The empty tea room was furnished with a spacious long table and exquisite fruit plates and snacks.

Lu Xuanyu brought Chityo Orie in.

Chityo Orie immediately wrapped her arms around Lu Xuanyu and said coquettishly:

"Xuan Yujun, you took me to a place where there is no one."

"Is there any special idea?"

"I am so weak, I definitely can't resist you."

Lu Xuanyu ignored Qianpiao Zhijiang's coquettishness and said calmly:

"Senpyo Orie, the dividend money belongs to me, right?"

Senpyo Orie continued softly:"Of course, it belongs to Xuan Yujun alone."

"You think it's a great thing to show my things in public without my consent, right?"

"Huh?" Chityo Orie was puzzled.

Lu Xuanyu's state and tone were completely different from what he had just said outside.


Before Chipiao Zhijiang could react,

Lu Xuanyu grabbed her shoulders and pushed her down on the chair.


Senpyo Orie couldn't help but exclaim.

Lu Xuanyu's expression suddenly became serious, his eyes were as sharp as an eagle, and he lifted Senpyo Orie's chin:

"look at me……"

"This is just the first time. If there is a next time, I will never let you off easily!"

"Did you understand what I said?"

Chityo Orie's breathing was rapid and her heartbeat was accelerated.

Deep in her heart, it was as if a special magic box was violently opened.

Strange feelings slowly rose in her heart.

Lu Xuanyu's fierceness did not disgust her.

On the contrary, she hoped that Lu Xuanyu would continue to treat her roughly.

Lu Xuanyu:"???"

In the process of looking into the eyes of Chitora Orie, he clearly observed that Chitora Orie's eyes gradually softened from shock, and finally turned into an intoxicated look.

It was not a deliberate disguise, but a natural expression.

The female billionaire of the group actually liked this?

Did he unlock her mysterious attribute?

"I understand, Xuanyu Jun, I know I was wrong, and I won't do it again next time."

Chityo Orie replied softly.

Lu Xuanyu nodded in satisfaction, let go of his hand, and sat on the chair next to Chityo Orie.

"How has the performance of HUB Group been in the past six months?"

""How much are there in a dozen boxes of cash?"

Lu Xuanyu was concerned about his wealth.

With so many groups under his name, he had never calculated how much assets he had.

"Xuan Yujun, HUB Group has been doing well."

"The dividends for half a year are enough to buy several of the most luxurious restaurants in the country."

"The specific figures are as follows. I will write a detailed list and send it to you. I promise not to let you worry."

It's enough to buy the most luxurious restaurant!

The key words in Senpyo Orie's words hit Lu Xuanyu's nerves.

"What if we buy an Italian restaurant in Italy?"

Lu Xuanyu asked sincerely.

Chityo Orie replied:

"Of course there is no problem. Not to mention one, even two or three are completely OK!"

"Xuan Yujun asked, do you have a favorite restaurant?"

"I can help you buy it, just tell me a name."

Chitora Orie put her chin on Lu Xuanyu's shoulder, looking at Lu Xuanyu eagerly like a puppy.

Originally, Chitora Orie came here with the purpose of pleasing Lu Xuanyu.

Lu Xuanyu's evil side just broke out, which made Chitora Orie unable to extricate herself.

Now, no matter what she is asked to do, she will follow Lu Xuanyu's wishes.

Lu Xuanyu pinched Chitora Orie's chin again.

Before, he just picked it, but this time he changed to pinching with more force.

Chitora Orie's eyes softened again with full of charm.

Sure enough!

She likes this!

"It's easy to say, but what if we encounter resistance or trouble and fail to make the acquisition?"

"If you brag in front of me, you will end up in a bad way!"

Lu Xuanyu lowered his voice and said in a coaching tone

"I promise to complete the task assigned by Xuan Yujun. Trust me and give me a chance to perform.……"

"Xuan Yujun, we are an international group, there will be no resistance, can you trust me?……"

Senpyo Orie said this in a charming way.

Lu Xuanyu leaned close to Senpyo Orie's ear and blew air into her ear while saying:

"Okay, I'll give you this opportunity, help me buy an Italian restaurant"

"The name of this restaurant is... RistoranteF!"


Totsuki Resort.

Outside the Rikyu Hotel.

An internal taxi stopped and two girls got out.

They were wearing fashionable clothes, but their outfits were a little... different.

The short girl was holding a teddy bear in her hands, and seemed to be angry.

She said unsatisfiedly:

"Hey, Longdan, is this doll costume of mine really as cute as you say?"

"Why do I have to dress up with you too?"

The girl in the fluffy suit is the fourth of the Ten Great Men of Totsuki, Akane Kubo Momo!

"Of course, Xiao Xuanyu is so familiar with you."

"If I see you, won’t I know I’m here?"

"To be on the safe side, for our secret infiltration plan, hehe!"

The woman with an orange wig next to Akane Kubo Momo.

Naturally, she is Lu Xuanyu's sister, the second of the Ten Elites of Totsuki, Kobayashi Ryodan!

When the two got off the car, a staff member from the resort came to greet them politely.

If Lu Xuanyu saw this person, he would definitely not be unfamiliar with him.

Because he is one of Dojima Gin's right-hand men, the chief service foreman, Sakuma Tokihiko!


"Welcome back to Totsuki Resort"

"I was really surprised to receive a call from Ms. Ryodan Kobayashi."

Sakuma Tokihiko greeted politely.

"Mr. Sakuma, I'm really sorry to bother you this time."

"Tomorrow is my brother Xiao Xuanyu's birthday, and we came here specially to give him a surprise"

"You must remember not to let him know!"

Sakuma Tokihiko nodded and said with a smile:

"Ms. Xiaolin Longdan, rest assured, this is the spare room card for Director Lu's suite. Please keep it safe."

"I will keep your secrets confidential and will not disclose them."

"Director Lu is really lucky to have a sister like you."

"Time flies. I can still vividly remember the scene of the two of them coming to the resort for the training camp."

"In the blink of an eye, it has come to the time when young chefs like Director Lu are competing against each other."

Sakuma Tokihiko sighed.

At this time, Lu Xuanyu had no idea.

His terrible sister had secretly sneaked into his territory again and again!


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