The doctor said that the patient was very tired and had to wait for the patient to leave the hospital.

While Tang Yuxin and her family were busy with the discharge procedures, Zhang Jiashu, who was also holding the elixir he had made, went home with great joy.

Zhang Jiashu's father was a construction worker. He fell from a high altitude while working on a construction site a few years ago. Although he did not die, his legs were shattered and he could no longer stand up.

As the pillar of a family, he was paralyzed in both legs and could only sit in a wheelchair. He also lost his job. Even if he received compensation, the cost of treatment and the family's living expenses were enough to overwhelm this 1.8-meter-tall man.

Fortunately, Zhang Jiashu's mother had always encouraged her husband, and the two exchanged positions. The full-time housewife took the initiative to take on the responsibility of supporting the family, while his father was responsible for taking care of the baby at home.

Although the salary is not high, it is barely enough to get by.

Zhang Jiashu is a sensible child. In order to make his father feel more relaxed, he does many things by himself.

When he was refining the elixir today, he had already thought about giving it to his father to heal his legs.

His father was sitting in a wheelchair at the gate of the community waiting for him to finish school. When he saw his father, he ran over happily.

"Dad, I'm back!"

Zhang Jiashu smiled and came up to him, took out the rejuvenation pill, and put it close to his father's mouth, "Dad, this is the candy rewarded by the teacher, you try it."

Zhang Jiashu's father was used to the children bringing snacks back to share with their family members in kindergarten, so he opened his mouth and ate the "candy" naturally.

He also asked casually: "What kind of candy is this? It smells like herbs." It melted as soon as it entered his mouth. Apart from the smell, there was no sweetness at all.

Zhang Jiashu: "Maybe it's herbal candy."

Dad Zhang didn't care and gently touched Zhang Jiashu's head, "Let's go, go shopping with Dad."

"Okay!" Zhang Jiashu replied, and walked behind his father naturally to help him push the wheelchair.

In fact, this wheelchair has automatic wheels, so it doesn't need to be pushed, but Dad Zhang didn't refuse his son's kindness.

Sitting in the wheelchair, Dad Zhang felt a warmth coming from his body, which kept moving along his limbs. His legs, which were originally comminuted fractures, also felt a piercing itch, as if something was growing out.

He looked up at the evening sun, which was still hot. He thought that he might have been in the sun for too long and his body was warm.

The two walked all the way to the vegetable market.

Zhang Jiashu paid attention to the surrounding vehicles. When he was sure that there were no cars, he was ready to push his father across the road. Who knew that a bicycle suddenly came in and hit them directly.

The cyclist also noticed the father and son in front of him. For a moment, his mind was like a knot and he couldn't turn around. He only had time to lean over a little and hit the wheelchair.

The wheelchair was heavy enough, and although it was knocked off course, it didn't flip over.

But it also scared the father and son.

The cyclist took the initiative: "Why are you walking on the road for no reason? Are you going to die?"

Zhang Jiashu's father comforted his frightened son and heard the other party's specious arguments: "We checked the road to make sure there were no cars before we were ready to cross. What's more, this is a zebra crossing. Shouldn't you pay attention to pedestrians?"

Zhang Jiashu couldn't help but say: "It's obviously you who rode without looking at the road, and you have the nerve to blame others."

The cyclist was a young man. At first glance, he was just a disabled person with a child. His attitude became more arrogant: "Where did this little brat come from? Do you know the traffic rules?"

"Although I don't understand the traffic rules, I also know that you have to use the zebra crossing when crossing the road and give way to pedestrians when riding a bike." Zhang Jiashu said angrily. Fortunately, it only hit the wheelchair. If it really hit his father's leg, his father might have been injured again.

"Hey, you stinky kid, a lame child is quite eloquent." He said and wanted to grab Zhang Jiashu.

This angered Zhang's father. It was okay for him to be wronged, but he couldn't let his child be wronged with him.

He stopped the young man's hand and tried to block Zhang Jiashu with his body. Suddenly he stood up.

But he didn't notice that he stood up. Instead, he pushed the young man away to protect his child.

When the young man saw that the man could stand but was still sitting in a wheelchair, he despised such a person who pretended to be weak, "Why don't you continue to pretend to be a cripple and blackmail people? Now you stand up."

Zhang's father realized that he had actually stood up. He looked at himself in disbelief.

's legs, and took two more steps.

His legs, can he walk?

Zhang Jiashu couldn't help but jump up excitedly: "Dad, can you move?"

Dad kept moving his legs, walking around, and jumping several times to make sure that his legs were really healed.

His eyes instantly turned red. He had long been desperate about his body, and he didn't expect that there would be a day when he would stand up again.

There were also people from the same community among the onlookers. Although they were not familiar with each other, they had seen Zhang's father going in and out in a wheelchair every day, so they naturally knew that there was something wrong with his legs.

He couldn't help but say: "This is from our community. His legs are indeed injured, but he didn't pretend to be disabled to blackmail others."

"Maybe he was angry and stood up."

The young man on the bike spoke again: "Okay, stop pretending, it's just a bump into your wheelchair, you're not in big trouble, I'm in a hurry to go home, how can I waste so much time with you."

After that, he rode away on his bicycle. Zhang Jiashu and his son were both obsessed with the sudden recovery of their legs, and didn't notice that the young man was gone.

The people around dispersed when they saw that there was no excitement.

It took a long time for Zhang's father to recover. He didn't even buy vegetables and took Zhang Jiashu home directly.

After arriving home, he kept recalling what was different about today and why his legs could suddenly walk.

He had a comminuted fracture of his lower limbs and lost his bowel and bladder functions. The only difference was that he could sit in a wheelchair, which was better than being paralyzed in bed. The doctor once said that he might never stand up again in this life.

So what was the reason for him to suddenly stand up? He was puzzled.

After Zhang's mother came home from get off work, she found her husband walking around in the living room and putting down the things in his hands. She didn't think much of it at first, but suddenly realized.

Wait? Walking around.

She looked closely and saw that it was really her husband walking in the living room. He even jumped a few times and made a shooting motion.

"Husband, you stood up?!" Zhang's mother rushed forward, grabbed Zhang's father's arm, and couldn't help but pull up his trouser legs to check.

All the wounds on his legs from the surgery were gone.

"What on earth is going on?" Zhang's mother murmured.

Zhang's father: "I don't know either, but I think I should go get a check-up."

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