The dignified woman once again held up the scroll in her hand, and looked at it quietly and indifferently, as if she had never taken seriously the noise outside.

"This woman has a vicious heart, seeking revenge for the slightest grievance, and Ji Hongfang, like me, was swept out to build a blue tower in this corner. There must be hatred in her heart. And now it's like this Being obedient and obedient is just covering up her sincerity. The soul of Qingfeng County, she has many opportunities to plunder in the past, why bother to publicize it?"

The young maid hearing this brows slightly wrinkle, lost in thought, hesitantly said:

"She is arranging intentionally, just to... lure the real goal to the door?"

"Luoxing messenger, black snake ghost, There are also many demons and magicians who come to fish in troubled waters after hearing the wind, they are all the chess pieces of her big game."

The dignified woman has an elegant and indifferent manner, and is well-maintained with tender green onions. The slender fingers twisted the pages of the book and opened them. Apart from reading the literature, it is doing two things at the same time like said without thinking: "Perhaps, even Yellow Springs Nine Revolutions is just a cover, her real purpose , More terrifying than I expected."

"Is this Li Caidie vainly trying to be unfavorable to me and Ji Hongfang?!"

"She doesn't dare."


The dignified woman pursed her lips, and whispered quietly: "She still knows the truth about keeping a low profile and keeping time. Now that Luo Xing has been provoked, the only backstage is me and Ji Hongfang. Even if she has two more My heart, I don’t dare to blatantly and arrogantly. Of course—"

The tone was paused, and the front of the conversation quietly changed. Star."

"Luo Xing?"

The young girl was shocked for a while: "Why did this woman choose Luo Xing? Now the various forces of Toyotomi are gradually rising, and different hearts are born. The majesty of Luo Xing is far from its former glory, and the Ancient Boundary is more positive to contend. Maybe it will be a few years later—"

"Girl, do you really think Luo Xing is declining?"

The dignified woman gently twisted the blue silk that fell on her ears, and smiled: "This power that has been inherited for thousands of years is not so fragile and weak. Even if the Luoxing messenger died by thousands, it would not hurt its roots. It’s a bit of bone. Only when the soul bearer of Luo Xing died in battle, may he have a small loss, but it is only a drop in the ocean."

The young girl blinked her eyes again and again, and said blankly: "This, this When did Luo Xing have such a terrifying background? is it possible that his messengers are really infinite Exhausted? "

This is simply unreasonable.

Many of the ghosts were born out of the sudden change of Divine Soul of mortals, but also the condensed Yin Qi. It is precisely because of this cumbersomeness that this ghost was born. Here, between Heaven and Earth transcendent position, and even more blessed by Heaven and Earth.

Even if it is a Nether Ghost cultivation to the profound level, it will not lose the demon tyrannical, but where did it come from such a huge Quantity?

"This question was also the confusion of many forces thousands of years ago. "

The dignified woman chuckled lightly: "The Thousand-Year War, Luo Xing suddenly appeared at the end of the war, and swept Toyotomi with an incomparable momentum, and even settled the wars of the surrounding countries. situation. Do you think how many'messengers' and'soul bearers' under Luo Xing's command are enough to contend against the forces of Toyotomi and win? "


"Simulating Luo Xing is the most stupid thing." "

The dignified woman put down the booklet, brushed her sleeves and wrote, gently leaving some handwriting in the book.

The young girl on the side was already suddenly heard: "So, the master Let us not act arbitrarily? "

"Let's see what this woman wants to do first, and then it's not too late to decide." If she didn't turn back, it wouldn't hurt to cooperate with this Biluolou for a while. "

"However, in addition to the county civil war, there is also the black snake and the ghost. I don't know how the master should deal with it?" "

"The origin of this woman's identity is quite intriguing. "

The dignified woman said in a leisurely tone: "However, she should not survive tonight. "

The young girl said softly: "Isn't it a pity that this woman still has a lot of..."

"Precious or not, it's not death It doesn't matter whether it is alive. Even if there is only one corpse in the end, it is somewhat useful to us. "

The dignified woman mused for a moment and quietly put down the brush.

"But let's send another person to inspect. If she has one last breath, Take advantage of the chaos to absorb his Divine Soul mind. I want to see what secrets are hidden in the worn-out knife handles that this woman has searched over the past few days, so that she can dare to confront Luo Xing head-on. "

In the dim corner of the private guest room, two figures retreat silently.

But at this moment, another girl rushed forward. Kneeling to the ground seriously said: "Master, there are outsiders coming from the county. "

"Who? "

"Subordinates don't know." "The girl said anxiously: "I have tried my best to investigate for a long time, but I can't break through the Formation arranged by the other party." It only knew that he was traveling along the street in a carriage, calm and stable, and was not shaken by the fierce fighting in the county. "

"Nowadays, there are large arrays in and outside Qingfeng County, and mortals are already comatose. Will come to the county here, must be an extraordinary witchcraft cultivation base. "

The young maid had a serious expression, said solemnly: "You only need to watch from a distance, and you don't need to beat the grass to scare the snake, and cause trouble. Now Luo Xing and Biluolou belong to this town and county battlefield, not me. "

"Wait a minute--"

But the dignified woman who was originally indifferent suddenly frowned her eyebrows, and looked sideways: "Retract the manpower and don't need to monitor the carriage." "

"Master?" "

"Even if it's just in case, I can't wait to take this risk." "

The dignified woman's eyes were solemn, she suddenly closed the books on the table, and said every word: "The'guest' in the carriage is most likely Lin Tianlu, the Xuansheng, absolutely can't be evil with her. "


As soon as these words came out, the two girls present had their eyes widened, their breathing was stagnant, and even the private room was enveloped by a layer of silence.


After a daze, the girl half-kneeling on the ground hurriedly got up and retreated.

The girl beside Hou Li was anxious and said: "Master, is the'Xuansheng' you said about it? Lin Tianlu, who has been smashing Fengtai County with a shocking sword? ! "

"That's right. "

"But this person has come and gone without a trace, and his whereabouts are unpredictable. Many forces have lost clues following the investigation. It seems like disappear from the face of the earth, how can it suddenly... "

"I'm just guessing now." "

The dignified woman said solemnly: "But I heard that Western Horse County is the hometown of Lin Tianlu. If you count time, it is indeed possible to visit here. Moreover, I heard that this person is like a god, and the cultivation base is heaven shaking, earth shattering. I will never come into contact with him at will. "

Tone barely fell, and the girl who had retreated suddenly ran back.

It's just that her face has become extremely ugly now, as if she was about to cry.

Glancing at her expression, the dignified woman gave a chuckle in her heart, and her face was suddenly covered by haze: "That carriage --" The girl wailed and trembled: "Just, just stopped at us downstairs. . "



The dignified woman was silent for a while.

The maid beside her eagerly said: "Master, master, we should now..."

"I will meet this Lin Tianlu. "

The expression on the dignified woman's face gradually eased, she tightened the fur on her body, and took the lead out of the private room, step by step down the stairs.

Look up. , I can vaguely see the faintly discernible carriage outline outside the deserted Inn, and the strong silhouette standing upright in the cold winter wind.

——I didn’t feel the murderous aura.

She even waited patiently outside the Inn, seemingly not coming here with hostility.

She held her mind and walked heavily to the door.

Until then, she did not Seeing the real face of the scholar outside the door, his eyes flickered, and his face revealed a trace of surprise.

――A lot younger than I thought.

Moreover, the look and temperament are completely different from the rumored majestic and majestic. On the contrary, at first glance, there is quite a Confucian Qi of Life, and the look between the brows is gentle as jade, not a murderous person.

"This lady should be... the shopkeeper of Inn here? "

Lin Tianlu showed a warm smile on his face, and said with his hands: "I want to go to the door late at night to harass, don't blame my wife." "

"The concubine hasn't gone to bed and rested yet, sir, don't mind." "The dignified woman lowered her eyes and bowed her hand slightly: "But I don't know why Mr. Suddenly came here..."

"I happened to pass this Qingfeng County, but I accidentally ran into this conflict. . "

Lin Tianlu chuckled: "When I took the carriage to this place, I just noticed the existence of the wife and the others, so I came to ask. "

The dignified woman turned her eyes and whispered, "In fact, there is nothing to say. I think it is the local demons who have disputes because of the power and interests, and they have become endless battles. After all, as the situation is getting chaotic today, natural disputes continue. "

"The lady is a demon, what do you think?" "

Upon hearing this, her expression condensed in secret.

Is identity, really can be easily seen at a glance.

She converged in her heart and said in the usual tone: "The concubine has been guarding this Inn for a living all these years, and has no interest in the position of power.

Those monsters are fighting to death, and the concubine is not willing to be involved in these troubles. Just ordered the good servants to stay in the building, or send a few people out to visit the situation, so as not to involve us in it. "

"so that's how it is." "

Lin Tianlu suddenly nodded.

The dignified woman secretly pinched a cold sweat in her sleeve, and was about to speak again, but she saw the profound mystery Xuansheng in front of her with a gentle smile again , Said in a polite manner: "The lady is noble and virtuous, and she is unwilling to go with those villains. It is really worthy of praise and admiration. "

"First, sir..."

"It's really rude to speak more without permission." "Lin Tianlu smiled and arched his hands and said: "But since the lady wants to stay away from the dispute, now she should take the maids upstairs and go back quickly. After all, this place is too dangerous. Those villains will not be rational when they kill their eyes, and they can escape while the situation is still slow. "


He pointed to the ground under his feet, and his tone was a little solemn: "Since the lady is a demon, she should know the power of Formation." There is a very secret formation diagram under this Inn, which is always ready to be sent. "

The dignified woman's pupils shrank suddenly, and she glanced down subconsciously.

This place has been passively moved!?

It is not Luo Xing, but Li Caidie secretly arranged in advance...When this woman's methods are so strange and unpredictable, she hasn't even noticed it for a while!

"Madam, leave soon before Formation. "

Lin Tianlu warned repeatedly: "At least ten miles away from here, barely able to leave the scope of Formation. This Inn is after all things outside of the body, and the most important thing is to keep it safe and worry-free. "

After he finished speaking, he quickly handed over: "I won't say much again, Madam, goodbye here." "

"First, sir!" "

Seeing Lin Tianlu has turned around and left, the dignified woman suddenly stretched out her hand and said with a slightly complicated tone: "Are you going to... keep going?" "

"If such a major event happens, I have to go and see it naturally." "Lin Tianlu turned back and laughed: "After all, they can't let them unfold this dangerous array in the town or county. If there is an accident, the consequences can be truly unimaginable." "

As she said, she stepped onto the carriage again, flicked the rein and left quietly.

The dignified woman stood in front of the door in a daze, looking at the person who was going away quickly. carriage illusory shadow .

this child ……It really is completely different from the rumors.

It is not very vicious and arrogant, even more unruly and arrogant, just a few words with it will be like a spring breeze It's so cozy, the original anxiety and solemnity can't help but dissipate a bit, just a moment of relaxation.

This feeling is extremely comfortable and pleasant.

"Lord, master , Then Lin Tianlu is already leaving, we are now going to—"

"Leave the Inn first, but don't beat the grass to scare the snake. "The dignified woman whispered and confessed: "The turmoil here may change. I have to wait for Ji Hongfang to see the timing! "

The young maid beside her was surprised: "Does the master really want to intervene in this storm?" "

"No. "

But the dignified woman shook the head at this moment.

"It's not a dispute here, but this Lin Tianlu. "

"Lin... Tianlu?" "

"This person must have this value." "

The dignified woman narrowed her long and narrow eyes, and said confidently: "I have a hunch that this visit to Qingfeng County is not a bad thing for us. On the contrary, it is very likely that it will be another... chance! "

"And this opportunity is now before me. is it fortune or misfortune, see if we can grasp it firmly! "

Chapter 389 is a continuous offensive, collapsed on the first encounter

There seems to be a baby crying and screaming in the ear, as if weird magic sounds are bursting in my mind Sound.

Bai Xin danced the long whip in her hand, facial expression grave, to block all the weird cold glow from all directions, and at the same time dodge the piercing combo that followed.


But it was too late to fight back, her face suddenly changed, and she saw her left arm squeezing the seal art trembling as if she lost consciousness, and suddenly she lifted herself up and pinched her neck!

"Gum? ! "

"Little girl, see how long you can hold on!" "

The ugly old woman stood in the distance, grinning and swiping her ruined palm.

"Don't break your neck by yourself." "

"Uh -"

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