Lin Tianlu embraces Hua Shuya with one hand, looks at the black jade bracelet in his hand, browses slightly and raises: "What is this again?"

, I only heard a few crisp sounds of ka-cha, a large number of cracks suddenly appeared on the bracelet, and the violent vibration was silent.


Lin Tianlu's mouth was shaking slightly, and he was about to apologize to the girl in his arms, but when he looked down, he realized that Hua Shuya was already sleeping in his arms. go.

After such a fierce battle, I was really exhausted to think about it.

He apologized: "Miss Shanghan, I accidentally scared you. This thing may be Shuya's thing."

Shanghan came back to his senses, laughed She waved her hand again and again: "It's okay."

She looked towards the surrounding messy ruins again, and whispered: "I really don't know how fierce the battle just happened."

"It's really intriguing. "Lin Tianlu simply hugged Hua Shuya horizontally: "Leave here first, no outsiders are involved in the ruins. And such a big movement, there should be people from the yamen coming to investigate soon.

As for what happened, please ask carefully when Shuya wakes up."

Shang Han is slightly nodded.


Inside the palace.

Mao Ruoyu walked around in the lobby a little nervously, looking up at the gate of the house from time to time, and after confirming that there was no silhouette, he suddenly bowed his head in distress and thought.

"Sure enough, I still have to take the initiative to...Huh?"

The beautiful woman's footsteps suddenly stopped, listening carefully, and soon noticed that there are faint footsteps approaching outside the house.


The door of the house was pushed open, and several silhouettes came in one after another. A closer look revealed that they were all young maids and a strange woman surrounded by them.

Wearing a purple robe big cloak, a high hairpin on the side of the cloud, he is tall and lithe and graceful. Although he has a little bit of pink and white, it is still difficult to hide the traces of the years. The cold eyes are gradually narrowing, and the faint has several points of not angry and self-prestigious. Inspirational.

Mao Ruoyu was stunned for a moment, and quickly raised his face, before holding his hand: "I don't know how many of them are..."

A maid immediately frowned and scolded: "Boldly make people, When you see Ziyu Empress, don’t you hurry up and bow down!"

Ziyu Empress?

The queen who is not the mother of the world dares to call herself'Empress', which shows that her status and status are extraordinary.

Mao Ruoyu's thoughts changed sharply, and he quickly leaned and bowed and said, "The servant girl sees Empress."

The maid looked cold at the sight, and was about to speak again, but Ziyu Empress But he raised his wrist slightly, and said calmly: "Since it has something to do with Shuya, this gift will be avoided."

"many thanks Empress." Mao Ruoyu bowed his head to give a salute, hesitantly said: "But I don't know. Why does Empress come here in the middle of the night?"

The maid beside him raised her head slightly, coldly snorted and said: "Empress cares about the safety of the sixth young lady. She stays up all night. I heard that there are two A girl came to inquire when she visited."

Mao Ruoyu hearing this eyes moved slightly, and he quickly responded: "Empress has a benevolent heart, but the slave family just drove into Qingcheng just before one hour, and has never been with the Chinese girl. Goodbye. Until I came to the gate of the palace, I heard the news from the guards."

"What I want to ask is not about this, but about something in Changling County!"

The maid said solemnly: "Hua sixth young lady has an affair with the man named Lin Tianlu?"


Mao Ruoyu suddenly Froze.

But the beautiful woman's mind also turned extremely fast, but she thought for a moment, and soon said: "Ms. Hua, she and Mr.... are really related, but both parties are immeasurably self-satisfied and intimate. My friend, I have never done any presumptuous behavior. Now it is the Spring Festival that I came to visit and harass."

"And what is your relationship with Lin Tianlu?"

"The slave family..."

Mao Ruoyu's silver teeth clenched: "The slave family is the wife of the Lin Tianlu Ming media."

The maid icily said: "Really bold! She already has a wife. , I even dared to come and provoke the sixth young lady of Hua, this Lin Tianlu did not consider me waiting for Zhengyang Palace as a decoration!" Ziyu Empress narrowed his eyes coldly, and opened his lips slightly: "Absurd."

Mao Ruoyu feels a little flustered, not knowing what to do for a while.

Now that Shu Ya is missing, and this Ziyu Empress has come to "Xingshi asks for sin", how should she respond so that she will not cause unreasonable trouble?

"――Empress, please calm down your anger."

A calm and soothing voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone looked sideways and saw that Cheng Yishi was walking quickly along the corridor until he stopped by Mao Ruoyu and leaned forward and said: "There is love between the Hua girl and Lin Tianlu. Xiangyue is not ridiculous. Although a man must have enough status to marry a wife and a concubine, Lin Tianlu got his fame in the first test. Although he went to Beijing and failed the ranking, his status is true after all."

He lowered his eyes and said without arrogance: "As for Lin Tianlu, this person in Changling and even Western Horse County has an extraordinary reputation and is normally a kind person who is praised by everyone. Although he is not as wealthy as his family, he is still the same now. There are also some savings in family homes. There is no problem for such a man to marry a wife and concubine."

The maid glared at him: "You--"

But Ziyu Empress quickly said calmly: " You, is Lin Tianlu's other wife, Cheng Yishi?"

"It is the girl of the people." Cheng Yishi is slightly nodded.

"Do you know who Shuya is?"

"The prince's granddaughter."

"The princes and nobles are married to trifling Jinshi, you Think this matter really makes sense?" Ziyu Empress's tone was even more indifferent: "Besides, Lin Tianlu has your two wives and concubines by your side, and Shu Ya has a relationship with Lin Tianlu, what kind of identity will he be in the future? is it It is possible that, the granddaughter of the dignified prince will condescend to be a concubine?"

"Not so."

Cheng Yishi held his hand and said softly, "Ms. Hua It’s a true wife."


Ziyu Empress raised her eyebrows slightly: "You two are willing to hand over the position of true wife?"

"The concubine body does not have any objections." Cheng Yishi's face was calm and extremely calm and said: "Ms. Hua is very much loved and respected by the concubine body and Ruoyu, and it is natural that she should take care of her wife in the family.

Moreover, Empress should be aware of the many changes that Ms. Hua has made over the years. The most intuitive thing is that her cultivation base has soared, she has reached the Azure Spirit Realm world at a young age, and the Grandmaster will be expected in a few years. The girl’s own innate talent is extraordinary, as well as Husband’s helper guidance."


A scholar who has no power to bind a chicken, a student who reads and writes, there is no ability to teach Miss Hua. And our Hua Family's army sword is mysterious and extraordinary, how can a scholar who can only say a few words..."

"Whether there is this ability, everyone present will know at a glance."

Cheng Yishi neither fast nor slow said: "Empress, can I let my concubine take a shot?"


"Empress, please watch." She stepped forward quickly, taking a photo with her right hand. A guard standing at the entrance of the courtyard suddenly complexion slightly changed, and she saw her wearing it. At the waist, the long knife suddenly came out of its sheath, fluttered and fell into the woman's softness.

Cheng Yishi have the words at hand, with a calm expression on his backhand side.

Even if you don’t need to rely on Yin Qi in your body to actuate, relying only on the powerful bones and bones forged by the current hammer, this blow directly cut a deep knife mark in the courtyard of a boulder in the courtyard. Cut it in half directly.

The sound of ear-piercing knives made several maids complexion greatly changed, and they were so scared that they covered their ears quickly.

Until they watched Cheng Yishi's expressionlessly pulling out the curly-edged long knife from the crevice of the stone, their faces turned pale for a while.

"Ziyu Empress, laugh."

Cheng Yishi holds a knife and cup one fist in the other hand, with a soft tone and said: "The concubine body is also under the guidance of Husband. Wait for body protection martial arts. As the testimony is true, the Madam Mao next to my concubine also has extraordinary martial arts.

We were born in ordinary streets and have never been exposed to the so-called martial arts mentality in the past. Zhiliu, looking at the hands of the two of us, we know that we have normally never held a weapon to perform martial arts with pity."

Ziyu Empress glanced coldly across the faces of the two women, and slowly said: "You are Quite clever and talkative."

Cheng Yishi returned the long knife to the guards who came quickly, and then bowed his knees again: "The concubine just doesn't want the misunderstanding between Empress and Husband, if there is prejudice. , It’s easier to be deceived and misled by some treacherous people. This matter makes Ms. Hua know that after all... the atmosphere in the home is not beautiful."

"Besides, Husband has now been adopted by Tan Niang as a righteous son, and she too She once told her to guarantee this matter, and hope that Ziyu Empress can be more tolerant and forgiving, and leave the emotional matter between the man and the woman to the two of them to deal with."

At this point, Cheng Yishi's beautiful eyes lifted slightly. Sincerely looking at Ziyu Empress, he said: "Even though you and your concubine are different in status, they are all women after all. Now that you have many descendants, you should be able to understand the circumstances of Juniors the most."

Ziyu Empress's eyes are calm and deep, making it difficult to see through his mind.

Only after a moment of silence, she slightly nodded and said: "Since I have talked about this, I am embarrassed by words and you seem to be too tart and mean."

" Empress you..."

"After I find Shuya, I will discuss this matter. But--"

Ziyu Empress's words suddenly congealed, and she coldly said: "Yue Yue In other words, first press down the staff to punish and serve, let him know what is the duty of honor and inferiority!"

Tone barely fell, dozens of guards rushed forward.

Mao Ruoyu saw the complexion slightly changed and hurriedly reached out to protect Cheng Yishi behind him.

But at this moment, a silhouette flashed and moved through the crowd extremely deftly, before the guards.

"Retreat all!"

There was a sudden icy drink, and for a while, these guards were shocked in place.

Lan'er cup one fist in the other hand solemnly and said: "Empress, this is a family law, how can I punish the two girls at will?"

Yes The maid said angrily: "Qing Lan, you have the courage to point fingers to Empress when you trifling someone!"

"By your Royal Highness's orders."

Lan'er looked calm As before, he retreated to the side of Cheng Yishi and stretched out his hand to lift the chain ornaments worn by his neck: "This thing is one of His Royal Highness's tokens. When you see this thing, you will be no different from His Highness. Empress should pay more attention to this statement! I asked others to listen, and there was a conflict with His Royal Highness again!"


When the maids saw this, their expressions changed and they fell silent. .

Ziyu Empress's eyes flickered, and a bit of astonishment appeared on his calm face.

"Tan Zisheng turned out to be..."

She frowned suddenly and turned her sleeves, coldly said: "Let's go."


Seeing these menacing groups finally leave, Mao Ruoyu is relaxed.

"Two young ladies, are you frightened?" Lan'er looked back and showed concern: "That Ziyu Empress has cruel methods and unpredictable temperament. If he doesn't agree, he will beat and scold. The master of the subordinates. Please don’t take this matter too seriously. As long as your Royal Highness is there in the future, they will naturally not dare to do anything casually."

"It’s okay, there is a difference in identity between the two parties after all."

Mao Ruoyu gave a gentle smile: "Many thanks, Miss Lan'er made a statement to relieve the siege."

Lan'er shook the head: "It is the duty of slaves to protect the two young ladies. But, just now, the servant girl went out to inquire about the little master Hua, she seemed to..."


Cheng Yishi suddenly raised her hand to stop the conversation. Sisi smiled on her face: "Tianlu seems to be back!"


Outside the gate of the house.

The two maids were supporting Ziyu Empress and whispered: "Empress, let go of those two foreign women like this?"

"Yes! Trifling is back If you have the courage to speak badly in the palace, really act recklessly!"

"Since they were called by Tan Zisheng, I don't have much to say." Ziyu Empress's face was not worried, her narrow eyes narrowed: "Since she has been out of the picture these years, I will sell her face for the time being. But when the net is closed, if they still stay here hopelessly muddled, they will be asked to suffer some hardships with Tan Zisheng."

The maid whispered: "Empress, but Hua's sixth young lady is missing now..."

"She disappeared suddenly, indeed unexpectedly."

Ziyu Empress's expression gradually became indifferent, Calmly said: "But it doesn't affect my plan. It's time for this palace to be changed."

All are reduced to the next level-Huh?"

The several maids who accompanied them complexion slightly changed, and they all stopped.

Because in front of this night road, two fuzzy shadows suddenly appeared.

The guards on both sides of Hou Li quickly drew their swords and shouted angrily: "Who is hiding, show up soon!"

"It's late at night, inside the palace Still so lively?"

A slightly curious voice came leisurely.

Soon, Lin Tianlu hugged Hua Shuya and walked out of the shadows, lightly said with a smile: "I just found Shuya next time, and it took some time when I was on the way, which made everyone worried."

"Hua, Miss Hua?!"

After seeing the girl lying in her arms, many of the guards and maids changed their expressions.

Ziyu Empress even browses slightly wrinkle, said solemnly: "Who are you, why do you hold Shuya!"

Lin Tianlu gave a chuckle: "I will be named Lin Tianlu below. , I just saw Ms. Hua in the city and she was exhausted after the fierce battle with others, so I brought her back."

Although she can talk to the guards outside the door, Shu Ya is still attached to her body. Luo, it's always hard to explain in detail, and plan to find Shu Ya's yard alone in the mansion, and let her lie down and rest for a night.

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