The old man was very happy.

Tang Yifeng was originally a disciple of the inner sect of the first sect in the world of immortal cultivation. He had been to many sects in the world of immortal cultivation and had seen countless magnificent buildings.

Although he was also shocked by the magnificent palace for a moment, he quickly came to his senses.

After letting the children play in the palace for a while, Tang Yifeng took the children out of the Xianling Academy.

After coming out, Tang Yifeng found that only one hour had passed.

It seems that the time in the Xianling Academy is different from that in the outside world.

According to estimates, although the two children were quick to draw qi into their bodies, it took nearly a day.

In this way, I can only arrange a one-hour course to take the children into the Xianling Academy in the future.

Looking at the time, there was still an hour and a half before school was over, so Tang Yifeng decided to tell the children the key points and knowledge of cultivating immortals.

"Linlin, Momo, isn't the academy we just visited magical?"

The two children said in unison: "Magical!"

"In the future, the teacher will take you to the academy every day to learn to cultivate immortals."

"What is cultivating immortals?"

"Everyone is born, grows old, gets sick and dies. From birth, they are destined to die. And cultivating immortals can achieve immortality and transcend life and death by cultivating their own spirit and body."

"What is immortal? It is heaven. It is on par with the heavenly way in the mortal world. If the heaven and earth are not destroyed, there will be eternal life and immortality."

For more than an hour, Tang Yifeng carefully explained the concept of cultivating immortals and the level division to the children, and told them to start formally learning the cultivation method tomorrow.

Because the intelligence of the two children has been greatly improved, their attention is very focused, and they listen to the teacher's explanation very seriously.


Nie Siyu and Grandma Sun next door are waiting for the school bus to come.

"Xiao Nie, which kindergarten did you go to today? How was it?"

Nie Siyu smiled, "It's pretty good."

She told Grandma Sun about the environment of the kindergarten and the food in the cafeteria.

Grandma Sun was full of envy, "I didn't expect that such a good kindergarten only costs 300 yuan a month!"

"No, I have to talk to my wife to see if I can transfer to another school."

Nie Siyu said, "This is also the beginning of the new school, the price is favorable, and the price may increase next semester."

Grandma Sun also nodded, "I guess so, it's worthwhile to go during the summer vacation."

300 a month, the kindergarten environment is good, and the food is good. I feel sorry for myself if I don't take advantage of this wool.

The parents waiting for the school bus next door heard the conversation between the two and talked about it.

"Is it the school bus of the aristocratic kindergarten this morning?"

"Only 300 yuan?"

"Is the environment really that good?"

"Of course, their school buses are so expensive."

"Didn't you hear that it's a newly opened kindergarten? The teachers may not be better than other kindergartens."

"That's true."


Some parents pay more attention to education. Although the price of 300 is really attractive, they still want their children to learn more.

The luxurious school bus approached, opened the door, and teacher Lanlan walked out holding Nie Youlin's hand.

Nie Siyu hurriedly stepped forward and asked a little embarrassedly: "Hello, teacher, how is Youlin's performance today?"

She knew her child's problems. In the kindergartens she went to before, the teachers would complain to her on the first day.

But she still held hope that maybe the child would be more obedient if she changed kindergartens.

"Baby Youlin performed very well today! He was very serious in class. He learned everything as soon as he was taught. He is very smart!"

Nie Siyu couldn't believe it. It was the first time she heard the teacher praise her child.

More importantly, he was very serious in class, but what she had heard before was that the child couldn't sit still and always couldn't help getting out of his seat to disturb other children.

After thanking the teacher repeatedly, she took Nie Youlin's hand and went back to the community.

Nie Youlin jumped happily and sang nursery rhymes, which showed that he was in a good mood.

She couldn't help asking, "Baby, how do you feel about going to school today?"

"It's fun! I made a good friend today. Her name is Han Momo, and she is my little friend!"

"The teacher also praised me and gave me a little red flower!"

Nie Youlin clearly told his mother what he had learned today.

Hearing the child happily telling what he had learned in kindergarten and even reciting the nursery rhymes taught by the teacher, Nie Siyu also smiled.

Perhaps the teaching method of this kindergarten is more suitable for her children.

At least I didn't hear the teacher complaining, and I could see the child was happy.

Smiley face, this 300 is really worth it!

There is also a performance at Han Momo's house.

Han Momo loudly recited the ancient poems and nursery rhymes she learned in school.

She also performed the garden dance she learned in school for her parents, grandparents.

The four adults nodded repeatedly.

Looking at the child's rosy face, Han Momo's mother sighed and said to Grandma Han: "Mom, thank you, if you hadn't enrolled the child in this kindergarten, Momo might have to wait until she is older to go to kindergarten."

"Please tell me the bottom line, how much is the tuition for this kindergarten? We can't let you pay for this money."

Mother Han went to the kindergarten today and learned about the general situation of the kindergarten. After reading the introduction of the principal, she found that he is a doctoral student in education!

The teachers in the kindergarten are also senior teachers.

You can tell that the price is not cheap at a glance at the teaching staff.

Grandma Han said in surprise: "It's just three hundred."

"Mom, don't joke, how can such a good kindergarten have such cheap tuition."

Hearing the conversation between the two women in the family, Dad Han and Grandpa Han also came over.

"What's wrong? Is the tuition of this school very expensive?"

Grandpa Han waved his hand, "No matter how expensive it is, my granddaughter likes it, I will pay for it!"

There is only one granddaughter in the family, and the whole family revolves around this child. Grandma Han and Grandpa Han have always been generous to their children.

Grandma Han looked at the excited adults speechlessly and took out the transfer record on her mobile phone.

This was transferred after going to school this morning.

"Look, the tuition is so much."

The three of them came over to take a look, and it was really three hundred. Their old lady really didn't lie.

Now it was the turn of Dad Han and Grandpa Han to hesitate.

Mom Han knew what they were thinking when she saw the expressions of Dad Han and Grandpa Han.

She also doubted this kindergarten before she went there.

But after she went there this morning, she realized how much the three hundred yuan was worth. Fortunately, she took a lot of photos of the kindergarten and shared them in her circle of friends.

She took out her phone to show Han's father and grandfather.

There were many comments under the photos.

"Wow, this kindergarten is good! It looks so expensive!"

"There is also a climbing wall? I envy the children nowadays."

"Are there so many kinds of meals in the kindergarten?"


Seeing the envious comments of many colleagues below, Han's mother raised her head and felt a little proud in an instant.

Haha, you usually show off your children, now it's my turn to show off my child's kindergarten!

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