Although the children are on holiday, the recording of the "Super Brain" competition is still going on. Han Momo, Nie Youlin and Mao Doudou are still going to participate in the program. The second round of the competition is the memory track.

It is the track that Han Momo participated in. This time, there are still sixteen people on the stage.

The contestants in the memory track are generally older. Han Momo is the only child, and the others are adults.

Just like the speed calculation track, the first round will be a qualifying round, with all participants, and the top eight contestants will be selected.

Han Momo wore beautiful Hanfu and stood on the stage with a group of adults. She was particularly conspicuous, but the agility in her eyes made it clear that she was really not nervous at all.

The audience in the arena knew one thing from Nie Youlin's performance in the previous game: today's children should not be underestimated.

Moreover, there is a saying that children's memory is far better than that of adults, so this time not many people are not optimistic, and there is no situation of making sarcastic remarks.

At the beginning of the qualifying round, various complex memory tasks came one after another. Images, numbers, and words flashed quickly on the big screen. Han Momo quickly looked at the content displayed on the screen.

For immortal cultivators, things that have been casually seen will not be forgotten.

But her overly careless look still formed a strong contrast with other people who had cold sweat on their foreheads and were desperately trying to remember. People who originally thought that this child had a good memory could not help but doubt it.

"The last Nie Youlin is good at fast calculation, and this Han Momo is obviously good at memory. But no matter how good her memory is, she can't remember it after just one glance, right?"

"She can remember it after just one glance."

"But this speed is too fast, is there really no problem?"

"What can be the problem? This is a free combination that is constantly changing, and you can't copy it."

"No way, no way? No one will think that children are cheating after watching Nie Youlin's game?"

"But this speed is much better than that of adults, it's really a bit exaggerated."

"I believe in our little Momo baby, I'll wait for someone to be slapped in the face!"

In one game, Han Momo gained a lot of fans, basically all of them are mother fans. After all, who doesn't want such a cute and smart daughter?

To be honest, Han Momo's participation in this competition is really a bit of bullying to these contestants. After all, she is not an ordinary person, but she participates in this program with these ordinary people.

However, since they have signed a contract with the program team, they naturally have to have a contractual spirit and at least complete these recordings.

As expected by the public, Han Momo once again became the first place in the challenge. This time, the pioneer international team member is a beautiful sister from the Bear Country, named Parker Lida, a cheerful and enthusiastic girl.

Seeing Han Momo who won the first place, she greeted her enthusiastically: "Wow, little angel, you are so beautiful!"

Then she said: "No, not a little angel, to use the Chinese name, you should be a little fairy"

Parker's enthusiasm was like a spring breeze, blowing away the smile on Han Momo's face.

She used to be used to being quiet because of her illness, and she became more calm after cultivating immortals.

She only occasionally responded to the enthusiastic invitations of her friends.

But now that she is on vacation, without the company of her friends, Parker's appearance is like a ray of sunshine, which makes her mood bright all of a sudden.

Mainly because the blonde Parker is also like an angel!

There were also praises on the bullet screen in the live broadcast room. Because this time it was China's friendly country Mao Xiongguo, the bullet screen was very peaceful. Many people thought that Parker and Han Momo standing together were simply very pleasing to the eye.

They were like a pair of beautiful sisters. Although one was Chinese and the other was from another country, they were friendly countries. It was not an exaggeration to say that they were sisters.

After the two had a friendly conversation and took a short break, the finals would begin. This final would determine whether Han Momo could sit in the honor seat.

Under the bright lights, everything was proceeding in an orderly manner. Suddenly, without any warning, a huge decorative panel above the stage made a slight creaking sound.

Then it was as if it was pulled by an invisible big hand, loosened instantly, and fell straight down towards Parker below.

The audience was stunned at first, and then suddenly screamed in fear, and the sound seemed to break through the roof!

Parker widened his eyes in horror.

His eyes were filled with disbelief and fear, but his body seemed to be frozen. He was completely at a loss, his mind was blank, and he could only watch the deadly board coming towards him.

At this critical moment, Han Momo's eyes condensed, and he quickly raised his hands. Then a white light flashed like lightning, and the decorative board that was already in the air seemed to be fixed in the air by an invisible force, as if time had stopped at this moment.

Then, under Han Momo's control, the decorative board slowly floated to the side and gently touched the ground without making a sound.

There was a dead silence at the scene, and everyone was shocked by the sudden change and the magical scene and was speechless.

After a long time, the audience gradually came back to their senses and began to whisper and talk.

"What happened just now? Why did the board suddenly seem to be blocked by something?"

"This is so strange! The board that was supposed to fall in the middle actually moved to the side automatically!"

"It's incredible. Could it be that something strange got in?"

Parker also recovered from the panic at this time. She was the person closest to Han Momo. Although she was in panic at that time, she also vaguely saw a white mist-like thing floating from Han Momo's side.

She always knew that there were some magical things in China, and now she seemed to have seen it.

She was full of gratitude and rushed over to hug Han Momo tightly, with a tremor in her voice: "Thank you, fairy Momo, you saved me."

Her Mandarin, which was not standard to begin with, was even more confusing at this time, and she didn't understand what she was saying for a while.

But Han Momo understood that she was thanking herself. Although she knew that her identity as a cultivator should not be exposed casually outside, this was a matter of life and death.

Although she was also in the range of the board falling, she could move out quickly at any time, and others would not doubt her, but would only think that she ran fast.

But she couldn't do this, because there was not only her on the field, but also Parker! If she didn't save her, then a fresh life would be gone.

She couldn't just stand by and watch her die!

Feeling Parker's trembling, Han Momo gently patted Parker on the back and said, "Don't be afraid, it's okay."

Feeling Han Momo's tenderness, Parker burst into tears.

Little fairy, but it's really too gentle.

At this time, although Parker was already 21 years old, he was like a child in front of Han Momo, but the five-year-old Han Momo comforted her like an adult.

At this time, the program crew was also stunned. They looked at each other, their eyes full of shock and at a loss. But soon realized the seriousness of the matter, and immediately began to discuss urgently how to deal with it next.

After all, this was almost a life!

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