After Chu Xinyue finished speaking, she took a deep breath and said: "I am responsible for what I said, and I can provide any evidence. I will not admit anything I have not done, and no one can take away the things I have done. "

Everyone was stunned because the information was so shocking.

It can be said that the good and bad impressions of the two sisters in the industry are due to the accumulation of those things. If they are all false, then the reputations of the two people must be changed.

"No, why are you doing this! Don't you know how bad your reputation is outside?" Someone in the crowd really couldn't figure it out and couldn't help but ask.

Chu Xinyue smiled, but the smile was very bitter. Yes, she didn't know how she got to this point.

Maybe the imaginary picture of a harmonious family of four was too tempting, or maybe she was too lonely and lost herself in the step-by-step retreat, acting out a drama of bitter love.

That shouldn't be her.

In order to find herself, she decided to leave.

"Who knows, maybe I'm stupid."

At this time, the comments and mocking gazes of the people around them all fell on the family of three.

The Chu family seemed to not understand why everyone was looking at them like this.

Although strictly speaking, those things were a bit unfair to Chu Xinyue, but if she told them all in such a petty manner, it would not only ruin Chu Xueqi's reputation, but also cause the Chu family to be ridiculed. Is it right?

This is simply an unfilial daughter who disregards the interests of the whole family!

"We are all a family, you...what are you doing!" Mr. Chu said fiercely through gritted teeth.

"Didn't you see how your sister was crying? She didn't mean to do those things. Are you going to accuse us of being unfair to you now by going over old scores?" Mrs. Chu said: "How can any family with many children be like this? What an absolute fairness.”

"Really? I have always lied to myself like this in the past." Chu Xinyue mocked.

[Oh, poor kid, this is the legendary family brain! If their family hadn't gone too far and exploited her too much, Chu Xinyue would probably have continued like this just for that little bit of illusory family affection. Fortunately, she woke up. 】

The Qin family also nodded. Judging from the things that had just been overturned, the little girl was really good and kind, and she couldn't be dragged down anymore.

It's a pity that there is also a blind person in their family who missed the good match.

The Qin family silently turned their attention to Qin Chao.

At this time, Qin Chao just stared at Chu Xinyue blankly, looking at his distraught look, which was pitiful.

Qin's father and Qin's mother looked at each other and felt that it was appropriate to talk about some things now.

So Qin's mother said: "Mrs. Chu is wrong to say that. As for the four children in our family, even if it cannot be absolutely fair, it is still relatively fair. I have never seen you completely favoring another person like this."

Unexpectedly, the Qin family would suddenly speak, and the Chu family panicked. They still had an uncontracted engagement.

"No, it's because this girl is so angry, that's why..."

Chu Xueqi was also panicked. While crying, she looked at Qin Chao and said, "Brother Chao, do you also think I am a bad person? I'm not. I can explain those things. I really didn't expect my sister to care so much. I know everything. It’s my fault, it’s all my fault, but I didn’t mean it.”

"Then let me ask you, was it really you who saved me in the first place?" Qin Chao didn't wait for Qin's mother to say anything before he spoke.

When he said this, the Chu family was stunned for a moment, how could he talk about this matter so well.

The onlookers were delighted. After all, the original idea of ​​the candidate for exchanging engagements came from this life-saving grace.

Chu Xinyue, who was originally cold-hearted, looked at the Chu family in shock at this moment.

This is something even she doesn't know.

Because of that life-saving kindness, Chu Xinyue couldn't even defend her marriage contract. She was obviously never someone who dared not face her feelings, but she was struggling because of it.

Tell her now that it was Chu Xueqi who took away her credit again, how pitiful it was.

"Is it you... you?" Chu Xinyue finally felt the heartache again, "I had a fever and forgot about it, so you lied to me? Just to get this favor for your little daughter? You have actually done such a thing!"

The faces of the Chu family changed for a while. It was really hard to find an excuse when this kind of thing was revealed. Are they going to say that they just want to give the eldest daughter's fiancé to the younger daughter because they feel more sorry for the younger daughter?

Even they felt that they couldn't tell it, so they hid it from Chu Xinyue in the first place.

They no longer dare to quibble with the facts. After all, too many things have been revealed. If the Qin family wants to verify, they dare not say that what happened back then is foolproof. Because I didn’t expect to be investigated, I never thought about eliminating the evidence.

So they didn't dare to say a word.

"No, it's me, not my sister. Brother Chao, do you believe me..." Chu Xueqi was really panicking this time. When she saw the look in Qin Chao's eyes, she knew that he didn't believe it, so she could only say: "I... I don't Remember, I'm sick! And I asked you, you said you like me, it has nothing to do with saving your life!"

Qin Chao's eyes flashed with scarlet color, and he spoke again, with a cold tone that Chu Xueqi had never heard before, "Then is it the real you that I like? Or the disguised you."

Chu Xueqi's face turned pale, and her tears kept falling down as if she wanted no money.

But Qin Chao would never look at her pitiful look again, but turned to look at Chu Xinyue.

But Chu Xinyue looked away.

Everything was over. Even if she knew the original truth, it would be meaningless to Chu Xinyue. It would only make her more disappointed with those three people.

Looking at Chu Xinyue's averted gaze, Qin Chao felt as if something had stabbed him in the heart.

It seems like he really lost something important.

"What are you doing now?! Can anyone give me an answer? Who is the person who has been following me for three months and aborted my child?" Wu Tian's brain exploded, and he pointed at the Chu family angrily: " You, the Chu family, must give me an explanation, whether it’s my sister or my sister, I can’t be fooled like this!”

Before the Chu family came to their senses, Chu Xinyue looked at Wu Tiandao: "I have said so much, but you still can't judge?"

Wu Tian's gaze shifted from Chu Xinyue to Chu Xueqi, and he suddenly raised his hand to grab Chu Xueqi, "Is it you? Is it?! From May to July this year, you were with me almost every night, If it wasn't you, where were you all those nights?"

Chu Xueqi was so frightened that she immediately hid behind her parents, "It's not me, it's definitely not me! I'm at home, and I'm always at home!"

The Chu family couple's faces were pale and their eyes were constantly changing. Finally, the two of them looked at each other, glanced at Chu Xinyue, and secretly gritted their teeth.

"Ignoring past events, this matter is definitely not Xue Qi's. She was at home during those times, and we, the couple, can testify." Mr. Chu suddenly said.

Mrs. Chu nodded and added: "During that time, Xinyue was not at home, and we don't know where she went."

As soon as these words came out, Wu Tian looked at Chu Xinyue suspiciously.

Everyone was confused. After all, they would never have thought that at this point, there would be parents who would harm one daughter for the sake of another.

Chu Xinyue looked at her parents with eyes so cold that she almost froze to death.

"For her, you are not willing to give false testimony?" Chu Xinyue said in disbelief.

"What kind of perjury? What dissatisfaction do you have against us? Are you willing to ruin your sister's reputation?" Mr. Chu warned: "Your reputation is not good, and you want to drag your sister to the same fate?"

"Who does my bad reputation come from?" Chu Xinyue said amusedly.

Mr. Chu choked. But he still looked at Chu Xinyue angrily, because in his opinion, if Chu Xinyue had not made a fuss and agreed to the engagement, they would not have produced such embarrassing evidence, which would have really brought shame to the Chu family.

If the current Chu Xueqi were to admit everything, wouldn't it completely ruin Xueqi's reputation?

Chu Xinyue caused all this, and she should bear the consequences.

"Those things we did before were indeed inappropriate, but your sister is innocent. She was so well protected by us that she didn't understand anything at all. Moreover, your sister was in poor health since she was a child. It was also your fault that you sucked her away. Nutrition, you already owe her." Mrs. Chu also hinted fiercely.

Chu Xinyue smiled and said: "I understand, you all knew that I went to the mountains to do research during that time and couldn't prove it to myself, so you thought of giving Chu Xueqi perjury. You think you can do this to her?" The scandal was blamed on me? So you have determined that she is the one who is with Wu Tian."

"She used my name all the time when she did this kind of thing. Why did she do this? You don't care, but you still want me to take the blame for her after the incident?"

Facing Chu Xinyue's questioning, the eyes of the Chu family and his wife flickered.

Chu Xinyue could still find excuses to lie to herself about the past events, and the whole family pretended to be peaceful.

But this time, the parents went out of their way to protect Chu Xueqi and backstab her without any disguise or excuse.

This is all really cruel.

Chu Xinyue was like a person walking alone in the snowy weather.

Chu Xueqi was still well protected by her parents, showing only resentful eyes and an ungrateful face.

[As the saying goes, if parents are immoral, their children will be at odds. No wonder Chu Xueqi can hurt others so confidently. It is all the fault of these weird parents. 】

[They really just want to leave it to their younger daughter. Even if they take it from their eldest daughter, it doesn’t matter! If you don't keep him by your side, you won't have any feelings, so you can take whatever you want without fear of getting hurt? Do you think Chu Xinyue is healthy and it doesn’t matter how you treat her? Why do parents like the Chu family exist who are partial to everything? 】

Hearing Ji Fei's doubts, Qin Xian was not surprised.

From an economic perspective, this is a matter of sunk costs.

Because the Chu family and his wife put too much effort into Chu Xueqi, and Chu Xinyue was like an unfamiliar relative to them. Naturally, there is a difference between closeness and distance.

Maybe at the beginning, they also realized that they owed Chu Xinyue, but human nature is to instinctively avoid their own mistakes.

They are unwilling to face the fact that they owe Chu Xinyue, so they will owe Chu Xinyue even more to prove that they are right, and even find faults in Chu Xinyue to cover up their guilty conscience.

Thus heading towards a pathological situation. Turning a blind eye to Chu Xinyue's grievances only magnified Chu Xueqi's unhappiness.

Now that we have reached this point, it is even more impossible to look back. Once we look back, doesn’t it mean that they have done something wrong as parents?

Sure enough, the next second I heard Mr. Chu say: "Xinyue, stop fooling around. You usually contradict your parents and hurt your sister at home. Did we say anything to you? I just treated you as having a bad temper before, that's enough."

Mrs. Chu stepped forward and grabbed Chu Xinyue's wrist, and said in a serious tone: "You can't do whatever you want this time, otherwise we really won't forgive you! Be obedient, if you have any dissatisfaction, we will go back and tell you, and we will give you all the compensation you deserve."

They still know how much Chu Xinyue cares about them. At this point, Chu Xinyue must know the limit.

Chu Xinyue suddenly murmured and repeated. "Talk back to your parents?"

Ji Fei couldn't help but complain in his heart. [Yes, yes, it was talking back to your parents, because when the younger sister framed the older sister, the older sister argued, which was talking back to them. ]

"Hurt your younger sister?"

[Ah, yes, yes, it was hurt, because I didn't give all my things to my younger sister, and my younger sister cried, didn't it hurt her young heart? ]

The Qin family listened for fun.

Qin Chao kept thinking about the past, and his heart was pierced by arrows again and again.

"Willful?" Chu Xinyue looked deeply at the Chu family and said, "I don't want your forgiveness and compensation. I just want to clear my name."

The Chu family and their husband were stunned, and looked at Chu Xinyue anxiously, and were about to find a way to shut her up again.

Then they heard Chu Xinyue say to Wu Tian, ​​"I am willing to go to any hospital with you for examination to see if I have had a miscarriage!"

As soon as this was said, the whole audience exploded.

To be honest, how much shame must be endured to dare to do this? After all, she is the eldest daughter of the Chu family, how can she prove herself like this? How can she live in the future? Is there anyone in the circle who dares to marry such a sharp girl?

But then again, it is indeed ironclad evidence.

[Of course it is ironclad evidence, she is still a pure and innocent virgin. 】

The Qin family had long thought that as long as they were willing to risk it, no matter how the Chu family argued, everything would fall apart. They could only say that the Chu family was too stupid. They had never thought that Chu Xinyue would prove herself so desperately. But for a person who was pushed to the edge of a cliff, how could they care about this face?

She only wanted her innocence.

"I dare to do it, do you dare?" Chu Xinyue had already looked at Chu Xueqi.

Chu Xueqi was completely dumbfounded. She didn't expect Chu Xinyue to really do this.

And Wu Tian had been staring at Chu Xueqi like a venomous snake, because Chu Xinyue dared to say that she had completely proved her innocence.

"You are crazy, you are crazy! Do you know what you are saying? We don't allow you to ruin yourself like this!" Mr. Chu was anxious.

Mrs. Chu cried, "Daughter, how did you become like this, you... simply..."

If they chose to save one, they would save Chu Xueqi no matter what! So Chu Xinyue had no attachment to them.

Seeing their expressions becoming more and more disgusted, the hatred that could not be suppressed surged up, and finally spoke.

"Since I am so unbearable in your eyes, from this moment on, I declare that I will sever my relationship with the three of you. From now on, I will leave the Chu family! I will have nothing to do with you anymore!"

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