The children were very busy, but the weather was very good.

Tang Yifeng originally wanted to exchange for a psychic spaceship to take the children out for activities, but he felt distressed when he thought about spending 20,000 points, not to mention that he would need to exchange for spiritual stones later.

After returning from the hospital, he suddenly had an idea that he could take the children into the Fairy Academy first, and then let them out when they got there, so that he could save a sum of points.

I give a thumbs up to my own wit, and now I am thinking about how to tell the children's parents about going out for study.

Because the children are still relatively young, they must make it clear to their parents if they want to go out for study. Parents of children in the big class probably won't have much problem, but the trouble may be for those in the small class.

Because they have to stay outside for two days, he is worried that the parents will not agree.

Tang Yifeng decided to start with a few familiar parents. He first contacted the parents of the first batch of children and said that he would take the children to the nearby botanical garden and zoo for study tours. As expected, when the parents heard that they were going to study tours, they immediately agreed. However, when they heard that they would stay overnight, Nie Siyu hesitated.

Her children are not easy to take care of. Although they seem to be more sensible in Xianmiao Kindergarten recently, sleeping is also a problem. They have to coax them to sleep every day.

The parents of Han Momo, Mao Doudou and Tang Yuxin were the first to actively respond to Tang Yifeng's call. Han Momo's father also patted his chest and promised that he would take care of the other parents.

Han's father used his eloquence to inform the parents that Tang Yifeng would post the children's study tour photos in the parent group every day, and that the activity fee was free. The parents quickly expressed their support for the activities of Xianmiao Kindergarten.

Bai Mengqi was stunned when she learned that Tang Yifeng decided to take the children to study tours the next day, and that they did not need other teachers to take care of them and they could have three days off.

No, isn't their boss so willful?

They had already decided on the study tour for the next day, but she didn't have time to arrange it until today.

Hearing that Tang Yifeng had already dealt with all the parents, Bai Mengqi had no choice but to inform the staff group that the holiday would start the next day.

The teachers didn't expect the school to be on holiday so suddenly, but who wouldn't be happy with the holiday?

It's just that the school bus driver has to help pick up all the children to the kindergarten.

As for the problem of one person taking care of more than 60 students, is it a big problem? No, it's not big, there is still Father Tang in the Fairy Academy.

After preparing the materials needed by the children, and bringing all the children to the Fairy Academy, Tang Yifeng thought of the spiritual pet rewards promised to the children before that had not been fulfilled.

Seeing the two lonely little spiritual beasts in the spiritual beast garden, Tang Yifeng reflected on his failure to fulfill his promise in time.

The children were either busy practicing or exploring the small secret realm some time ago, and they forgot about it.

This time, Tang Yifeng exchanged enough spirit beast eggs for the children at one time and let them choose by themselves.

The children jumped up happily when they saw the colorful spirit beast eggs, cheered and rushed towards the eggs, and each chose the color they liked.

Of course, there were some who had not yet established their foundation. Tang Yifeng did not ignore them because they were in the Qi Refining Stage. Instead, he let them choose their favorite spirit beast eggs and put them in the spirit beast garden, and told them that they could not hatch spirit beast eggs for the time being due to insufficient spiritual power.

The children's ideas were simple and pure. They did not have other ideas because they could not get spirit beast eggs, but felt that they had to practice hard.

So the children in the foundation-building stage began to think about how to hatch spirit beast eggs, and the children in the Qi Refining stage worked hard to practice and strive to get their own spirit beast eggs.

Tang Yifeng asked Han Momo and several children with the highest cultivation to pay attention to the situation of each child, and they could go to Father Tang if they encountered any problems. Then he left the Xianling Academy.

The Xianling Academy could not be moved subjectively, so Tang Yifeng had to go to Chilan Mountain by himself.

Chilan Mountain is located on the southwestern border of China. It is a sparsely populated mountain. Because of its remote geographical location and many steep slopes, only a few people who love mountaineering will come here occasionally.

Chilan Mountain is about 2,000 kilometers away from Xihong City. Tang Yifeng has not yet reached the Nascent Soul stage and has no ability to teleport. If he relies solely on shrinking the earth into an inch, it will take a long time to get there, and he has to avoid the Sky Eye.

In desperation, he could only exchange an invisible talisman from the space and stick it on his body, and fly away directly on the sword.

In his heart, he secretly thought that these little fairy seedlings should learn talismans, which would save a lot of points.

After more than an hour,

Tang Yifeng arrived at Chilan Mountain, and he noticed something was wrong as soon as he arrived at Chilan Mountain.

He stood on the flying sword and looked down from above, but saw that the top of the mountain seemed to have been hit by something heavy and sunk down.

And in this deep pit, you can see a crack, and black breath faintly overflowed from the crack.

What is this? Demonic energy? !

How could it be? If it was in the world of immortal cultivation, it would be normal to have demonic energy, but this is the modern world, a world of technology and peace. Now it seems that it is really that simple?

Or has he never really understood this world?

Tang Yifeng frowned, thinking about whether he should go down to explore, but he sensed that there were people below.

This group of people were wearing convenient clothes, their faces were covered with black cloth, wearing thick gloves, and carrying various tools on their bodies. Tang Yifeng's consciousness swept over and even found hot weapons. It seems that this group of people did not come here simply to explore.

In the middle of the group of people, there was an old man in ragged clothes, holding a compass in his hand and muttering something.

"It's here, it's here!" The voice that sounded like crying and laughing was like sandpaper grinding, with a harsh friction sound.

The person standing next to him had been observing the surroundings. When he heard the confirmed location, he said coldly: "Dig."

The people behind him immediately took the tools they took off from their bodies and dug into the deep pit in an orderly manner.

They moved skillfully and quickly. The place that was originally a deep pit became deeper and deeper. Tang Yifeng saw that the evil spirit became stronger.

He couldn't help but sigh that this group of people were really not afraid of death.

"It's almost done." The man squatted down and touched the soil for a while, "Everyone back off."

The people who were digging the pit backed off in order. The man shoveled hard, and the place that was originally a thin layer of soil collapsed like this.

Seeing the dark cave entrance, the leader smiled with satisfaction, "I didn't expect that we would find it so soon."

One of them walked forward and was about to throw a torch to explore the way, but suddenly his body froze, and then his muscles quickly shrank, as if all the blood in his body had been sucked out, and finally he sank directly into a thin layer of skin clinging to his bones, and the whole person looked like a corpse that had been dried for many years.

The dry and rotten body collapsed to the ground.

Dead, dead? !

The faces of the people around changed drastically, and they quickly retreated from the cave entrance.

This death speed was too fast. Almost in an instant, Tang Yifeng only saw a gust of black wind blowing, and this person died.

Obviously, this is no longer an ordinary monster.

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