Facing Mito Yumei's question, Lu Xuanyu did not answer directly.

If he talked too much about this issue, there would be many inconsistencies that would not make sense at all.

Therefore, when talking about this matter, Lu Xuanyu's unified approach was to bring them into his own thinking logic.

"Rou Mei, so... is it because I am only at the C level that you broke up with me?"

Lu Xuanyu looked innocent.


"We're not together at all!"

"Those are shameless acts of gossip societies taking secret photos and making up stories!"

"Why are you still getting into the show?"

"And... don't call me Roumei, don't I have a name?"

Mito Yumei's voice kept getting louder and louder, pointing at Lu Xuanyu and accusing him fiercely.

When she greeted him just now, she was so shy that she thought her hot temper would change a lot.

In the end, after just a few words, her true nature was exposed, and it was not only her appearance that was hot.……

"Oh, sorry, I misunderstood."

"So they held hands, does that mean they are together?"

"Alas, maybe I was too naive and stupid when I was in the second grade of junior high school."

Lu Xuanyu shook his head bitterly.

"Don't look so disappointed!"

"Didn’t you say you knew some kind of oriental physiognomy and wanted to read my palm, and that’s why I let you hold my hand?"

"You are so lonely!"

Mito Yumei complained about Lu Xuanyu's behavior again.

Not only palm reading, but also face reading and buttocks reading...

Mito Yumei was just in the second grade at that time, and she really thought that Lu Xuanyu knew some"oriental magic witchcraft". She was foolishly manipulated by him for several days, and then she gradually felt something was wrong.

Later, she met Nakiri Erina, which aroused Mito Yumei's competitive spirit and wanted to become her right-hand man in the academy.

In the following time, she was immersed in the life of cooking and food battles, and lived a very fulfilling life.

As for Lu Xuanyu, he was completely forgotten.

Totsuki respects cooking skills.

Only C-level appearance guys , it is easy to become a passerby and not be noticed by others.

It was not until yesterday when she saw the Totsuki Express and found out that Lu Xuanyu was going to challenge Eishan Ezuya that Mito Yumei remembered the"difficult encounter" of those days.

As mentioned before, cooking skills are respected!

The overwhelming strength displayed by Lu Xuanyu shocked Mito Yumei.

The scenes of the short few days together were replayed in Mito Yumei's mind over and over again last night.

If I had known he was so powerful... at least I shouldn't have cut off contact with him!

As a result, the regretful mood only lasted for one night. On the first class of the school, I was magically assigned to a group with Lu Xuanyu.

"Well, after living here for three years, I have seen it all."

"If you don't have cooking talent, no matter how good your character is, no one will notice you."

""Mr. Roumei, let's treat this as our first day together. Hello, please take care of me!"

Lu Xuanyu returned to his sunny and cheerful state, and politely extended his hand.


"Rou Mei still sounds a bit strange... Never mind"

"Hello, classmate Lu Xuanyu, please take care of me!"

The ninth seat of the Ten Elites, breaking the record of Erina Nakiri, the youngest member of the Ten Elites Council in the history of Totsuki, a true child of destiny! Since they are so polite, Mito Yumei will naturally respond politely.

In Totsuki Academy, who would take the initiative to make things difficult for the Ten Elites?

Unless they are a fool.

"Roumei, there is something I have to say……"Lu Xuanyu hesitated to speak.

Mito Yumei looked puzzled:"What?"

"It's been more than a year since we last held hands, but your hands are still so slippery. How about I help you check your hip shape again?"

Mito Yumei's forehead gradually twisted into a pound sign:"……Go to hell you!"


A few minutes later

"Good morning, youngsters."

A skinny old man in cooking clothes walked into the classroom with a notebook in his arms.

Although he looked old and frail, his aura was extremely strong.

The moment he stepped into the classroom, the classroom immediately became quiet.

Lecturer of Totsuki Academy, director of the French cuisine department!

Roland Chapelle!

"It's the first day of school. You all look listless. Are you ready to drop out?"

"The moment you stand in the classroom with the goal of becoming an excellent chef, the test has begun."

"In my class, students who do not get an A grade will all be rated E. Remember this!"

"Some people... are only A-grade, which still cannot satisfy me!"

At the end of his speech, Roland Chapelle looked towards the last row.

The place in his sight was the No. 22 cooking table where Lu Xuanyu and Mito Yumei were.


"Being watched……"

"Lu Xuanyu, it doesn't seem like a good idea to be in the same group with you."

"You... why aren't you nervous at all?"

Mito Yumei wanted to see Lu Xuanyu's reaction, and found that he was still calm as usual.

Facing Mito Yumei's question, he blinked and said with a smile:

"Hahaha, why am I nervous?"

"I am one of the top ten!"

"My class instructor does not have the power to expel me."

"The worst result is that you will be expelled from school. It's none of my business."

"If it makes me uncomfortable, I can just replace him."

To become one of the Ten Greatest, of course I have to make good use of my status as one of the Ten Greatest. He is just a mentor in the academy, how could he be a threat?

Mito Yumei:"……"

I almost forgot that the person next to me is a monster from the Ten Great Council!

How can ordinary mortals understand the world of monsters?

The only person who should be nervous is Mito Yumei herself.

Soon, Roland Chapelle announced the menu for today's homework.

Beef stew in Burgundy red wine!

A classic dish in French cuisine.

The time limit is two hours, and it must be completed within the specified time.

"Great, I’m so lucky!"

"Beef dishes are my specialty."

"The cooking method is... the whole piece of beef does not require detailed cutting"

"The beef we were given was not perfect, and we had to remove the tough tendons to ensure a soft and tender texture."

"Okay, let’s start with this step. Lu Xuanyu……"

Mito Yumei determined the cooking process on the recipe, prepared to take the lead, and let Lu Xuanyu cooperate with her as much as possible.

When she turned her head, the internal tendons of the whole piece of beef, which were the most difficult to cut, had already been processed by Lu Xuanyu.

One minute?

Thirty seconds?

No...it might be faster!

Lu Xuanyu completed the process that normally takes several minutes to cut in just a dozen seconds!

"Roumei, what are you still standing there for?"

"Put the beef into the pot and simmer for forty minutes!"

"Cut celery, carrots and onions into pieces and fry for thirty seconds!"

"Is this possible?"

"Hurry up, don't waste time!"

Mito Yumei stared at Lu Xuanyu with fiery eyes, her eyes trembling

""Understand, understand!"

His aura changed! He was completely different from the boy who had just teased him!

The true face of the cooking monster appeared!


PS: A new month has begun. I hope that friends who have monthly tickets can vote for them. Flowers and evaluation votes are also very important for the new book. Thank you all!

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