The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next round.

Mao Doudou came over and saw this scene, and hurriedly said, "Little Swallow, you go."

The shadow swallow appeared in the third runner in a flash, grabbed the baton with its little claws, and flashed again next to the fourth runner, the red sparrow, which was so scared that it almost turned around and ran away.

"Wow! The shadow swallow is so fast!"

"I can't even see its flight trajectory, it's just a blink of an eye, it's so amazing!"

"Sparrow, catch it! Catch it!"

The red sparrow looked sad, grabbed the small branch, and flew towards the last runner, the flaming bird.

The red sparrow is timid and easily frightened. It is afraid of all aggressive spirit beasts.

But the third and fifth runners, Shadow Swallow and Flamebird, looked so fierce that the baby was afraid.

Lin Xiaoyu encouraged the Red Sparrow, "Little Sparrow, don't be afraid, they are all your friends and will not hurt you."

"Come on, little Sparrow, you are the best!"

As the little master of the Red Sparrow, Lin Xiaoyu certainly knew that the Red Sparrow was timid. In this group activity, the Red Sparrow took the initiative to participate, so of course she had to encourage it!

Hearing the encouragement of the little master, the Red Sparrow accelerated its flying speed. It can do it, it can do it, the little master said, it is the best!

Mustering up the courage to approach the Flamebird, the Flamebird glanced at the Red Sparrow with some disdain, thinking that this guy was slow. It grabbed the branch, flapped its wings, and rushed towards the finish line. Seeing that it was about to reach the finish line, it was excited, and the flames on its body surged, burning the baton into ashes.

"Wow, the baton is gone."

"Does this count as a win?"

"Of course! We're almost at the finish line."

"But we haven't reached it yet."

Nie Youlin watched his spirit beast fly over dejectedly, and its "chi chi" sound seemed weak, probably because it felt guilty about the baton being burned.

He touched the head of the Flamebird, "It's okay, Xiaohuo, you're already great!"

The Flamebird found that the little master didn't mean to blame it, so it suddenly raised its head and made a cheerful cry.

Although the aerial relay race was not completed perfectly, the children and the spirit beast had a lot of fun.

Mao Doudou's father picked up Mao Doudou from the school bus and exclaimed: "The school bus of this kindergarten is actually a Mercedes-Benz brand. This brand of car is expensive, not to mention a 45-seat school bus."

He muttered to himself, wondering how much his mother spent to send her child to this kindergarten.

I have to ask his mother about the situation in the kindergarten tonight.

As soon as I stepped into the house, I heard my cell phone ringing.

I took out my old cell phone and took a look. It was a call from the factory. I immediately had a bad feeling.

"Hello, Manager Liu, hello."

"Xiao Mao, it's like this, didn't you ask for leave to go home during this period?" Manager Liu on the opposite side paused, "You know, the factory is not very prosperous now. Party A's orders are small, and it is difficult for our factory to ship goods. There are also many idle people in this factory. We can't afford so many people. How about you and your wife take a rest at home for a while?"

"Manager Liu, I, I'm doing well at work, why suddenly..." Mao Doudou's father and mother have worked in this factory for ten years. They are real old employees, and they think they have always worked diligently. When the factory needs to add goods, they stay up all night to rush the goods without saying a word. Now they just quit.

"Alas, we have no choice. The overall environment is like this now. There are many factories that have closed down here. We are also struggling to support ourselves. We are all people who have to support our families. I also know that you have contributed a lot to the factory. Otherwise, how about this? Only one week has passed this month. I will give you an extra month's salary, not counting your leave. What do you think?"

Mao Doudou's father nodded blankly and said in a dry voice: "Okay."

After hanging up the phone, he stood at the door with a depressed face.

Mao Doudou was sharp-eyed and heard the content of the call clearly. He knew that his father and mother had lost their jobs. He was secretly happy in his heart, but he felt distressed when he saw his father's sad face.

He walked over and took his father's hand: "Dad, don't be sad, you can find a job in Xihong City."

Mao Doudou's father sighed and said bitterly: "Finding a job is not that easy." More importantly, you have to find a job that can support your family.

"Dad, don't worry, just find a job slowly." Mao Doudou put down

schoolbag, took out the two yuan he had saved for a long time, "Dad, I'll treat you to a lottery ticket!"

Mao Doudou's father was stunned, "Lottery?"

Mao Doudou nodded, "Yes, Dad, I saved two yuan, I can treat you to a lottery ticket, maybe you will win the jackpot!"

Mao Doudou's father wanted to say: Winning the lottery is not that easy, not to mention the first prize, the fifth prize is also one in 2,800, the probability is ridiculously low.

But seeing the child looking at him expectantly, he couldn't bear to refuse, "Okay, let you treat Dad today, maybe we will win the jackpot."

There happened to be a lottery agency near the old city, there were not many people inside, only a middle-aged woman was sitting inside watching TV and eating melon seeds.

Seeing someone come in, he looked up and asked lazily: "Do you want to buy a lottery ticket?"

Mao Doudou's father was about to say to Mao Doudou, why not forget it.

Mao Doudou had already walked forward, took out the two yuan in his hand and the number written by Tang Yifeng and handed it to the staff, "Auntie, I want to buy a ticket for tomorrow's double-color ball, the number is here."

The owner of the lottery station glanced at Mao Doudou and smiled, "Two yuan can buy an ice cream, why are you buying a lottery ticket?"

He glanced at Mao Doudou's father again, muttering in his heart, this man is a bit interesting, bringing his own child to buy lottery tickets, I'm afraid he is another lottery addict.

Mao Doudou's father was a little embarrassed, thinking that it was not good to buy only one ticket, but it was not cost-effective for him to spend more money to buy lottery tickets. He didn't believe these things, and it was not so easy to win the lottery, so he stopped talking.

"I bought it for fun, Auntie, please help me to buy a ticket."

Seeing that the child's father was standing next to him, the owner took the note and printed out a lottery ticket for Mao Doudou according to the number on it.

Mao Doudou took the lottery ticket and checked it carefully, and was relieved after confirming that the number on the note was correct.

"Dad, this is my gift to you, you have to keep it well!" Mao Doudou said as he handed the lottery ticket to his father.

"Well, okay, I will keep it well for the gift you gave me." Mao Doudou's father took the lottery ticket and put it in his purse.

The two walked back hand in hand. Mao Doudou's father was worried that his child would pay too much attention to the lottery because of his family, so he said to Mao Doudou seriously: "Doudou, although Dad has no job now, he still has some savings in his hands. As a person, you have to be down-to-earth step by step. Those who want to get rich overnight are not reliable. Only by relying on their own efforts can you live a better life, do you know?"

Mao Doudou nodded, "I know, Dad, I will study hard and make more money in the future."

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