.

Looking at Iruka's bloody back, even Qianyu had to admit that he was really handsome as a teacher.

Afterwards, the two went to Tiantian's ninja tool shop.

The process of buying a knife naturally needs no details, it can only be said that Iruka spent a huge amount of money.

After getting the new knife as a surprise, Qianyu's harvest day was finally over. After returning home, without even looking at the impression value gains, after a hasty bath, the tired Qianyu fell asleep.

However, Qianyu, the little butterfly, slept well, but the storm she set off has just begun to spread!


Hokage Building, Hokage Office

""Knock, knock, knock!" There was a crisp knock on the door.

"Come in!"

"" Squeak!" The door opened and a striking silver broom head poked in.

Looking at the Third Hokage who was standing by the window, smoking a pipe and looking at the peaceful scenery of Konoha outside the window, Kakashi greeted,"Hokage-sama, are you looking for me?"

"Not bad!" The third generation turned around and a smile appeared on his old face:"Kakashi, you are here!"

"Yes, Lord Hokage, what can I do for you?" Kakashi nodded.

"It's nothing, just take a look at your document first!"

The Sandai pointed to the table, Kakashi picked up the document the Sandai mentioned and read it carefully.

Then, he was surprised to find that this was actually an investigation report on a Genin presented by the Anbu!

What kind of Genin is worthy of the Hokage's special instructions to the Anbu to investigate?

Kakashi looked at the photo first.

Don't say it, it's really beautiful. The girl in the photo smiled sweetly, with her pure white hair and ruby-like eyes, as if she were a fairy.

Then Kakashi looked at the name column

""Hoenji... Chiba?"

This one was a little strange. Kakashi had no impression of it at all. There were so many jonin in Konoha Village, some still alive and some not, but it seemed that there was no one with the last name of Hoenji.

But the Third Generation specifically called him here and asked him to look at this, obviously for this girl.

So, what was going on?

Kakashi looked at the Third Generation in confusion.

Noticing Kakashi's gaze, the Third Generation, who couldn't help but pretend to be an expert, said unhappily:

"Read it first, and talk about it later, Kakashi. Don’t you have the patience to read carefully only when you are watching Intimate Paradise?"

"Forehead……"Kakashi was a little embarrassed.

Because he suddenly found that it seemed to be true!

But of course he didn't dare to tell the third generation, so Kakashi watched it honestly.

Then he knew why the third generation called him here today!

""Oh Ka-san!"

Kakashi exclaimed when looking at the column about Chiba's family background.

Because in the column about Chiba's previous generation of relatives, his mother's name was specially marked!

The father of this Chiba of Houhouji was actually his mother's younger brother!

In other words, Chiba of Houhouji was also his cousin!

But why didn't he know anything about such a close relationship?

As if seeing Kakashi's doubts, the third generation finally spoke at this time:"Because the Houhouji clan is very proud, and as a samurai family, they declined earlier than the Hatake!"

"Originally, your two clans had been related for a long time, and your mother, Fenghuang Temple Kaori, married your father, which should have been an opportunity for the Fenghuang Temple clan to rise again."

"But your mother gave birth to you in the Land of Fire, not in Konoha, and died of complications during childbirth. Then, a few years later, Sakumo……"

At this point, he seemed a little sad, and the third generation sighed.

"You see, after Sakumo left, you were the only young one left. If they got close to each other, it would seem like they were trying to snatch you from Hatake, so they gradually stopped interacting with each other, and neither you nor Chiba Fenghuangji knew about this relationship."

"When I first found out about it, I was shocked!"

"I can only say that the bloodline of genius is inherited!" The third generation sighed

"Genius!" Kakashi grasped the key point from the words of the third generation.

"That's right!" The Third Hokage pulled out another stack of papers and handed it to Kakashi.

It was a detailed battle report of Chiyu and Mizuki last night.

It indicated Chiyu's fighting style mainly based on swordsmanship, as well as the existence of wind-style ninjutsu that he suspected to be self-created!

Looking at Kakashi, whose expression changed even with the mask, reading the battle report, the Third Hokage smiled:"Is it similar, Kakashi!"

"Similar, too similar!" Kakashi nodded.

Both of them focus on swordsmanship, and have their own ninjutsu. Except that Chiyu is not as strong as he was back then, she is exactly the same as him.

Such a relationship, such a genius, and was exposed only because of an unexpected situation. No one knew about it before, and now it's time.

At this point, Kakashi has understood what the Third Hokage meant:"Hokage-sama, do you want to temporarily transfer her to my class?"

"That's right, Kakashi is really smart!"The third generation laughed heartily:"Such a talented child, if she is allowed to enter another class, it will be a waste."

"Of course, I transferred this child to your Team 7 not only because of your relationship!"

The Sandai paused, and then said shockingly:"This child was also present when Naruto stole the Book of Seals last night!"

"What?" Kakashi was startled and was about to ask for details, but the Third Hokage raised his hand to stop him, signaling him to continue listening to him.

"Naruto read a jutsu from the Book of Sealed Ninja Techniques, and this kid read two. One was the unfinished water-style ninjutsu of the Second Generation, which was a bit dangerous, and the other one was also very familiar to you."

He is familiar with it?" Kakashi subconsciously searched in his mind, what jutsu that could be included in the Book of Sealed Ninja Techniques could make him very familiar.

Then an answer popped up in Kakashi's mind:"Could it be the flying jutsu?"……"

"That’s right, it’s the Eight Gates!"

"Ah this!"Kakashi was a little embarrassed, but the third generation ignored him and continued:"So, Kakashi, you understand your arduous task!"

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