One second to remember ↘ finished ^ Ben. God ^ station. First ^ ↘ phone user input address: m.Wanbentxt.coΜ

Laughing, you can also share the same pains with them. At this time... Are there any gaps between the branches of the ethnic groups? ”

"..." Klad was in silence. He did it a little, lying in the penetrating, putting his hands on the quilt. I don't know when, the broken clothes have been changed into pajamas, and everything is clear, the outside is sunny, but the castle. But yin is cool and comfortable.

He never thought about who would be in the castle of the devil one day.

I never thought that the feeling of lying on the bed in the castle is purely safe and comfortable...

"There is a distinction between good and evil when you have ideas. There may be evils in humans that are more evil than magic, and there are also in the elves. On the contrary, each ethnic group will have good creatures. They have their own ideas. Practice, Mr. Kira, do you still think we can't live together?"


"Is it a coincidence that you are like this?"

"It’s no coincidence that Sarah is kneeling down."

"Sara...the devil."

“Yes, her original intention to build the Blaze Cave was to set up a home, and now she has done it.”

"Home?" Klad even thought that he had got it wrong. A demon formed a magical cave to actually want to have a family.

Really... stupid than him.

He gave up the general lying on the bed again, and then he couldn't help but laugh.

"It's really lost to you."

Cladd shook his head, because he had never heard of such an absurd idea, but he was shocked by himself.

The Mole's younger brother looked at him and couldn't help but smile. At this time, Weiss pushed in and he looked at Clade and laughed.

"How are you doing well?"

"Maybe..." Clade raised his right hand slightly, at least for now, but no one knows how much side effects the causal theory has. Maybe you can see it later.

“Have you ever thought about joining us in the Blaze Magic Cave in order to repay Sarah’s life-saving grace?” Weiss asked with a smile, and Klad’s glance

"If you want blood, I can provide it regularly, and there is no need to join any organization."

“No, no, no.” Weiss shook his head and denied the Klad’s statement.

"To tell the truth, if you become a member of us, Sarah will never want you a drop of blood, just that you have attracted me, we are..."


"Don't look at me like this. In fact, most of the members here are brought back by me. Everyone has no plans before the encounter. Take a step and look at it. If the strength is high and I feel pleasing to the eye, then After the Blaze Magic Cave, let Sarah confirm, I lived together."

“Is there no one who chooses to leave without adapting to this?”

Clad’s subconscious problem made Wiss smile. He sat on a chair with his legs crossed and his arms folded.

"If you are so curious, why don't you try it, look into our Blaze, and have no idea of ​​wanting to leave."

This Vis is really trying to get Clade to join.

But now he...

There is more to do, and if you follow the organization, it will only hinder the action, and...

Clade recalled the scene of his embarrassment, and he did not want to bring these people into danger.

"Your kindness is my heart. If there is no problem with the name, and I will help you in the future, but Blaze will let me act alone." Clad organized his own. Language, he tried to reject euphemisms as much as possible, but looking at Vis's expression, it seems that he had already expected Klad to answer this.

"Well, name, then, you will finish all the things you have to do before you come back. My Lord Weiss and the Devil will definitely welcome you to join the Blaze Cave."


Clad nodded slightly

"There is one more thing." He turned his eyes to the seven seas.

"Can you sing that song again?"

"That song?" The Seven Seas did not react, and then they remembered

“Is it a moonlight tribute? But the rules of my hometown must be sung until the night... now...”

"It doesn't matter, today, I can wait."


"Really, don't you plan to stay here?"

"Sorry, maybe there will be a day to come back. You also have your journey. Now we are guilty of each other. Maybe, one day, we will recall the special day, but I hope that you can continue."

Clad sighed slightly.

If, if it is still filled with grief as before, why should you survive?

When he was cured by Sarah and the Dooms, he dreamed of a lot of things. Although it was very weird, Clade seemed to understand all.

You can't walk in place, once you stop... then the end result is a complete loss of contact with the world.

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