The children were very busy, and the weather was very good.

Tang Yifeng wanted to train the children, so he did not choose to take them directly to the Fairy Academy this time.

The children put on invisibility talismans one after another, and divided into several teams, just like when they went to the secret realm before. The captains led the team members, and the children who had already built their foundation boarded their flying swords, while the children who had not yet built their foundation were led by the children who had built their foundation.

Tang Yifeng led the team in front, and the children were commanded by the captain to line up and followed Tang Yifeng in a flash. Tang Yifeng tried to slow down as much as possible to match the children's speed.

For the first time, the children could fly so far in the sky of modern society. They were all very happy and laughed excitedly all the way.

On the ground, many passers-by vaguely heard the voice of a child coming from the sky. They looked around curiously, but did not see the child. For a moment, they thought they were hallucinating.

It was the last day of the earthquake. After the early morning of tonight, it would be the predicted time.

The children came here in advance. Seeing the whole busy city, the children felt the cohesion and determination of their country in the face of disasters.

In the streets and alleys of Xinyao County, the traffic was heavy, and residents from all directions were like converging streams, rushing out of the city.

Tang Yifeng took the children and observed the orderly command of the traffic police and witnessed the staff from different departments volunteering spontaneously. Even at the last moment, no one was abandoned.

For China, which has experienced geological disasters and epidemic viruses, the official has always been quick and effective in handling things.

This group of children, who are only three, four or five years old, have not yet truly experienced the country's care and attention to the people.

But now, all of this is presented in front of them, making them involuntarily take a deep breath, and their love and pride for the motherland arise spontaneously.

"Teacher, I suddenly feel that our country is really good." Han Momo said softly.

Although the children have wisdom beyond ordinary people because of taking the Qiling Pill, they are still children and retain their innocent childlike innocence.

They will be moved by the kindness of others and angry because of injustice. Their emotions are rich and colorful, and they are just children.

This incident will undoubtedly prompt the children to make various contributions to their country in the future.

"At present, the personnel transfer work is still in progress, but we don't know how many people can be transferred. As you can see, I will take you to see the location today. For the specific situation, we can only wait until tomorrow to make a decision."

The children nodded, and they still returned home at the usual time to go to school, and did not tell their parents that they were going to Xinyao County.

It was already late at night when Zhang's father and mother arrived. Grandpa Zhang was very surprised to see his daughter and son-in-law coming back. "You called yesterday, and you're back today?" He thought his daughter said she would pick them up in two days.

"Mom and Dad, everyone is moving out now, why aren't you leaving yet?" On the way here, Zhang's mother saw many people queuing up to leave the city, and when she saw her parents and brother's family, who were calm and not anxious at all, she almost got angry.

"Okay, it's not a big deal. It's been peaceful for so many years. How could a disaster suddenly happen?" Uncle Zhang yawned when he saw his sister and brother-in-law coming back late at night. It was late at night, so he should go to bed quickly! "You're back so late, take a good rest first, and we'll talk about it tomorrow if there's anything."

"It'll be too late to talk about it tomorrow!" There was only one day tomorrow, and they had to pack up and get ready to leave the city.

Zhang's father patted her back soothingly, and said to Zhang's grandfather calmly: "Mom and Dad, Jiashu has been clamoring to see you these days. Have you packed all your things here? It doesn't matter if you haven't packed them. Just take your important things. We can buy clothes and other things in Xihong City."

Zhang's father's words made the old couple stunned for a moment, "So soon?"

"Yes, let's go now." Zhang's father said. Logically, they should rest for a while, but no one knows when the earthquake will come. It's better to leave early, not to mention that there is a queue outside. Who knows how long it will take?

"By the way, big brother, Xiaojie is also on vacation during this period. Why don't you go to Xihong City to play?" Then Zhang's father said to Zhang's uncle.

Zhang's mother was just anxious and confused for a while, and she calmed down.

After expressing his emotions, he also said: "Yes, brother, you haven't been to my place for a while. After so many years, why don't you go to our place with your parents? It's just right that we are here."

Uncle and aunt looked at each other. The little nephew is older than Zhang Jiashu and is now in the third grade of elementary school. Hearing that he can go to his aunt's house to play, he immediately got excited.

"Mom, I want to go to my aunt's house to play!"

Aunt slapped her son in annoyance, "What are you playing for? Go to bed now!" This brat didn't sleep in the middle of the night!

Uncle Zhang thought about it and nodded, "Okay, but we won't leave tonight. It's late at night. After a night's rest, we will leave tomorrow." They also need to pack up.

Father Zhang thought about it. He had been driving for such a long time and was indeed very tired. He nodded, "Okay, let's take a rest first and get up early tomorrow. By the way, brother and sister-in-law, you must keep your valuables and take them with you."

Uncle Zhang frowned and said, "There is no need to take valuables. We will be back after a few days of playing."

"Brother, I heard that Xinyao County is not very safe during this period. There are many thieves during this period. They sneak into other people's homes to steal things. You will not be at home for several days. It will be more reassuring to keep them with you."

Hearing this, my aunt immediately said, "Take all the things. We will drive there. It won't take up much space."

"Okay." Uncle Zhang agreed reluctantly.

So the family agreed to get up early the next day to pack up and leave.

Unexpectedly, the next day, when the couple got up, it was almost ten o'clock. They drove all day to get home. They were both exhausted and slept late.

Father Zhang woke up instantly and almost jumped out of bed. He quickly woke up Mother Zhang. When the couple walked out, breakfast was already ready.

Uncle Zhang saw the two and greeted them, "Wake up, have breakfast first."

"Why didn't anyone wake us up?" Mother Zhang said dissatisfiedly. It was so late, and it was estimated that we didn't know what time we would leave the city.

"Don't worry, there are fewer people leaving the city today, so there should be no need to queue." Uncle Zhang got up this morning and went to the highway exit to check.

Father Zhang and Mother Zhang breathed a sigh of relief. If they didn't have to queue, they would be able to leave the city quickly.


After midnight, time slowly moved towards one o'clock. Most Chinese people were still awake. Everyone wanted to know whether this warning was true. Everyone was looking at their phones, paying attention to the news on the Internet, and holding their breath.

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