Boom, boom boom boom boom--!

A series of fine thunders continue to blast down, and the momentum is getting stronger and stronger. If you look at it from outsiders, the night sky of this several dozen li places has been flooded by endless thunderclouds, and countless Insects Wake Thunder Dragon roared and swelled above the sea of ​​clouds, pouring and covering the earth, and without exception, these heavenly powers moved towards the center of the strikes again and again, exploding bursts of heaven shaking, earth shattering-like explosions.

It seems that thousands of thunder are gathering together, and the anger of the sky is hard to dissipate.


Under the heavy pressure, Mixia staggered for a while, almost fell to her knees, and stood up again with an increasingly hoarse growl and trembling.

Lin Tianlu saw that he browsed slightly wrinkle and glanced at the Thunder Cloud Sky with a cold look: "There is no end."

Why is it still chopping?

"If you want to chop, you can chop a happy one, how can it be like a colander, but also patter and sprinkle for a long time."


Lei The momentum in the cloud gradually ceased.

But there is a more terrifying aura brewing and rising in it, the purple thunder flickers interlaced, gradually turning purple and black.

The lightning ran around, as if to tear the sky into several dozen li-long pitch-black cracks. With only a trace of breath leaking, it seemed to completely isolate this area of ​​Heaven and Earth from the worlds. There is a Heavenly Might capable of destroying Divine Soul!

Lin Tianlu raised his head and looked at the sky, his complexion without joy or sorrow, raised his right hand as if he hadn't noticed it.

"——Remember to think of a new trick next time, this trick is really old."

As soon as the purple and black thunder tears through the night sky and falls, there is one in the vague land. A ray of emerald light flashed suddenly.

A flash, broken.


After a moment of dead silence, there was no wind or wave, only the thundercloud gradually fell apart.

Skywrath divine might extinguished more quietly, and it seemed that there was only a little sadness and helplessness. From time to time, a few innocent thunder and lightning fell, and the explosion around the carriage was smashed, and the lights were overflowing, but after all It's not really a penalty for Heavenly Lightning Tribulation, it's almost the same as an ordinary thunderstorm and power down.


Wuchang Province, Guangshu Village.

This place is almost the border of Wuchang Province, and it is only a dozen or more li roads away from Maohuan Province. After passing through a few mountain roads and villages, you can find the rumored Yingjie.

And two days have passed since the trip, Lin Tianlu has not experienced any weird changes.

Those weird Thunder Tribulations did not suddenly pop up again to make a fool of themselves, but to make the journey peaceful again.

It’s just

When the bill was settled after a meal, Lin Tianlu just asked the shopkeeper of the tavern to ask the shopkeeper about the stubbornness and the coldness and the coldness. Nai Fang’s crotch and skeletal ao protruding Tong⒛Zhan Panshi copying closed 吆jianjun

"What's wrong?"

Lin Tianlu couldn't help but said in a daze, "Is it a shopkeeper and I don't know why?剿剿剿個則個個則

"No, no, of course I know Ye Jian! The heart of the heart, the bed, the mouth, the mouth, the spine, the locust, the sling, the spear, and the street, the sedan, and the sedan, is instantly restored!

Lin Tianlu was quite surprised.

I thought that the street emperor had stolen the counseling, faded, and stubbornly threatened Pang Xing┟

"But, this guest, I suggest you don’t go there anymore. Inquire about He Yu Street's aluminum play, Zhai Mo's trip, closed ping-ping, ping-ping, mounting the ditch, and deciduously decayed.

"What happened?" "Lin Tianlu perplexed and said: "For Shopkeeper He to bring up the chanting of 萆交滱廱⌒Nangyao Miao Mojun

"It the guest just coming to our Guangshu Village not long ago?"

"We just passed by here today, we will start again after the meal is over."

"so that's how it is." Shopkeeper's relaxed, but the tone became more and more low: "Dumpling fat arrived. The imperial ferment returns to the sorrowful value, 5 the reef pouring the locust, the arachnids, the locusts, the worms, the locusts, and the worms.鼙por spring 鿅蟠笮⌒> 遄遄晌晌衩衩Yan!

Tongtian view?

Lin Tianlu gave some thoughts.

It should be some mountains Gangsters, after learning some martial arts Sect, they put themselves in a layer of'Sect'.

"You haven't reported the case to the government, and no one has rectified it? "

"This... According to legend, there is indeed some ability in the view of the sky. The disciplines that come out are extraordinary in martial arts, and it is nothing difficult to fight dozens of officials. At the beginning, there were even many martial arts with a head and a face. Experts ran to punish the traitors and eliminate evil, but they were all scared witless and fled in embarrassment! "

The middle-aged shopkeeper said helplessly, "At the end of the day, it seems that I heard that the officials in the surrounding area of ​​Yizhu County have completely compromised. On the contrary, they have become accomplices in embarrassment with them, which really makes us people grief and indignation. It's very! "

"Moreover, I recently heard that there have been changes in the surrounding areas of Fengtai County. This view of the sky is unsettling for people to live. I deliberately ran out to talk about what discipline and the Great Sect forces should be collected. Now there are several towns, counties and villages in the surrounding area. People who are noisy don't make a living! "

"This is troublesome. "

Lin Tianlu brows slightly wrinkle.

The middle-aged shopkeeper hurriedly said: "So sir, remember to stay away, don't go to the stalker. ㄌ旃鄣 to raise Li Langjun, Zhai Jie, trade pregnancy ┛ punish 勖 Qin 庑 ┌ Nuo Zhan credit for planting is just right!

"Many thanks shopkeeper reminds." Lin Tianlu chuckled lightly and put the money on the table cabinet.

After bidding farewell to him, he quickly left the store.


Mao Ruoyu Hou Li stood beside the carriage, said curiously: "What did the husband talk to the shopkeeper just now?"

"There is something outside now. It's not peaceful." Lin Tianlu shrugged helplessly: "Ancient Boundary and Luo Xing quarreled, these a poor, humble sect also began to behave in a big way. Don't be fooled!

"There is such a thing..."

"Senior, do we want to beat on the way we are on this trip?" "

Hua Shuya frowned, and said in a low voice, "Let these evildoers run rampantly, it will be a disaster for the local people after all." "

"It just happened to be in the streets of the city, and the people were dark and fierce!

Lin Tianlu nodded with a smile: "It would be better for them to'abandon evil and do good'."

Cheng Yishi hearing this shook his head and laughed, holding it again The fox's cloud h returned to the carriage again.

But she quickly glanced at it again, and suddenly confused: "Husband, I don't know if the concubine is dazzled, is there some change in Mixia in the past two days?"


Lin Tianlu quickly took a closer look.

"It seems...grew up a little bit?"

"And the color of the hair on the body seems to have become a lot lighter."

" Hiss--"

Meixia neighed and shook her head quite proudly. Such a handsome posture suddenly amazed people on the side of the road.

Mao Ruoyu couldn't help covering her lips lightly said with a smile: "The girl grows up and she looks more proud. When she returns to Linyue Valley, master, if she sees Meixia such a change, she will definitely startled."

"We haven't been hungry and thin at all."

Lin Tianlu smiled and patted Meixia's belly and back: "Would you like to rest for a while?"

"hmph chick!" Mixia kicked her hoofs quite vigorously, as if she was full of energy.

"Don't be too tired." Lin Tianlu stepped onto the carriage, pulling the reins and quickly set off again.


In the guest room on the second floor of the hotel.

A middle-aged man dressed as a Taoist lightly stroked his long beard, and said with a solemn expression: "Is this person the rumors of the'Xuansheng' Lin Tianlu?"

"Similar to the man in the portrait has several points of, it should be him."

In the house, there were still several Taoist priests in the same dress.

"Why, should we directly find the opportunity to intercept and kill, or pass this news to the'top', let those great characters do it?"

"Absolutely can not be shot. "

middle aged daoist sneered: "If this Xuansheng is really as extraordinary as the rumors, with our methods, I am afraid that the skill of three or two tricks will be completely destroyed, even if the subject is here. All are unprofitable. Maybe it will cause us to see through the sky in a disaster, and the gain is not worth the loss."

"Then we will pass the news to--"

"We have to learn The method of combining the vertical and horizontal lines will work." The middle aged daoist smiled and nodded his eyebrows: "Not only those great characters of unknown origin, but I heard that this Xuansheng also has enemies with Luo Xing. I will bring this news together later. Passed to the messenger Luo Xing, the three parties are in a group, which is more beneficial to our view of the sky.

If you use this to alarm the Qijie system which is pretty ∠Shanmujiaojian Jianya" "The crippled chrysanthemum, the dying of the season, the descent of the night without the mantle", the ship, the 锬诒阄奚跏pingδ the 锬儆蘛阄奚妫yi, Wei Wei, the Qin 妫yi Wei Wei, I have heard that there is already one Lin Tianlu's old hatred arrived and prepared inescapable net. He was about to kill him. Why should we intervene in mischief?

The false Taoists talked and ridiculed, as if they had foreseen a more enjoyable future life.

But they have never noticed...

In the next room, a woman with black hair is sitting silently, sipping tea with her eyes down.

"The entangled Luo Xing, and the so-called East Emperor Gate, are interesting."


The next day, the night gets darker.

Just past the boundary of Wuchang Province, in a remote mountain village in the forest, there is no light, and there is darkness and silence.

The only sound of horseshoes and wheels rolling is faintly, but it seems particularly strange, as if it accidentally broke into a suburban cemetery.

"'s so weird."

Mao Ruoyu opened the curtains casually, and looked suspiciously at the scattered brick huts passing by.

When the carriage enters this nameless mountain village, everything here is chilling, as if there is a monster entrenched.

"Is it an abandoned village that has long been uninhabited?"

Cheng Yishi murmured, with a serious expression.

Although she has followed the merchants in her family to travel north and south for a few years, she has seen some run-down and abandoned villages, but she has never been like this...

"It's not an abandoned village."


Yun H in his arms suddenly raised his head, his fox ears trembled: "There are dead people in the village."

Hua Shuya's expression changed slightly: "Which family has the problem?"


Yun H's beast pupils appeared solemnly, and he whispered: "You have to be careful later, maybe the culprit is still in the village now."


Lin Tianlu's face is also a bit heavy at the moment.

Through his domineering eyesight and perception, he can sense a corpse in the house that has long lost his body temperature and breath. It is roughly estimated that he may have been dead for several days.

Who is the one who made such a murderous attack to destroy this whole village

pa pa pa!

In the cold and silent night, a string of applause suddenly sounded.

Immediately, at the end of the alley in Huangtu Village, a white clothed scholar walked out slowly.

"We didn't expect, we can meet again here. Mr. Lin, can you prove that there is some fate between us?"

The handsome scholar holds a folding fan and smiles. Yaoyao arched his hands and said: "Long time no see, I trust you have been well since we last met."

"It turned out to be you."

Lin Tianlu's brows tightened, his eyes gloomy. , Every word:

"Who are you here?"


The smile on the handsome scholar's face suddenly froze. In his deep eyes, the raging anger could hardly be suppressed, and the folding fan in his hand was almost crushed.

But this lost self-control was quickly restrained, and a relaxed smile with interest was revealed again: "Under the name of Bai Yishi, Mr. Lin is just in the Qingcheng great divine prestige , I also married the granddaughter of the prince, and there are endless joys in life. Naturally, it is not easy to remember the name of my little shrimp soldier."

"You are right."

Lin Tianlu slightly nodded.

He pulled the reins and let the carriage move on: "You and I are total strangers, I don't know why Brother stopped here."

"It's because, Lin Mr.'s head can be very valuable." Bai Yishi gradually narrowed his eyes, grinning said with a smile: "Moreover, it is a stumbling block that must be removed for Luo Xing. If you continue to make trouble, you can. It has to bring us more trouble.

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