Lin Yina was unwilling to give up, and even looked back at Bai Mengqi while dragging her away.

After leaving Xianmiao Kindergarten, Lin Huaan couldn't help but scold Lin Yina, "Look at what you did today, you almost got me into trouble."

Lin Yina bit her lip and said aggrievedly, "Uncle, I just can't accept it. Why is Bai Mengqi so successful now? "

Lin Huaan sighed: "Don't think about those unrealistic things anymore, just do your job as a counselor in school. She is just a kindergarten principal, and there is a world of difference between you and me. Don't bother with her. "

Lin Yina looked at the kindergarten and thought that she was just a student counselor. She went to see her uncle for teacher evaluation and wanted to transfer to an education position, but she didn't expect to meet Bai Mengqi.

A How capable can a kindergarten principal be? Lin Yina secretly comforted herself.

But she still couldn't help but reveal Bai Mengqi's job as a kindergarten principal to the teacher group. Everyone couldn't believe that a Qingbei graduate could actually... Just go to kindergarten to be a teacher.

"Guess who I saw?"

Lin Yina pretended to be mysterious and sent a message in the group, just wanting to spread the news.

"I saw Bai Mengqi, she is now the principal of a kindergarten, and This kindergarten seems to have been warned by the Education Bureau for inadequate fire prevention measures. ”

“No way? Is she doing so badly?”

“She graduated from Qingbei after all, so it shouldn’t be that bad, right?”

“I think it’s quite normal. After all, such a big thing happened before."

"But isn't there any evidence for that incident?"

"Yes, although rumors are flying everywhere, there is no evidence to prove that Bai Mengqi is in love with a student."

Lin Yina sneered: " So you think the school's handling of the matter is problematic?"

Once the news spread, those who originally thought that Bai Mengqi shouldn't be so miserable were silent.

In fact, this matter was only circulated within their school, because the school was worried about affecting its reputation and didn't dare to let The news spread.

Someone deliberately tagged the male teacher who pursued Bai Mengqi before.

"@Wen Jiayu, Teacher Wen, I wonder if you are still in contact with Teacher Bai?"

Wen Jiayu: "No, I haven't had any contact since she left school."

In fact, he didn't believe the rumor at first, but someone Bai Mengqi sent him intimate photos of a male student, and he had to believe it.

Although he really liked Bai Mengqi, he didn't want to be a dignified bootlicker. Such a morally corrupt teacher was not worthy of his love. Go and pursue.

Seeing the message sent by Wen Jiayu, Lin Yina smiled triumphantly. It seems that the photoshopped photo still worked. At least Wen Jiayu believed it.

After deliberately spreading the news that Bai Mengqi was now in a state of desolation, Lin Yina felt that The humiliation made her feel better. She hummed a song and left the group chat.

It's just an internet celebrity kindergarten, what's so great about it, but that Tang Shao is really handsome.

I don't know if I have a chance to pursue him. He?

Compared with him, Wen Jiayu is a far cry from him, not to mention that he is the son of the richest man.

If she could marry him, she would have both money and power. Thinking of this, Lin Yina's eyes flashed with greed.

She made up her mind to find ways to get close to Tang Yifeng!

However, Tang Yifeng was not so easy to approach. He was almost She rarely went in and out of the school gate, so waiting for him outside the school gate was futile.

Originally, she wanted to ask her uncle for help, to see if he could use his connections to let her and Mr. Tang meet more often, but who knew that she would be criticized by her uncle.

" Lin Yina, I warn you, don't even think about getting close to Mr. Tang now. I told you, he's not someone you can mess with!" Lin Huaan was so annoyed that he was furious.

In order to cause trouble for the deputy director's brother-in-law at Xianmiao Kindergarten, He has been severely warned by his superiors, and even his position as section chief has been removed. If he had not restored the normal operation of Xianmiao Kindergarten in time, he would have been kicked out of the education industry long ago.

He never expected that the background of Xianmiao Kindergarten was even more powerful than he imagined. He originally thought that it was a rich second-generation young man playing a joke, but he didn't expect that he would be warned by the military and political circles.

This time, he was really tricked by those people Damn!

After Xianmiao Kindergarten resumed normal enrollment, the unique enrollment test once again made Xianmiao Kindergarten famous.

It was already known as an Internet celebrity kindergarten, and the number of people who came to register this time was

Among them, there are many people who want to live broadcast in Xianmiao Kindergarten under the banner of their little niece.

Tang Yifeng opened the gate of the kindergarten, and all those who registered could enter the kindergarten.

All parents were eager to try, thinking that as long as their children could get the qualification to enter this kindergarten, they would really make a fortune.

Not to mention the low tuition fee, it is a rare opportunity to have teachers from Qingbei University teach!

More importantly, it is now rumored on the Internet that the children of Xianmiao Kindergarten are all geniuses. If their children can get in, they may also be trained to be geniuses.

It’s just that this test is really too strange.

I saw that the registration team was divided into ten, and there was a table in front of each team. Two teachers sat in front of the table, and a stone was placed in the middle of the table. The teacher was responsible for registering the children’s information.

At the end of the day, a kindergarten was almost crowded with more than a thousand people, and people kept coming.

Tang Yifeng had already told these teachers that as long as the stone glowed, they would be accepted.

He didn’t care about the qualifications, as long as they had spiritual roots.

Otherwise, it will be like the time at the military base, where only 10 people out of so many people have decent qualifications, which is too inefficient.

The teachers in charge of registration were all surprised by the stone and didn't understand what it was used for, but since they were just part-time workers, they didn't dare to ask too much. They guessed that it might be a newly invented stone that can measure talent and identify which children are geniuses.

But the parents didn't understand!

A burly man with his sturdy child directly cut in line to the front. The people behind him immediately complained: "Hey, why are you like this? We have been waiting in line for so long, and you can just cut in line?"

The burly man was about 190 cm tall and as strong as a bull.

He looked at the protesting man with contempt.

"I cut in line, so what? If you have the guts, you can cut in too?"

The man looked at the arrogance of the burly man and could only shut his mouth helplessly. Forget it, he could only swallow his anger. With his height and figure, he could flatten him with a slap.

A man who knows the current situation is a hero!

The child he was holding was obviously used to his father doing this, and he arrogantly gave the man a middle finger and stuck out his tongue, which immediately made the man very angry.

It turns out that what kind of parents you have, what kind of children you have!

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