This letter is addressed to the victims of SSS-42. I am the first victim of SSS-42, Lu Qiushan.

SSS-003 is endless consumption. It is definitely the most disgusting, vicious, crazy, and bastard anomaly in the world. Its essence is to lock the macro concepts of deep space, extraterrestrial, and universe. People will no longer think about the reality distortion of whether the universe exists or how the world works.

They cover human eyes and prevent people from seeing the stars. They erase the universe and all concepts related to it from human minds. Turn people into ants, turn people into monkeys, and turn the world into a huge prison.

Do you know what this means? This means that we can only die in this world with this mess of anomalies. Even if we can suppress these anomalies, we will die due to exhaustion of resources, or be consumed to death by the constant outbreak of anomalies.

This is the only ending we have, one that cannot even be changed.

But in our long history, in a past that even I cannot know or see, we have set foot on the moon, our aircraft have sailed in the universe, and we have sent messages to the solar system to seek companions in deep space.

When we first landed on the moon, the whole world celebrated, we wrote songs, we caroused, and we began to have endless imagination about the universe.

It’s just that all of us have forgotten, including history, memory, technology, etc. We have forgotten that we can never surpass the first cosmic speed. This is the essence of endless depletion, which is a kind of directed forgetfulness, degradation and blockade.

What follows is a statement about salvation, yes, about salvation.

The solemn agreement made up by the visitor, although it is fictitious, but the technology it displays, I am very sure that it is hyperspace jump technology, a space technology based on string theory, which can transfer space into space. The spacecraft is brought into hyperspace for a jump voyage.

If we can get these technologies, if we can implement these technologies in the real world, then we can leave this fucking rotten world.

In other words, we want to escape from this world! !

I don’t know if there are “abnormalities” in the universe, but in the vast universe, there may be no concept of abnormality at all, and everything is routine. And it’s infinitely big, there are so many places we can go.

If the anomaly spreads to ten light years away, we will jump to twenty light years away. If it spreads to 200,000 light-years away, then we will jump to 400,000 light-years away. We can thrive on our own starship until we find another home.

If anomalies are everywhere, we will find a corner where there are no anomalies to settle. If the anomaly has already spread to every corner of the universe, then...

That means that this entire universe has no fucking meaning at all. Humanity does not need to struggle to survive. Destruction is our destiny. We will blow up our fleet and welcome the final outcome calmly.

I have already made an oral statement to Yueyang Tower about the following content, but in more detail I can only tell you about this successor.

I would like to express my understanding of the solemn agreement created by the visitors. I believe that it has not disappeared, but has simply collapsed.

From "the visitor was taken into custody by Yueyang Tower" collapsed into "the visitor was taken into custody by the non-existent solemn agreement", this result should still exist in nothingness and has not completely disappeared.

Yueyang Tower, this is an important node.

The number of visitors to this area is far greater than we expected, which means there is some connection between the two. As long as we make use of this connection, we might be able to connect with the non-existent Sovereign Agreement.

What follows is a rough conjecture about the Solemnity Agreement. The current Solemnity Agreement is still a product driven by the logic of "visitors being contained."

Its nature is similar to a "legend". In the legend, it has the strongest technological power and unswervingly protects the world. All we have to do is to constantly guide and improve this legend.

Just like religion originated from ancient legends, but ultimately affects people's behavior, I believe it will eventually affect reality, at least it will affect Yueyang Tower.

Finally, considering the special nature of the visitor himself as an anomaly, I do not recommend directly requesting any equipment from the rectification protocol he created, because the way it operates is likely to be inconsistent with the laws of the physical world.

What we want is deep space technology that is based on the physical world and can operate without the influence of anomalies, including spacecraft design, launch, orbital flight, and hyperspace jump.

Starting from launching the first spacecraft and exploring the moon, we must continue to advance and build our own first home ship, not just one. We must have a fleet, one that can achieve internal circulation and satisfy the entire race. Deep space migrating fleet.

I don't know how many years it will take, a hundred years? Two hundred years? Three hundred years? Five hundred years? But as long as we use the power of visitors properly and use guidance and interaction to let the solemn agreement help us, one day we will escape from this hell and go to the sea of ​​stars.

My successor, the next subject of SSS-42, I don't know when you will show up, but when you read this letter, please be sure to move forward with this plan at all costs. You must become a liar, a liar who deceives heaven and everyone!

In addition, protect Lin Zheng, do not doubt him, and do not restrain him. I don’t know what he is, but he is the key, and it is the key that we must use to contact Suzheng Agreement.

The last paragraph is written to Lin Zheng. If this letter is the first one you see, it is best. If it is someone else, please convey it on your behalf: I like Xiaobai very much, and I also like you. Xiaobai also likes you very much. I don’t I know why I left these words, but I wrote them anyway.

I want you to understand that humans never hate visitors, just like we never hated cruel nature in the ape period. I don’t know what relationship you, as the first victim, have with the visitors, but if possible , please don’t let your visitors hate humans.

The letter ended with no signature and no other speech, only a few drops of dull blood. Lin Zheng didn't know what mood Lu Qiushan was in when he wrote such a letter, or how much he saw of himself.

He even found it a bit ridiculous, because this salvation plan was too crude and full of the wishful thinking of a small human being about the universe.

And it is too far away, so far away that it may take hundreds or even thousands of years to prepare.

He wanted to laugh, but couldn't. He just pulled the corners of his mouth with difficulty and read the last paragraph.

Human beings have never hated visitors, and visitors have never hated humans. The visitor whom they feared was just a fool who strayed into this weird world and couldn't even find his own direction.

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