After the two children had finished their rehearsal, the staff was busy.

Several people followed the staff's arrangement to familiarize themselves with the venue. Bai Mengqi accompanied the three children to explore the operation of the electronic screen. After confirming that there were no other problems, she handed the three children to the staff with confidence.

The staff took the three children and other contestants to rehearse the overall process of the program and familiarize themselves with the sponsor's oral broadcast.

After rehearsing for two hours, Bai Mengqi saw that the children looked obviously bored, so she hurried over to negotiate with the staff. Knowing that the children's rehearsal was basically over, she took the three children to rest next to them.

Children are not like adults. The program team was worried that they would not be able to bear the rehearsal for a whole morning.

After having lunch early, the three children took a nap and woke up at 1:30. After a while of activities, they officially started recording.

Five hundred spectators entered the venue one after another, and the staff had already made preparations.

The parents of the three children sat in the VIP seats in the audience stand, while Bai Mengqi waited with the children, and of course she also needed to do a good job of connecting with the staff.

The recording of this episode is not all Chinese, but international competition challenges.

It is precisely because of the new competition mode and the collision with the international community in the first episode that the contestants' enthusiasm for the competition is unprecedentedly high!

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the recording officially began, and the live broadcast of all platforms was also started at the same time.

As the music sounded, the stage lights focused on the center, and the host Pan Nan stepped onto the stage slowly.

"Welcome to the 9th season of the strongest brain "Brain King", I am the host Pan Nan."

After the host came on stage, he first introduced the sponsor, and then the brain witness and guests.

This episode mainly recorded four major tracks: fast calculation track, memory track, six-dimensional track and magic cube track.

The contestants' self-introductions stunned the parents of the three children. What world memory master, what national three-time champion, world champion, world record breaker...

Thinking about their children who are still in kindergarten and have never participated in any competitions, the three parents were a little confused.

Han Momo's father comforted her softly: "It's okay, just let the children participate and feel it."

Nie Siyu and Grandma Mao nodded repeatedly. They didn't think about winning the final victory of the competition. As long as the children can participate in it and feel the atmosphere of the competition, it's fine.

What's more, even if they lose, we will be on TV!

The three children have already discussed it. The three of them chose different tracks because their goal is to defeat others, not to fight among themselves.

Han Momo chose the memory track, Nie Youlin chose the speed calculation track, and Mao Doudou chose the Rubik's Cube track to win with hand speed.

The three of them have not received professional training, so they don't know much about the six-dimensional track, but they are good at arithmetic, memory and hand speed.

Although Nie Youlin is the youngest among the three, he is the favorite disciple of the math master Xu Lao. He is extremely talented in math and has a very flexible mind.

For addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of large numbers, he can answer the questions as soon as he reads them.

In addition to their three children, there are several other children, all of whom are in elementary school, but they are the youngest.

When the national selectors learned that the youngest contestant was only 4 years old, they were all shocked!

They didn't expect that there would be such a young child participating in the competition. Nowadays, kindergarten children should not be underestimated!

When the contestants gathered one by one from different tracks, the audience was boiling when they saw the little children coming out one by one!

The first game is the international trial, which is divided into three rounds.

In the first round, all members participated, and the top eight in the four tracks were selected to participate in the qualification competition. In the second round, eight contestants competed against each other to determine the first place. In the third round, Chinese and foreign players competed against each other and competed with international players.

The first to start was the speed calculation track in which Nie Youlin participated. There were a total of 16 participants. They were required to complete the large-digit multiplication and division problems that were randomly distributed on the screen. If they were correct, the problem would disappear, and if they failed, the screen would go black for five seconds.

The program team gave the contestants time to simulate the competition. Nie Youlin looked at the question type on the screen and fumbled around on the answering interface. There was a little girl sitting next to him, who was also one of the younger speed calculation contestants, only eight years old.

She looked at the little Nie Youlin and asked him secretly: "How old are you?"

Nie Youlin answered while looking at the interface: "I am four years old this year."

Ye Dongling: "Wow, you are so small, my mother also said that I should be the youngest here,

I didn't expect there are younger ones than me."

Ye Dongling also looked at the screen usage, "This is a little different from the number keys we usually use. You have to pay attention when answering questions later."

Nie Youlin nodded: "Just don't press the wrong key."

After a while, the competition officially began. Sixteen people took the stage at the same time. There were sixteen large screens on the stage. Because of the height of the children, the screens were placed relatively low.

Nie Youlin saw that it was just five-digit multiplication and division. He instantly felt that the question was a bit simple. He started answering directly from the question closest to him. He only saw him glance at the question and quickly clicked the numbers on the answer panel, as if he didn't even need to calculate.

Soon, the questions close to him disappeared on the screen bit by bit.

At this time, the audience was also talking.

"Look, the youngest child, he almost didn't think about it, and he answered it. "

"God, this question makes me dizzy. I can't calculate as fast as them even if I give me a calculator."

"That little girl is also calculating so fast! ”

“I’m more optimistic about the older boy, he’s the world champion in speed calculation.”

“It seems that the kids are still a little uncomfortable with this keyboard.”

“How did you know it just by looking at it? It’s amazing!”

“Hey? Shu Zhuo made a mistake!”

“Not only did he make a mistake, many people started to make mistakes.”

“Are they going to lose? The youngest child is really fast, the keys are almost leaving a shadow. "


There was a burst of exclamations from the audience. This kind of quick calculation on an empty screen is a great test of the contestants' psychological endurance. It's no problem for all of them to simply calculate, but with so many spectators watching, they have to race against time. Once a mistake is made, the possibility of failure is a few points greater.

People with weaker psychological endurance have made mistakes several times in a row. They either make mistakes in calculation or press the wrong number because of nervousness. If they make a mistake once, the screen will be completely black, and they can only wait five seconds to see the question and continue to answer.

Once the screen is black, it will make people more nervous.

However, this tense atmosphere did not affect Nie Youlin at all. He completed the corresponding calculations one by one in an orderly manner. In less than five minutes, he completed all the multi-digit calculations.

"Congratulations to Nie Youlin for being the first to complete the answer!"

There was a cheer on the field!

"Oh my God! He is too fast! I even doubt whether he has read the question. "

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