"These two are the main props. There are some other things here." Zhu Ming also stepped forward, and the thin-looking man struggled to place another box on the table.

He opened the box, and there was another pile of miscellaneous things inside.

"This pistol is an experimental magic weapon we developed ourselves. It's called Gray Snake. The bullets it shoots will contain compound neurotoxins. Basically, you will die if you get them, but there is a small chance of them failing."

"This is a protective clothing synthesized from the cortex of extraordinary creatures. It has a certain anti-thaumaturgy effect and has a good defensive effect against mystical magic and magical weapons."

"There are many religions in the northern continent, and there are all kinds of strange beliefs. The frequency of magic distortion there is also relatively high."

"As for this necklace, I made this." Zhu Ming picked up a wolf head necklace and said, "I call it the Demon Hunter Badge. It will vibrate whenever it feels the twisted presence of magic."

"Oh, and this." Zhu Ming opened the mezzanine of the box. Inside was... half an arm, a human arm, sealed with a thick layer of white wax.

"This is the arm of a magic weapon holder. The name of the magic weapon is the Orc's Fang. It was obtained from a criminal. This can also be used by you."

"How should I use this?" Lin Zheng felt a little nauseous looking at the hand wrapped in white wax.

"It's very simple. Cut off your hand and sew the arm on. Then you can summon the orc fang. But you have to take good care of it in the first few days, otherwise it will rot easily. As for your own hand, you want If so, I can keep it for you for a while."

Lin Zheng obviously felt a muscle on his forehead twitching hard: "Is there no other way? A way without chopping off hands?"

"Ah, of course that's possible, and it's simpler. You can just open a window in your skin, and then sew the hand on it. It depends on which position you like better. It can be your chest, abdomen or thighs."

"Wait a minute, let's get rid of this." Lin Zheng said quickly.

"Oh, by the way, I have something for you too." Lu Qian suddenly came over and grabbed Lin Zheng's arm, then stuffed it under the hem of his clothes.

Lin Zheng was shocked at first, but seeing that Lei Qi and Zhu Ming had no reaction, he finally acquiesced.

His palm was close to the deer's pale, tender and delicate skin. Although the touch was good, it made Lin Zheng frown slightly.

Because...it's so good that it doesn't look like a human being.

The next moment, severe pain suddenly came from the palm of his hand. He subconsciously pulled his hand back, but it was clean and there was nothing on it. It seemed that everything just now was just an illusion.

Lu Qian looked at him with a mysterious smile on his face.

Then Lin Zheng heard her voice: "Welcome to my LAN."

But she didn't speak, but a voice came from Lin Zheng's body.

"This way you can recognize any of my forms." Lu Qian continued.

"By the way, this mobile phone is also for you. With this, you can dispatch all our resources on the northern continent." Leitch took out another silver phone and handed it to Lin Zheng.

Lin Zheng looked at the pile of messy things on the table and couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

It seems that the Light Prism Bureau is really worried about its own death, so it has taken out all the good stuff it can use from the bottom of the box.

In addition to these portable equipment, there are many large equipment behind their warehouse, and there are even accessories for a ten-meter golem.

This is a particularly typical mysterious side extraordinary technology, and it is also specially equipped with two cores: war and healing.

"Mr. Lin, please equip your personal equipment first. After that, the three of us will explain the extraordinary characteristics. There will also be some personal safety suggestions for you later."

"Your process is quite complicated..."

However, the complaints were complaints. Lin Zheng still assembled all the assembly items. When changing clothes, he also checked his arms. There was nothing strange on his arms.

"Do you really not want this hand?" Zhu Ming, who was standing next to him, came over with his hand. "This is really useful, much easier to use than your own."

Lin Zheng glared at him and said, "You have never used my hands, how do you know they are not good for use?"

"Ah, does yours work too? Then you try this one and I try yours, or we can swap. Although my hand is not the original one, it is carefully selected and the experience is great."

"The two of them seem to be talking about something very strange." Lu Qian said while sitting on a large supply box and swinging his legs in a relaxed and happy manner.

"Well, it's our consensus that Zhu Ming is a pervert. I just hope he won't affect Mr. Lin's mood." Lei Qi sighed softly.

But at this moment, the plane suddenly shook. Although it was only for a moment, the originally relaxed cabin atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Leitch took off the intercom from the wall and said: "Captain reports malfunction."

"The aircraft systems are all normal and the cause of the turbulence is being investigated."

"Let me go out and take a look," said Leitch.

When he said this, Lin Zheng felt as if they were taking a bus instead of a plane.

"Okay, okay, don't go out. It's windy outside, so I'll do it."

Lin Zheng closed his eyes, and his spiritual field quickly expanded, encompassing the entire plane and spreading to the airspace outside the plane.

The overall appearance of the aircraft appeared in Lin Zheng's mind. This black special plane, which was only half the size of an ordinary passenger plane, was still flying smoothly in the sky at this moment, without damage or attack.

But... there is a halo?

Lin Zheng noticed five or six blue halos surrounding the fuselage.

There are three on the front of the cockpit, on the wings on both sides, on the fuselage, and one on the tail.

With a thought in his mind, Lin Zheng projected what he saw directly to the sweeper team.

"Do you know him?" Lin Zheng asked.

"I don't know him, but it doesn't seem to be a good sign." Reich frowned slightly, and he spoke to the intercom again, "Don't continue flying, find a place to land."

"Received, preparing to drop..."

Before Luo Zi could say anything, the special plane suddenly disintegrated along the segment of the blue halo. These fragments did not fall to the ground, but disappeared into the sky with a burst of dazzling blue light.

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