1316 Game of Chess
“Since Uncle Zheng is not angry anymore, then you should smile more. It’s not good for your health to always keep such a long face!” Qiao Mei said with a big smile.

“Who says that I’m not angry anymore! How can you make sweeping statements on your own! It has nothing to do with you whether I’m angry or not. Just get out! I won’t be angry as long as the two of you don’t appear in front of me!” Zheng Su said.

Qiao Mei pursed her lips unhappily. What a difficult old man to deal with! How did Zheng Yuan endure it until now? It must be hard for Zheng Peng to grow up in such a family.


Xia Zhe felt that he had not lived up to Zheng Su’s expectations of him and had let Zheng Su down. Although he felt that he made the right decision to marry Qiao Mei, he was still unable to face Zheng Su squarely. Zheng Su had such high expectations of him and he could understand how Zheng Su felt now.

“Qiao Mei, let’s go back,” Xia Zhe whispered.

“I’m not going back. Do you want to be locked in such a stalemate with your mentor? I must make him like me today! Otherwise, I won’t leave!” Qiao Mei said in a fit of pique.

She suddenly realized that there was an international chess set placed in front of the window. The chess pieces and the chessboard looked a little worn out. It was obvious that someone often played chess there.

Qiao Mei pointed at the chessboard and said, “Uncle Zheng! Let’s play one round! If I win, you can’t be angry anymore! If I lose, we won’t visit you again from now on! What do you think?”

“Heh, a girl from the countryside knows how to play international chess? I daresay you don’t even understand how to set up all the pieces on the chessboard!” Zheng Su looked at Qiao Mei disdainfully.

When it came to this game, he could be considered invincible. All these years, there were very few players in the capital who could beat him, except for the professionals of course. The rest of the chess enthusiasts had all lost to Zheng Su.

For so many years, there was only Xia Zhe who could still last for a while when playing with him, but Xia Zhe still always lost in the end.

Back when Zheng Su was still in the army, he was very good when it came to deploying troops and he was famous for being “cunning”. After he retired, he stayed at home and focused on studying chess skills. Zheng Su was quite sure that Qiao Mei was no match for him at all.

“So Uncle Zheng, do you dare to play with me! Don’t tell me you can’t even beat a village girl like me!” Qiao Mei said gleefully.

“Let’s play! As if I’ll be scared of you!” Zheng Su said angrily.

Xia Zhe held his forehead helplessly. He already knew that something like this would happen, but he did not expect them to suddenly decide to spar in chess. Actually, Zheng Su was as stubborn as Qiao Mei was headstrong. Once Zheng Su discovered Qiao Mei’s strengths, he would probably be very fond of her.

The two of them walked to the window with heavy steps. Zheng Su’s face was filled with disdain and scorn. How could an uneducated little girl beat him? However, it was good for them to have a competition. He wanted to end it quickly so that Xia Zhe and her would not be able to come and disturb him again.

Xia Zhe and Sun Dai sat on the sofa and looked at the two people at the chess table in the distance. The difference was that Sun Dai was smiling while Xia Zhe’s face was filled with worry.

“Xiao Zhe, you don’t have to feel so worried for your wife. Your mentor is just concerned about his reputation. You know his temper,” Sun Dai said softly.
“I know that my decision back then was too sudden and I did not discuss it with either Mentor or my family. This is indeed my fault, but I don’t regret it,” Xia Zhe said with a smile. He knew that Zheng Su could hear their conversation even though he was a distance away.

“Then what do you like about this girl? Actually, I have always hoped that you and Yuan Yuan can be together, but I also know that nothing can be forced,” Sun Dai said resignedly.

“She’s like the mini version of the sun. As long as I’m by her side, I don’t seem to worry about anything. Actually, I also think that it’s very magical. It’s indeed as Mentor said and she has never gone to school. However, her grandfather has taught her very well. Moreover, she’s very capable and is very kind to others…” Xia Zhe talked non-stop for a long time, as if he needed to describe all of Qiao Mei’s strengths in one go.

Sun Dai had also heard a little about Qiao Mei. After all, everyone in the city knew that she was the person who saved Xia Mao. In addition, she was Qiao Qiang’s granddaughter, so everyone was full of praise for her.

Qiao Qiang was a very sacred existence in the hearts of military people like them. He was a very outstanding senior and war hero. His achievements had already gone beyond the reach of many people.


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