After Tang Yifeng heard the news, he knew the situation was urgent. China has always been very caring towards its people and will never give up or abandon them at any time. In this case, they will definitely send someone to rescue them. He immediately said: "Leaders, maybe I can help. With my ability, I can quickly reach Reims and learn about the specific situation first."

Leader No. 1 thought for a moment and said: "Comrade Xiao Tang, we appreciate your kindness, but this is an international matter. We need to consider various factors comprehensively and cannot act rashly."

Tang Yifeng nodded in understanding: "I understand, but I can serve as a vanguard force to provide some useful information for subsequent rescue operations."

Just then, the Secretary-General received another message, "Leader, the news is that the old director and granddaughter of the Zhao Group are in Reims."

Then he looked at Tang Yifeng again and said: "The granddaughter of the Zhao Group is also a child of Teacher Tang's kindergarten."

Tang Yifeng raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that the children of their Xianmiao kindergarten were trapped in Reims?

Tang Yifeng was originally a little worried about the situation of the Chinese trapped in Reims, but he was no longer worried in an instant.

Zhao Mengmeng will not get into trouble, but so many people are trapped. Unless the problem of Tusang Country can be solved, Zhao Mengmeng has no way to bring so many people back by herself.

"Since Mengmeng is there, I have nothing to worry about. Don't worry, this child's ability is enough to protect herself and the people around her."

"The boy has something else to do, so I'll leave first." Tang Yifeng said goodbye and left.

He flashed and disappeared in an instant. This sudden move still shocked the leaders. Although he had demonstrated this magical power when he came, every time he saw it, people couldn't help but sigh again and again. This is the amazing ability of the immortal cultivator!

At this time, the secretary general couldn't help asking: "Just now I saw that Mr. Tang didn't seem to worry about his students."

No. 1 smiled and shook his head, "He believes in his students."

No. 3 couldn't help saying: "Everyone who has read the information knows that this group of people can save the dead. The daughter of President Zhao is an immortal cultivator. How could something go wrong?"

All the leaders couldn't help but smile and nodded.

Number One said seriously, "Number Six, you handle the things outside. We must bring all our people back without missing a single one."

Number Six nodded and responded firmly, "Don't worry, I will bring everyone back safely."

Tang Yifeng originally wanted to go directly to Lance Country, but then he thought that Zhao Mengmeng was there, and it would be a good opportunity to give the children a chance to gain experience. His spiritual consciousness passed through Beijing City and unexpectedly found an acquaintance.

Little Pudding deservedly won the award, and Chen Ting was happily thinking about taking him back to the hotel.

Suddenly, a young man appeared in front of her, which scared her.

She was relieved when she saw who was coming, "Teacher Tang, why are you here?"

Tang Yifeng smiled, and when he saw that Chen Ting didn't look surprised, he understood that Little Pudding should have told her about the practice of fairy arts in kindergarten.

However, the things on the Internet have become so big, how could a mother not know the situation of her child?

Tang Yifeng smiled and said to Little Pudding: "You won the award? That's great!"

Little Pudding was also very happy to see Teacher Tang, and said excitedly: "Teacher Tang, I still like to practice in the Fairy Academy. There is no spiritual energy outside, and the efficiency of practice is too low."

Tang Yifeng nodded, "Okay, when you complete this task, the teacher will let you practice in the Fairy Academy."

Then he asked: "Do you know what's going on in Lance?"

Little Pudding shook his head in confusion: "Lance?" He looked confused and didn't even know what Lance was.

But Chen Ting knew, she had been paying attention to the relevant news today, and saw the report that Tusang attacked Lance.

Tusang actually bombarded Lance directly, causing heavy casualties among the people of Lance!

Chen Ting couldn't help but said angrily: "Reims has always been a peace-loving country. I don't know why Tusun suddenly attacked Reims."

Although she has never been to Reims, she often sees the charming scenery and special pictures of Reims on the Internet. She still likes the unique customs and profound religious culture there very much.

She has always hoped that she can have the opportunity to go there

I was planning to spend a holiday in Lance, but I didn't expect that Lance would be destroyed by artillery fire.

Tang Yifeng looked at Chen Ting and Little Pudding, and said to Chen Ting seriously: "Little Pudding's mother, I want Little Pudding to go to Lance."

When Chen Ting heard this, her face suddenly changed. She tightly protected Little Pudding behind her and said anxiously: "Teacher Tang, how can this be done? Lance is too dangerous now."

Tang Yifeng smiled and explained patiently: "Don't rush to refuse. Little Pudding is now in the Golden Core Stage. In this world, except for me, no one can hurt him with his cultivation. And his classmates are also in Lance. I hope he can have more experience, instead of having cultivation without practical experience. This time is an extremely rare experience opportunity for him, which can make him grow and improve faster."

Chen Ting was still worried, and said in a trembling voice: "But, what if There are some things that may happen..."

Tang Yifeng looked at Chen Ting, "Little Pudding's mother, now you know that Little Pudding is not an ordinary child. He has his own mission and responsibility. What kind of ability he has, he should take the corresponding responsibility. "

Little Pudding also pulled his mother's clothes, "Mom, I want to go. This is my task and my mission."

Chen Ting looked at Little Pudding's eager and determined eyes, and then looked at Tang Yifeng. She was very entangled in her heart. After hesitating again and again, she finally nodded and said, "Okay, but Teacher Tang, you must ensure Little Pudding's safety."

Tang Yifeng nodded and promised, "Don't worry, they will all return safely."

Of course, Tang Yifeng did not let the two children take on this arduous responsibility alone. Although the purpose is to train the children, he will also protect them in the dark.

Although Little Pudding's current ability is so strong that almost no one can hurt him, a mother is always worried about her children. After all, this is the first time for these two children to go on a mission so far away, so he will naturally follow them first. When they can adapt to various missions in the future, he will not follow them anymore.

Little Pudding was very excited when he received this mission. In his opinion, there are not many new and interesting things in today's society. This time, not only can he go abroad, but he can also have a good time and exercise his abilities. It's perfect, isn't it?

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