The first time, the second time.

Bai Mengqi asked: "You told us all this today, do you want to reform the kindergarten education?"

Tang Yifeng said: "Because we are not just facing children anymore, we will broadcast live all day starting tomorrow."

"In addition to your cultural teaching, the content of the live broadcast also includes the children's cultivation process."

All the teachers were shocked, and Zhang Peng was a little surprised, "But shouldn't those be the secret methods of cultivation? Will the live broadcast leak all these things?"

Tang Yifeng shook his head, "Don't worry, the children will learn The secrets of learning are directly transmitted to their sea of ​​consciousness and will not be revealed directly. Of course, if someone can understand something from it, it is not impossible, that means this person has the potential to cultivate immortals. "

"More importantly," Tang Yifeng paused for a moment and looked at everyone again, "maybe in the future, we will enter the stage of universal cultivation."

"I hope you can also start practicing." Tang Yifeng looked at everyone, "You are going to guide the children, at least you have to know something about the world of cultivation."

"I, can we do it too?" Lan Lan couldn't help asking, God, is this a dream?

The students are all cultivators, and I have to step into the ranks of immortals.

Tang Yifeng smiled and said: "Of course, whether you have potential, the spirit stone is still stored in the warehouse, you can go and test it when you have time."

Of course, in his opinion, the qualifications of these people are generally average, and many people don't even have spiritual roots. But even if they can't practice, they will not be inferior in cultural guidance.

"Then, can we tell the public about this matter?" Teacher Huahua couldn't help raising her hand to ask.

Tang Yifeng nodded, "Of course, everyone will know about it in the future, and there is no need to hide it."

"I have also communicated with the official side about this matter, and they will actively cooperate with us, so you don't have to worry about other problems."

The meeting room fell into a brief silence, and then everyone began to whisper to each other, excitedly discussing the upcoming changes.

Bai Mengqi took a deep breath and said, "Then we have to plan the content and format of the live broadcast. We must show the children's achievements in cultivation while protecting their privacy and safety."

Tang Yifeng nodded approvingly, "You are very thoughtful. However, the camera will choose the most suitable location for filming, so you don't have to worry about this. However, the allocation of cultivation resources needs to be arranged reasonably, and the children cannot be allowed to compete unnecessarily because of resource issues."

"This may trouble Principal Bai. Perhaps you need to absorb all the knowledge of cultivation as soon as possible."

Bai Mengqi nodded, and Zhang Peng said, "Then should we upgrade the facilities of the kindergarten to meet the needs of cultivation teaching."

Tang Yifeng thought for a moment, "This is a good idea. I will make a detailed plan later. In addition, we must strengthen communication with parents to let them know the progress of children's cultivation and the problems they may face."

He also considered that perhaps they would not all have to practice in the Immortal Academy at that time, and it would not be a bad idea to practice in the kindergarten. After all, the spiritual energy on Blue Star has changed significantly now.

A young kindergarten teacher timidly raised her hand and asked, "What should we do if parents have different opinions or concerns about their children's cultivation?"

Everyone's eyes turned to her, and the young teacher quickly put her hand down.

Oh my god, everyone is looking at me, it's so scary.

Zhang Peng couldn't help but say, "Cultivate immortals? Become immortals! There are still parents who refuse? No way, no way?"

Zhang Peng's words spoke out the thoughts of all teachers, and everyone couldn't help laughing.

But Tang Yifeng really considered this issue. Perhaps not everyone wants their children to be in danger. Cultivating immortals inevitably means that opportunities and dangers coexist. There are also people who want their children to live an ordinary and stable life.

"If there are really parents who ask their children to quit, you can communicate with the children and understand their own ideas. Perhaps the communication between children and parents will be more effective. If both children and parents decide to give up cultivating immortals, then they can apply for withdrawal."

When everyone in the world knows about this, he is not worried about not having apprentices to accept.

After the meeting, everyone is full of energy. Tang Yifeng distributed the marrow cleansing pills to the teachers and told them that the marrow cleansing pills might

The reaction.

Bai Mengqi began to study the knowledge of cultivating immortals seriously, and Zhang Peng started to formulate a plan for upgrading and renovating kindergarten facilities. He didn't expect that he, a network worker, could take on this task. He finally deserved the salary offered by the boss.

The most important thing is that they can also cultivate immortals!

All the teachers were reluctant to leave. Next to the spirit stone, the teachers had lined up in a long line, waiting nervously and expectantly to test whether they had the potential to cultivate immortals.


Little Pudding felt a little strange after getting off the school bus. Today, his parents didn't pick him up at the school bus boarding and alighting point.

Usually his mother would have been waiting for him at this boarding point, and his father would come to pick him up when he came back early or when he was resting.

But no one came today. Teacher Lanlan, who was responsible for sending all the children home today, felt a little strange. She couldn't help but ask Little Pudding worriedly, "Didn't your parents come to pick you up today?"

Little Pudding shook his head, "It's okay, teacher, my house is just a short walk away, I can go in by myself."

Teacher Lanlan wanted to send Little Pudding home, but there were other children in the car who needed to be picked up, so she repeatedly confirmed with Little Pudding that it was okay for her to go in before leaving.

Little Pudding walked to the door of his house and listened carefully. There was no sound at home. Maybe his parents hadn't come back yet?

He opened the door of his house with his fingerprint and then stayed at the door.

His parents were sitting in their original positions, their faces full of fear and helplessness, and they dared not move.

Several monkeys were hanging on the chandelier, which was still shaking and looked a little shaky.

Two adult elephants tried to curl up their bodies against the wall, worried that there was no place to put their huge bodies, and the baby elephant leaned tightly against the elephant.

The other animals also found places to stay close together, and the father and mother were holding a panda cub, and the Northeast white tiger was leaning against the father and mother's thighs.

This was also the reason why the two of them did not dare to move, because they were afraid that if they moved, they would anger the tiger and it would swallow them directly.

Little Pudding took a breath, this family really couldn't accommodate him at all.

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